18 months since surgery.

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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18 months since surgery.

#1 Post by jennaaa »

Hi everybody.
This is my first post on the boards after reading countless stories on people's experiences regarding oral surgery.
I got mine done when I was 16y 10m. I had my upper and lower jaws done, a chin enhancement and my four wisdom teeth out. All in all, I had a very extreme open bite.
It was quite an experience but I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It was the best day of my life.
Prior to my surgery, I was bombarded with individuals calling me names such as 'rabbit', in conjunction with people stating that 'if I looked like you I'd kill myself'. No joke.
This was all down to my gummy and uneven smile that was not at all attractive.
When I first visited my orthodontist at age 12, there were absolutely no signs of jaw problems. Although, my teeth were very very crooked. This meant that it was predicted that all I would need was a palate expander and braces for a year.
It went as planned, until my braces were removed. I knew something was wrong. When I first looked in the mirror I could have cried. I had a gummy smile that I didn't have prior to braces and I knew something wasn't 'right'. My ortho did too.
At age 13/14, I was told that I would eventually need oral surgery, but it wouldn't go ahead until my jaw growth had remained stable.
It was a long wait. But, eventually it stopped.
I was sent to an absolutely fantastic surgeon who changed my life. I told her about these traumatic moments in my life and she yearned to help me.
I was then booked in to have surgery in early-mid 2009. Although, the second pair of braces was put on in June/July 2008.
After countless visits to my orthodontist and oral surgeon, the surgery date came. I was excited, yet extremely nervous. I distinctly remember being wheeled into this huge room. My legs wouldn't stop shaking. And then, I woke up in intensive care. Luckily, I hadn't lost much blood. I spent around 24 hours in intensive care and was moved to the medical ward for 3 days.
In terms of eating, I'm just going to be honest - it was very hard. I remember having ice-cream, milkshakes and pureed fruit. Due to the many procedures I had, I ended up having soft foods for around 8 months. But, it differs from person to person.
Then, in September 2009, my braces were removed. I was extremely happy. I almost cried. The day had finally come.

So, it's been 18 months since my surgery that changed my life. However, my bite has changed slightly. I have developed a slight open bite again. It has been worrying me since my ortho announced that I may need braces again in around 2 years. I'm now 18, and starting university next year, so I really do not want them. My dentist told me that she'd recommend me not getting anything more done and this change has occurred only due to a slight growth spurt due to my age.
At the moment, I'm wearing a splint, to stop me from grinding and clenching my jaw, as this was the problem in the first place. Although, I only have to wear it at night. It has helped me immensely too. I'm getting a new one made up in a few days, which I will upload a picture of. But in the meantime, this is the one I'm wearing at the moment.

( http://www.flickr.com/photos/47317589@N05/ )

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#2 Post by Rodney008 »

Thanks for sharing. Your bite looks great!

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#3 Post by sadpanda »

Your pics look great. I'm so sorry that people were so cruel to you. I was horribly bullied, but not for my teeth, and it's been very psychologically scarring. It's great that you were able to have a life-changing treatment at such a young age. I hope everything keeps going well. :D

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#4 Post by ColoradoGirl »

I agree with sadpanda: sorry to hear about the bullying. I was bullied too, and man! how horrible. Especially when you're a kid, and don't really have the core sense of self yet. Evillllll bullies.

Also, I think you look lovely, and should put it out of your mind until and if you need more treatment. I had braces at 15 and now again at 31, and even though I think it's more annoying this time, the people around me don't care at all...there were a few comments at first, but mostly along the lines of--braces! I had those! They suck!.

Good luck.

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#5 Post by Jammy »


These success stories are the only thing keeping me from backing out of my surgery!

Totally apart from your bite (which looks great) I love your "what are you wearing today" outfit pictures and the rear window/woody allen stuff.

You also kinda look like me. Didn't figure to find someone like that on a orthodontic forum... =)

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#6 Post by jennaaa »

Thank you so much everybody!
You are all so kind.
Being bullied is a traumatic experience, although I'm happy to have overcome that :)

RE Jammy: that's so weird that we look alike, especially seeing that we're on a forum like this. How ironic haha. Thank you :)

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#7 Post by jennaaa »

Thank you so much everybody!
You are all so kind.
Being bullied is a traumatic experience, although I'm happy to have overcome that :)

RE Jammy: that's so weird that we look alike, especially seeing that we're on a forum like this. How ironic haha. Thank you :)

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