Do some people recover early?etc.........

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Do some people recover early?etc.........

#1 Post by shanalouis »

i know it usually takes a year to fully recover but it seems like some people recover earlier then others. is this true though? is 6 weeks to early to move and carry on with life? and why do people complain so much about problems they have after surgery so much? is it that bad?...does the surgery really cause more problems?has anyone been successful without any?................


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#2 Post by Hyrule »

It depend on the type of surgery you are having. SARPE normally take around 12 weeks to fully heal like my case. I can eat pretty much normally right now except i cannot take a bit in an apple yet as i have braces on my upper teeths. I'm just eager now to get my RPE removed from my mouth which should be in the next 2 month since i`ve had it for almost 4 months now. As for the other types of surgery i dont know.

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#3 Post by vincejawsurgery »

Some people seem to heal faster than others. I hope I am one of them.

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#4 Post by nineeyes »

I had a BSSO and Leforte I in April. I think my recovery went pretty smooth. 90% of the swelling was down by 2-3 weeks. I only had numbness on my left nostril which went away at week 5. I was back to eating (mostly) normal food by week 7. At 2 months post op I was pretty much back to normal and able to eat hard and crunchy things again. I'm about 4 months out now and no real problems since the surgery.

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#5 Post by nineeyes »

I forgot to add, I think you are more likely to see complaints and problems on online boards since those who have no real problems tend to move on and the surgery becomes a much smaller part of their life.

Many on this board are those who are going to have or have recently had surgery. So most of the posts would be in regards to problems and issues they are facing - which can really suck especially if your are only a few days or weeks out of surgery.

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#6 Post by Hyrule »

nineeyes is right. Normally on the internet the first thing you will get is those who had problems. You know how search engines work ? ( Like google) the most clicked link goes out first. So if example you search for some symptoms you have and those symptoms are related (present) to cancer first thing you will see on google is pages about cancer when all you have is possibly a simple infection. I know i had those kind of paranoiac searches a couple of weeks ago. Though my mother had cancer when it was simply a mild infection.

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