Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

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Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#1 Post by luke88 »

I have had a surgery date but it is in May, I have been surgery ready since June 2010. My hospital has had a huge backlog of people so pushed me far back. Now I have a surgery date and will be having 6 appointments from now until then. Question is: How likely will this date be cancelled? I have heard so many horror stories of people going to hospital and actually sitting on the bed ready to go and then told to go home because it has been cancelled. I have waited so long for this operation so I will keep this date in my mind.
Question is really... how many of you have had your operation cancelled and how many times?

I think I'd cry forever if it gets cancelled because I have been told my appointment would be in December, then Jan, then Feb now May! But now I have an actual date, hopefully it won't be cancelled.

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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#2 Post by suzyscientist »

I think once you have a date in writing things are much more secure, so if they've given you a specific date you should be ok. But, you can never avoid things that are out of the hospital's control, like crazy weather, illness etc.

Also it depends on how busy your surgeon is... my guy is the only one in the region (Edinburgh and Lothians) that does the surgery, and he is leaving in 3 weeks, and they have no replacement for him. So I guess here there will be no surgeries scheduled until they get a new surgeon, which could be anytime and there's probably going to be a big backlog. I was super-lucky that I got a cancellation a few weeks ago, so as much as there are cancellations on the hospital's part, there can be cancellations on the patient's part which can leave opportunities for last minute operations.

If you're really concerned, talk to your surgeon or his admin. If you don't need to do things like book time off work, they might let you go on a waiting list for cancellations.

Problem is - every health board is different, and I think there are some big differences between how NHS works in England and in Scotland...

Good luck :)



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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#3 Post by Emmauk »

Are you in the South East? There are major problems down here at the moment as they have lost a surgeon and havent replaced him yet so the list is growing and growing.

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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#4 Post by canthandlethetooth »

I feel for you Luke - the NHS does take it's own sweet time (2+ year on the waiting list). Now you have an actual date on a letter hopefully you will be good to go. Have you had a "work up" date yet?

For the record I have actually had my braces on now for over 2 years (six months more than was originally planned) and I have wondered if I should have pestered them to get the operation earlier but I'm kind of fatalistic in regard to these things and it's all worked out in the end (so far ...)

@suzyscientist - looks like you managed to get in there in the nick of time!

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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#5 Post by suzyscientist »

Definitely in the nick of time! I had a gossip with the secretary last week and she said that it took a year to get a replacement for another consultant, and they weren't expecting that it would be any easier to replace my surgeon...

I really am very lucky, and really feel for those of you stuck on a waiting list. Hopefully it will pass soon enough :)



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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#6 Post by gustani »

Hi Emmauk,
Can you elaborate on the situation in the South East?
I live in Kent and will be having my surgery (hopefully) sometime this year at Kings hospital, do you know the surgeons name or hospital that is missing the surgeon? Also what is the deal with the waiting list, is it unusual for people on the NHS to be treated with braces and surgery in 2 years? I've had my braces for a year now and would love this business to be over so I can start my final year at university with some of this behind me.

I hope things go smoothly for you all,

All the best


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Re: Cancelled operations..... for NHS patients

#7 Post by sarz »

I agree, It is unusual that you would be asked to wait for two years while you are receiving orthodontic treatment. The NHS currently has an eighteen week referral period for all consultations and should be abiding by this until it is changed in the near distant future.
The South East have some very good hospitals with good reputations and a dear friend of mine has just been referred to one of the best to discuss correcting a problem that should have been recognised and corrected during her treatment.
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