SARPE - Getting Started, Still Debating!

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SARPE - Getting Started, Still Debating!

#1 Post by WaterBoy13 »

For the past couple months I have been debating whether or not to get braces and exactly what to do.

Two months ago I had my first consultation with my orthodontist and he advised me of acouple things. He told me that I had an extremly narrow pallet and every and any type of braces would be beneficial to me. He then continued to tell me that because I am so narrow, that I am a perfect candidate for SARPE/Pallet Expansion, and this would give me the best results and I would come out with a beautiful smile ::Blush:: haha

He continued to tell me that regardless of my decision, I would benefit from any orthodonitic attention. He gave me a referral for a local Oral Surgeon about a consultation. I contacted the oral surgeon setup a consultation, but when I was told that the consultation would cost $$ and that this specific surgeon didnt participate with my insurance provider I began second guessing. I later cancelled the consultation because I couldnt afford an larger investment past the cost of braces alone so I decided to go with just the braces.

Today I had appointment scheduled to have molds for my teeth taken to begin the process, as I am interested in Incognito braces. Upon arrival, the orthodontist approached me and again, urged me to consider surgery as it would give me the best result. He once again informed me of what is possible and what I sort of could expect (as much as he can without me talking to the OS). I went through with having molds taken of my current teeth position, with the idea that if I still decided against surgery, we could get started on the I-braces.

I guess I am just still confused about having the surgery or not. If its worth going through the entire process and what not. I've attempted to learn a lot about the surgery and what sort of things I can expect post-op and it somewhat makes me nervous. I can handle pain pretty well and don't tend to swell up or anything, but Im not a big fan of the nose bleeds, gap in my teeth and what-not.

Help me out guys, and let me know your thoughts and experiences!

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#2 Post by chicago29 »

Many people on here will say SARPE is easy, but I disagree with that. In many ways I think it is worse than a bi-max procedure.

The reason I say this is because SARPE is a commitment and it "lingers". Meaning, you will heal a week or so after surgery, then you will start turning to form the gap. The turning takes 2 to 4 weeks. Then, you're left with an awful gap between your front teeth which may or may not close on its own. If it doesn't close on its own, you have to wait 3 months until the orthodontist can start closing the gap - it usually closes rather quickly once the orthodontist takes over.

In addition, you have that awful expander in your mouth for at least 6 months. This thing will impact your speech, how you eat, and so forth. The expander sucks...I don't know any other way to say it.


The results are 100% worth it and your orthodontist is right - You absolutely will get a much better result.

If I were you I'd hold off on the braces until you know what you're going to do. Generally speaking, you don't have braces on when you do SARPE. They are generally placed 3 months (or more) after the surgery.

There is a long SARPE thread on here if you want to learn more, or of course you can ask here as there are many people on here that have been through the procedure.

FYI I'm not trying to scare you - I just feel its best to be realistic and tell you what you're in for - it is a commitment and there really isn't any going back once you decide to do it. Despite all of the bad things I said above, generally speaking the procedure is completely stable and it involves little pain that is easily controlled via medication. And, the bad things are short term and they are manageable. You'll get the benefit from your sacrifice for the rest of your life...

Welcome to the message board, and best of luck with your decision.





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#3 Post by sauerkraut »

Hi WaterBoy and welcome :)

It's about time the mega SARPE thread was resurrected so here's a link to it:


It will take you ages to read, but it's worth it. It will give you the whole spectrum of experience and advice.

I have no comparison with other jaw surgery (yet!) but apart from that I can agree with everything chicago says 100%!
SARPE: Sept 2007
Braced: May 2008
BSSO: Nov 2010
Debraced: March 2011

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#4 Post by BracketRacket »

Definnitely agree with chicago!
In addition, if your palate really is quite narrow, you may end up with more problems by straightening out teeth without fixing your bite -- in fact, my ortho would not do any work on me if I did not have surgery -- he said it would do more harm than good. I would be wary...

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#5 Post by WaterBoy13 »

Chicago - I really appreciate all of your honesty. I don't doubt that the entire process is quite a commitment and that is partially the reason why I am up in the air about it. I have a friends wedding in July 2011 and don't want to have a gap between my teeth, which Im thinking will definitly be around if I say okay to the surgery as my consult for the surgery is 12/2/2011. Im not sure how long the wait is for the actual surgery after one has a consult and OKs the surgery, but I'm sure its a couple months. But I realize that no time is a good time and I should just do it.

Kraut - I have been checking out the thread and reading a lot of things about SARPE. I have noted many of the experiences that others have said they have gone through, many of their concerns and their thoughts. Thank you for the direction.

Racket - I have throught about much of the same things. Specifically if because my pallet is so narrow, that my teeth wouldnt just shift back into place down the road if corrective procedures aren't taken. Thanks!

What were your experiences for the first week or 2 after surgery, and also how did your 'gap' progress overtime?

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#6 Post by chicago29 »

I also had a lower expansion done at the same time, so my recovery was much more difficult than most. I'd let others chime in that had SARPE only - They can probably tell you more realistically what to expect. From what I have seen on here though, you can expect 1 to 2 weeks of down time, and likely 2 to 3 weeks off of work.

As for the gap, mine closed on its own (thankfully). As soon as I stopped expanding, it closed up in about 3 to 4 weeks.





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#7 Post by WaterBoy13 »

Thats awesome that yours closed so quickly! I am really hoping for the same, and I believe it may be that way as my ortho said that because my mouth is so narrow that it should close within a month.

How long did you have to turn the key and expand for before being allowed to stop?

Also, did you have to get any molds taken of your teeth after surgery? I have elected to go with Incognito braces, which require a mold to be sent out and I am somewhat confused on how molds can be taken with my jaw/teeth in a fragile condition.

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#8 Post by chicago29 »

I turned the upper for about 3 weeks after the surgery (not including the 1st week where there is no turning). My expansion was about 8 mm, which is probably about average for a SARPE.

I've had many molds taken since - mainly for the 2nd surgery I had in September. They were not taken until about 10 months after the SARPE surgery. Even after all this time, I still hate having them done as I'm fearful my jaw is going to break :lol:

I'm sure at 3 months you'll be fine...Just make sure the person doing the molds knows and tell them to be careful.




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#9 Post by Mabus71 »

I recently had SARPE done back in July of this summer.

It is definitely a commitment as you have to sacrifice a lot to bear with the appliance being in your mouth for a good half year. Post Surgery isn't too bad to deal with and eventually you become used to wearing the Expander and eating with it.

The most annoying thing is after you finish turning depending on how your teeth are already, the GAP can be quite annoying.

Most of my close friends got used to the fact that I had one (still have it as my top braces aren't going on till next month) but you always have this self conscious feeling when you meet new people that they will be staring at it lol..

Also having to clean between the expanders little nooks and crannys with a proxy brush can also get old after a while since its another step in the process and you want to make sure u clean whenever you eat soo thats another thing you gotta commit to.

But to be honest I think after all the suffering you deal with it will be worth it in the end. You will have a nice wide pallet with lots of room in your mouth and after all the braces treatment you will have a near perfect smile (hopefully).

I mean the way I look at it is if you are going to go through the hell of braces for a couple years why not do it the right way?

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