February 2011 Buddies!!!

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February 2011 Buddies!!!

#1 Post by Nathaniel »

So I'm scheduled for the 8th of February 2011, SARPE + 3 Wisdom Teeth being removed. Not sure if anyone here has something scheduled yet for February but I guess we'll see!
Braces to come on: May 4th, 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#2 Post by DRG »

I am having surgery on 21 FEB. I'll be getting both upper and lower done to correct my open bite: LeFort I + lower jaw setback. I don't think I am officially having BSSO. I was given the choice between two methods for the lower and chose the option that puts my chin sensory nerves at the least risk. My OS is Dr. Busino in Albany, NY. He has told me to expect to stay in the hospital for two nights and that I'll be wired shut for five weeks.

I had braces when I was young but they were unable to correct my bite at that time. My ortho and dentist even began discussions to grind my back teeth in order to get the bite to close. Suffice it to say that I was not interested in that approach (plus I was young and didn't care enough to solve this problem at the time). I investigated getting surgery about ten years ago, but ultimately couldn't talk myself into it at the time (was single and living six hours from my family). It has gnawed at me significantly for the past decade, until now, at the age of 36, I have finally made the committment. I started treatment with my new ortho back in April, and I've got to say that the models of my bite look beautiful, that is if one could move my jaws freely. So I have high expectations, but I also realize I have a lot to go through before I see that result in the mirror.

I have been growing more and more anxious lately, go figure. Less so about the actual surgical experience than about being wired shut and feeling claustrophobic and/or being unable to breathe.

Many thanks to everyone posting on this forum, this place has been a godsend in helping me prepare.

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#3 Post by suzanna »

I'm having Lefort 1 and BSSO done February 11 in Toronto, Ontario by Dr. Caminiti! For my underbite, cross bite and asymmetry. Only 2 weeks away!
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#4 Post by Nathaniel »

suzanna wrote:I'm having Lefort 1 and BSSO done February 11 in Toronto, Ontario by Dr. Caminiti! For my underbite, cross bite and asymmetry. Only 2 weeks away!
Suzanna!! I have the same surgeon!! Small world!! In fact, sometime in a year and a half from now, I'll be getting those done too! Right now I need to expand my top arch.
Braces to come on: May 4th, 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#5 Post by DRG »

I have slid through about sixteen inches of snow in the past two days here in upstate NY to get myself to a few pre-surgical appointments. First I had to visit the hospital for paperwork, answering questions for a nurse regarding my health and the expected anasthesia, and providing blood and urine specimens. During that visit I learned that my OS expects my surgery to run about three hours, and that I am indeed having BSSO along with LeFort I. I wasn't sure about the name for the lower surgery, that is, I have always known I was getting both jaws done. I still need more clarification on this.

Today I had an ortho appt where they took molds which will be sent to the OS so that he can make my splint. They took my archwires out to do that, so I had a last chance to get in a thorough brush and floss session. Also, they used steel ties to put my archwires back in place, as the rubber bands are not sturdy enough for surgery. I did not receive an adjustment today as everything needs to stay in place so that my teeth will match the splint here in a few short weeks.

I feel like I really need to get on my horse to make preparations. I haven't yet ordered any zip-n-squeeze bags, and I really need to make sure I have an abundance of protein powders on hand (a variety of flavor choices will be critical) - all of which I will be ordering online, meaning delivery will take some time. I have started making a list of questions for my OS based on advice I've found here. I see him next week for the grueling measurement appointment (I've read here a bit about the awful contraption used for that). Also I have quite a bit to prepare at work since I expect to be out for at least three weeks, if not longer. As a kicker, I have two work trips out-of-state to make before my surgery date, which compresses the rush to get everything else ready.

I am really wound up about all of this. I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep without anxiety filled dreams or thoughts about the surgery & recovery.

Trying to relax,
Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
Braces again (at age 35): 15 APRIL 2010
Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
Unwired! 25 MAR 2011
Braces removed revealing my perfect bite: 4 JAN 2012

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#6 Post by DRG »

I just found that Zip-n-Squeeze is out of business...and have been for quite some time. Oh well, that's one less thing to worry about. Looks like I will be eating with a turkey baster instead....if you can really call that eating.
Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
Braces again (at age 35): 15 APRIL 2010
Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
Unwired! 25 MAR 2011
Braces removed revealing my perfect bite: 4 JAN 2012

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#7 Post by I love my teeth »


Don't fear! I was really nervous about the eating thing....do you know what your post op course is? Will you be wired completely shut or just banded??? I was expecting to be banded and able to open about a finger width, I was actually not banded or anything, but only able to open a finger width--you would be amazed at how much you can fit in and slide down without chewing...within the first 5 days I was able to do mac and cheese (1 noodle at a time), scrambled egg, and pureed beef stew, and lots of soups. My doc also gave me a book of "enriched" soups--all started with a can of some sort, then added some stuff to make it heartier...I also did a protein power and powered multivitamin from GNC (still doing that 1x/day). By 2 weeks (which was over this past weekend for me) I managed to eat a piece of cooked snapper---I felt great after a "real meal".

Find out more about your post op course and there is a wealth of info out there in terms of nutrient rich soft/pureed foods! I felt like I did great and only lost 5 pounds...I was expecting much more..but I got off total liquid and on to purees fairly quickly, and now on soft foods only for the next 5 weeks--I just slid down some lasagne!!

I'll help you out as much as you need!! good luck!
Wore Braces for 2 years, 5 months, 3 days



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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#8 Post by suzanna »

DRG - I'm in the same boat as you. I was originally supposed to have my surgery April 15th but found out 2 weeks ago that I could be moved up to Februay 11th. I've been trying to get everything prepared now! I bought a blender week, a couple cookbooks today (the I Can't Chew book and a smoothie one), and a jaw bra online today (I wasn't sure if the hospital or oral surgeon would be providing me with one). I had my last dentist visit today for a cleaning and a visit with my doctor (who is also my dentist which makes it so convenient!) for my pre-op checkup. The lab was closed today due to the snow storm so I'll need to get my bloodwork done tomorrow and just ask them to put a rush on it and my orthodontist appointment was cancelled today (again due to the storm) and moved to tomorrow.

I've also been having trouble sleeping the last few nights. I've been having really weird dreams about work.. and I normally don't have dreams! Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous but I really haven't been. I'm sure I will be though closer to the date. My pre-op appointment with my OS isn't even until 2 days before the surgey since he's going away this week until Tuesday. And my hospital pre-op appointment will be done over the phone since I found out so last minute that they couldn't arrange one in person.

I'm working nights the next three days so I'm going to try and get my list of questions for the OS done as well :)
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#9 Post by DRG »

"do you know what your post op course is?"
- I Love My Teeth

I will be wired shut for five weeks. I tried to say this above, but I don't think I was very clear....My OS gave me two options for my BSSO since I am having my lower set back. Choice #1 involves an angled cut of the bone which are then tied with plates/screws. I believe this is a BSSO. This method puts the sensory nerves at risk, per my OS roughly 25% do not fully recover sensation afterwards, though here I've read it's truly higher (30%?). Or, my choice, #2 a more traditional 90 degree cut that requires the lower to be wired in place until it stabilizes (5 weeks) without plates/screws, and does not involve the same level of risk to those nerves. I believe this method is called a "vertical ramus osteotomy" or IVRO (something I haven't read about much here).

I decided that I would take the short term discomfort to avoid the long term issues (nerve damage)....."short term" will not seem so short while I am wired, this I'm sure. However, my paperwork calls for a BSSO, so I really need to be clear that I am having the method that I described rather than experience a mixup.

This post was edited a few times as I did some searching for BSSO vs. IVRO - which is much easier now that I know the proper terminology. As usual, this forum has the information I need...for instance:

Thanks for the support, I Love My Teeth and best of luck to you Suzanna! I fully expect to grow more anxious until Feb 21 gets here, it will be a relief when we are on the other side of our surgeries!

Braces: 1986-1988
Open bite was not resolved
Braces again (at age 35): 15 APRIL 2010
Lefort I & IVRO: 21 FEB 2011
Unwired! 25 MAR 2011
Braces removed revealing my perfect bite: 4 JAN 2012

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#10 Post by I love my teeth »

So sorry, didn't get that from your post. Wired shut for 5 weeks will be tough :cry:

You should try to talk to Beuwolf on here--he/she was wired shut for 10.5 weeks, I think a November Buddy, only recently unwired (within the last 2 weeks, I think!) They might have some good tips for you!

best of luck!
Wore Braces for 2 years, 5 months, 3 days



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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#11 Post by suzanna »

So I had my bloodwork done today and I saw my orthodontist for my pre-op appointment. I had 6 surgical hooks put on, my 4 lower front teeth are still pretty sore so that hurt A LOT! Ouch! Had a bunch of pictures taken too and everyone wished me luck. They want to see me back about 7-10 days just to see how things have moved and to see how my surgery went and how I'm doing so I booked that appointment too.
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#12 Post by canthandlethetooth »

Hi to everyone on this thread.

I had lower jaw advancement 2 days ago on the NHS so currently very swollen but apart from that feel pretty much OK. I am a 41 year old male so this this quite a big step for me.
I don't frequent this board much mainly because I don't like to read too much information about the procedures - ignorance is sometimes bliss.
At the moment I look like Churchill the Insurance dog ... anyone from the UK will be familiar with this image.
Good luck to everyone here.

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#13 Post by Nathaniel »

Hi everyone, just popping in :) Ahh!!! My SARPE is coming soon... I got the palette expander put in, it's not that bad at all really. Hopefully the recovery of the SARPE and the expansion isn't too too bad! We'll see.

Good luck everyone :) I'm probably going to start a blog to write about everything, this forum and other peoples' blogs helped me so far, so I hope mine will help someone a few years down the road when my overall program is complete :)
Braces to come on: May 4th, 2011
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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#14 Post by arieswithbraces »

Nathaniel wrote:Hi everyone, just popping in :) Ahh!!! My SARPE is coming soon... I got the palette expander put in, it's not that bad at all really. Hopefully the recovery of the SARPE and the expansion isn't too too bad! We'll see.

Good luck everyone :) I'm probably going to start a blog to write about everything, this forum and other peoples' blogs helped me so far, so I hope mine will help someone a few years down the road when my overall program is complete :)

good luck Nathaniel!
1st consult: 4/28/2009
Top Brace: 6/03/09
Extractions: 06/15/09
bottom braces 1/13/2010
March 16, 2011 Upper Jaw Surgery~Lefort I 2-piece, BSSO, Genioplasty ( UNC hospital~Dr. Timothy Turvey)
April 19, 2011~Removed splint!
April 20, 2011~1st ortho appt since surgery...back in ligatures and got elastics

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Re: February 2011 Buddies!!!

#15 Post by suzanna »

canthandlethetooth wrote:Hi to everyone on this thread.

I had lower jaw advancement 2 days ago on the NHS so currently very swollen but apart from that feel pretty much OK. I am a 41 year old male so this this quite a big step for me.
I don't frequent this board much mainly because I don't like to read too much information about the procedures - ignorance is sometimes bliss.
At the moment I look like Churchill the Insurance dog ... anyone from the UK will be familiar with this image.
Good luck to everyone here.
Congratulations! I hope your recovery goes well. Are you home yet or still in the hospital?
Upper and Lower Braces Applied: December 4th, 2009
Lefort 1 and BSSO Surgery: February 11th, 2011

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