
This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#1 Post by Snackan86 »

How long time did it take for you from first ortho visit until u got braced? I am still not braced and it was 6 months since first ortho meeting.

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Re: The

#2 Post by anniegirl »

I got braced 6 weeks later! It should have been 8, but he brought me in early! I am from N Ireland, maybe it is different where you live, but 6 months seems an awful long time to wait! Why don't you phone them and ask when you will be called back?

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Re: The

#3 Post by JawFacee »

It took me almost one year from when I first consulted with my orthodontist to when l I got braces. The waiting times to see a surgeon are rather long where I live, so it took me eight months to get in to see a surgeon. I've heard it's common for people to get braced before they first meet their surgeon, but my orthodontist insisted that I meet with a surgeon to get the initial thumbs up.

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Re: The

#4 Post by Laundraholic »

It was about 1 month approximately.

Prior to getting braced I had to have a consultation with the oral surgeon (to make sure that any questions I had regarding the surgery were addressed and to ensure I agreed with the treatment plan).

The oral surgeon consultation was approx 2 weeks after my orthodontist consultation, and the very next day I also had to see my dentist to have two teeth extracted (which I had booked at the time of the orthodontist consultation), and the orthodontist wanted to wait approx 2 weeks after the extractions to start the braces process, in case there were any problems with the extractions.

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Re: The

#5 Post by RyanND »

took me two weeks, although the ortho is a family friend so he made room in his schedule. I see no reason why you couldn't be get braces on within a month of your consult.

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