Question for surgery veterans - a rather delicate subject!

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Question for surgery veterans - a rather delicate subject!

#1 Post by descantus »

I'm rather embarrassed by asking this question, but it's important so here goes.

In the immediate aftermath of surgery, and in the days/weeks you were on soft foods, did you notice any changes in your bowel habits? (told you it was embarrassing :oops: ) If so how long was it until you went back to normal, and did the change involve more frequent visits to the bathroom, or simply in production?

I ask not out of some morbid curiosity, but for genuine health reasons! I'm in remission from Crohn's disease (a bowel condition) but I constantly have to look out for any sign of relapse - which is often an unexplained change in bowel habit. I'm guessing that anaesthetic and eating soft foods will cause some sort of changes in this area but I'm not sure exactly what to expect or how long it would last.

I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to divulge such personal info, but relapsing during surgery recovery is my biggest fear so any info on this would be most gratefully received (PM me if you don't want such details made public).

Thanks, and sorry for lowering the tone :roll:
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#2 Post by I love my teeth »

I haven't had surgery, but I am a medical person, so I can tell you that for several weeks the anesthetic does effect your bowels, slows them down. Also, I would imagine after surgery you are not intaking enough liquids or calories, so again, slow function. It is very normal to be constipated after surgery, my advice, stay hydrated, keep moving around (not too much sitting on the couch), try to eat foods condusive to bowel movement--oatmeal, prunes, ect.......try to avoid contipating foods--bananas, rice, ect......

hope this helps!!
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#3 Post by OzzysMom »

My surgeon told me ahead of time that I may be stopped up for a week or two. It was 6 days for me. However, I will tell you that although I wasn't always constipated, nor was it difficult, it did take my bowels about 6 months to return to where they were pre-surgery. But, that's just me and we all are different that way.

It's a completely normal question. Anytime one has surgery of any kind and under anesthesia, it affects their bowel habits.
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#4 Post by chicago29 »

I agree this is a good question. I was "backed up" for about 5 or 6 days, so this is totally normal.




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#5 Post by loveyourself »

When are you having surgery? If I am having mine before you I can let you know as I am also an in remission Chron's person. I have had a c-section 2 years ago and I was really afraid that I would flair up for the first time in years after that but I never did so I don't anticipate flaring up because of this either. Hope that helps some. I am always afraid of that too, I never want to go back to the hell of flare ups again!

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#6 Post by descantus »

I love my teeth - didn't realise anaestheic effects last so long! I actually have the opposite problem during a flareup of not being able to stay out the bathroom, so a bit of bowel slowing might be a good thing!

loveyourself - its great to hear you've maintained such a long remission and been through surgery without problems :D My surgery is in about 3 months, and i'm concerned about the antibiotics everyone has to take afterwards, as I suspect they played a part in causing my Crohn's. I'm seeing my surgeon on 8th Feb and will be asking if there are any alternatives.

My bowel specialist has told me to start taking pre and pro biotics to help cushion the bowel from all these effects - which is probably a good idea for EVERYONE on here in the run up to surgery.

Thanks to everyone else for the replies, it's good to know what might happen.
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#7 Post by loveyourself »

descantus, that is exactly what I do, take tons of pre-biotics and pro-biotics before and after. There are also some probiotics you can take during antibiotic courses that are not killed by the antibiotics. I can get you a link to them if you want. I also think that the over-use of antibiotics caused my Chron's and improving my lifestyle and taking pro and prebiotics is what put me and keeps me in remission. My surgery is on March 15th so I will definately let you know if I have issues with that. I am pretty confident that even if I have some problems I can keep myself out of full up remission though. Good luck to you :)

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#8 Post by crazybeautiful »

It always feels silly to talk about these things, but it's nature and can't be helped. As such, I might as well talk share too :lol:

My surgeon told me that one of the drugs after surgery and the anaesthetic can make you constipated. As with everyone else, it's the same for me.

But also because you're not eating proper foods anyway, it's going to take a while to get to normal

Just keep check on what is normal for you; if you become constipated but you feel uncomfortable or whatever at the same time, then check out about your Crohn's.
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