April 2010 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#46 Post by Audra »

Hi dez. Glad to hear you enjoyed Canada. BC really is beautiful isn't it? We've camped in BC a few times, and I have a friend who lives in Castlegar. I don't know if you know where Banff is, but we are about an hour and a half drive and take a trip out there at least once a year. My hubby is from SW England (Somerset area and I've been to England 3 times now) and moved out here mainly because of the scenery. He loves the mountains.

I have not made it to Ireland, but would love to see it.


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#47 Post by nineeyes »

I am doing as good as can be expected for being wired shut for the next 3 or so weeks. I'm not a fan of the diet plan, but I'll push through it and hope i will never have to do it again. And I'm choking down 5 or so shakes a day trying to not to lose any weight, but still have dropped like 10 lbs.

Swelling is still pretty massive, but has finally started to reduce a bit (I'm at day 4 - post). I can feel all the wires and stitches inside my mouth which is starting to annoy me when I try to sleep. My nose congestion has started to subside, so breathing is a bit easier. When I move my head around with my neck it feels like I forget to move my lower jaw with it, so it feels awkward. I'm sure I'll get used to it in time though.

All in all the worse thing so far, aside from the eating limitations is my inability to speak. Wired with the splint makes it pretty much impossible for people to understand me without miming out everything (which I suck at) - so I have to makes sure I keep a pen and paper handy where ever I go.

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#48 Post by Audra »

Hi nineeyes. Thanks for posting how you are feeling. Looks like you are doing as well as can be expected for where you are in your recovery. Are you really wired shut? Or just banded shut? I didn't think they wired people anymore.

Your issue with talking is what I worry about after my surgery as I will also have a splint wired in for 4 weeks. I've just told people upfront that I won't be able to talk - especially at work. They've all been instructed to communicate with me by email.


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#49 Post by nineeyes »

Hi Audra,

Yes they used wires to keep my jaws together around the splint. I did question him about using that vs bands, but the surgeon I had seems to prefer wires. Either way, I guessed I wouldn't be eating normally for a good amount of time so it didn't bother me much.

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#50 Post by CoastieAsh »

Hey all!

Sorry I havn't been on for a few days, my laptop died on my so I had to go get a new one today.

I got the palatal expander put in today. It didn't fit the first time the ortho tried but after ALOT of pushing and prodding it is in. Learning to eat and drink with it now is the adventure. It's almost 1130 at night though and I can't eat or drink anything after midnight because my surgery is tomorrow. I have to be there at 0530 so I will let you all know how is goes!

I hope everyone else is doing well!


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#51 Post by nineeyes »

Hi Ash,

I'm sure the surgery will go well tomorrow. Take care.

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#52 Post by Audra »

Good luck Ashleigh!!!


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#53 Post by CoastieAsh »

Surgery went well everyone! Thanks!

I have the SARPE in now and I go in on Monday to get the first turn!

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#54 Post by Audra »

Hey there. Nice to see you back.

Hope you are feeling OK :)


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#55 Post by nineeyes »

Glad things went well for you Ash. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

So far Its day 9 post-op for me. Seems like 90-95% of my swelling is gone and my previously numb nostril hurts like crazy now... I'm hoping thats a good thing cause its really annoying.

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#56 Post by Audra »

5 days to go. I think I'm all ready and have everything I need.


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#57 Post by descantus »

Hi team,

Just back from a quick holiday to escape the surgery thoughts for a while, really pleased to hear you're doing so well nineeyes and ash!

Audra - How are you doing today? My nerves are starting to jangle so I can't imagine how yours are doing! Hope you're holding it all together :)
Follow my story:


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#58 Post by Audra »

Descantus - Yes, I'm starting to get nervous.

But I'm also a bit worried. I've been diligently trying to dodge people who have colds. On April 2nd our massage therapist came over for our monthly massage. She had a full on snotty cold. I should have declined the massage, but I didn't. Felt a cold coming on 3 days later, so used my saline nasal irrigation device morning and night, took grapefruit seed extract morning and night, 10,000 iu of vitamin D morning and night, sipped hot tea all day, and got lots of rest. Felt fine by Wednesday.

Went by my sister's yesterday who just got back from vacation to drop off a cheesecake for my niece's birthday dinner last night, to find that my sister had a cold. I told her to stay away from me and she basically waved me off saying (I've been around the kids allweek and they didn't get it). Umm, so what does that have to do with me? So, I didn't go to the restaurant for dinner. I had a headache anyway, so while I felt a bit guilty, was OK with my decision.

This morning I have woken with a bit of a cold. Chest is a bit congested, and I'm a bit sniffly, but my sinuses are pretty clear. I am not allowed to take any vitamins or supplements at all this week, so if it gets worse, I guess I'm hooped. Only time will tell. I did use my nasal irrigation device though, and I'm sipping on hot tea. Hopefully that will keep things from getting worse, and it'll be OK. I'm a bit pissed off though.

Will keep you updated.

Hopefully time flies for you and everything goes smoothly.


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#59 Post by cvn »

Hope you're shaking that off Audra. My mom has this wretched cough that so far (knock on wood) I haven't gotten.

I got all my teeth bonded yesterday. My case is a little strange because of my teeth, and I guess I didn't realize quite how bad my open bite was. With normal sized teeth, my front teeth are a good 1.5" apart. I look ridiculous :( can't wait to get this all over with!

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#60 Post by Audra »

It's only a few days now cvn. Just think of how fantastic you will look when it's all done :)


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