How long after surgery until the gym?

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How long after surgery until the gym?

#1 Post by kimblebee »

I'm anxious to get back into weight training but know I will have to go light. Do you have to wait for the splint to come out??

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#2 Post by charlsie142 »

I didn't have a splint, but my friend who had upper jaw surgery a week after me does, and we were both told we could work out 2-3 weeks after surgery (more or less depending on when we felt up to it). This included weight lifting, but like you said, you'll want to go easy and be prepared for a bit of reduced abilities! It never hurts to double-check with your surgeon to make sure they're okay with it too.
Four premolars extracted 12/29/2008
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#3 Post by descantus »

I've only just started back at the gym - having had surgery 7 weeks ago (I was told by my surgeon no gym for 6 weeks). I did try earlier but when I ran on the treadmill I got a strange ache in my upper jaw and promptly stopped! So I'd advise you to ask your surgeon, and listen to your body. :)
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#4 Post by avy »

I think its totally up to you and how you feel. Depending on your surgery, I would wait the usual 2 weeks then after that you can decide if you're up to it and how much energy you have etc. You have to remember to take things slow to start with and ensure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts... otherwise you could fall over! I had SARPE and started working out after 7 days or so but only very light weights and for no longer than 30 mins.

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#5 Post by revolutionary »

I was told no exercise for 3 months. Not even yoga. In retrospect, I think my surgeon was more concerned about the potential weight loss (I was very thin to begin with) than anything really happening to my jaw :lol:
- Alison


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