Question for: People who had 2 diffrent opinions on Surgery!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Question for: People who had 2 diffrent opinions on Surgery!

#1 Post by afterbang »

Hi I am in my final stages of my ortho treatment When I initialy started a couple fo years ago I went to 2 diffrent orthos!

One of them was extremly well qualified But had a small practice he was also recommended by someone who was in the dental industry!

The others practice was Ginormous like he had a freaking shark with a huge fish tank in the wall in the waiting area! But I was also told he dint have the highest medical qualifications but his practice was still big? maybe a lot of people where happy?

So the qualified ortho told me I did not need Jaw surgery !
But the rich one said i did and it was not possible to treat me with out it!

I ended up going with the more qualified one and im very happy with the results as far as my teeth are concerned. But im starting to think I should of gotten jaw surgery because my jaw is very weak. And I stil dont know where the final resting place for my jaw will be and how my bite will be until a couple of months because currently braces in the way prevent me from bitting properly!

Do you guys think I made the right choice based on these variables?
and lets say after my treatment is over and the final bite my lower jaw is to far back to my liking . I can still do something about it? without serious wear of braces again? Are the teeth straightened in accordance of the jaw surgery or both are independant? cuz if they are I could just get jaw surgery only if I dont like it right?

This is one side right now where both lower and upper teeth touch each other but i can bite yet cuz theres brackets blocking.

Other side of the same thing but it seems diffrent?? is it because i have had my wisdom teeth taked out on this side? or a disbalance?

This when I push my lower jaw out a little and my lower teeth are forward beyond the upper teeth

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Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:35 am

#2 Post by tweedlydee »

I've had jaw surgery - and if you can avoid it you're better off! There are too many things that can go wrong. If your teeth are so bad that you can't chew, or you're having jaw problems, etc. etc. then consider the surgery. But if it's a matter of having the 'perfect' bite, then avoid the surgery. People sometimes end up worse off after this surgery - it's pretty major and sometimes your jaw doesn't heal properly, you could end up numb forever - it's just not worth it for a minor difference in your teeth. LIke I said, if it's a major problem then consider it, but otherwise leave well enough alone!

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Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:33 pm

#3 Post by afterbang »

tweedlydee wrote:I've had jaw surgery - and if you can avoid it you're better off! There are too many things that can go wrong. If your teeth are so bad that you can't chew, or you're having jaw problems, etc. etc. then consider the surgery. But if it's a matter of having the 'perfect' bite, then avoid the surgery. People sometimes end up worse off after this surgery - it's pretty major and sometimes your jaw doesn't heal properly, you could end up numb forever - it's just not worth it for a minor difference in your teeth. LIke I said, if it's a major problem then consider it, but otherwise leave well enough alone!
My reasons are completely estetics my teeth and bit i know are gonna be fine!

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Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:52 am

#4 Post by j03 »

oh..its a post long long time ago...but ive just red it since ive just joined in but still hoping to get some response..i have an underbite and thought braces is the answer for my problem because ive never heared about jaw surgery before and maybe the orthos from our country also dont know about it..4 teeth were removed from my lower just to get in my lower teeth...and yes my braces were able to that because my ortho pulled it hard that made my teeth slant,thats why its in short it moved my teeth but not my jaw..
i still want to do jaw surgery because i still have protruding jaw that made my face looks long..and ive been losing my self confidence about it for 9 yrs now.especially if someone criticizes me...
but of course i also have 2nd thougths because what if i will not get the result that i want,im also scared about the process because its a rough procedure,also money should be considered because i have to save money before i can do that..

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