September 2011 Buddies!!!!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#1 Post by boatsink »

I finally got called to set-up an appointment for surgery! I chose September 9, 2011. I've been waiting for quite some time. Hurray!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#2 Post by angelstrings »

Congratulations!!!!! I'm happy, imagining how happy you must be. Keep us posted.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#3 Post by ocmama2four »

I'm new to this website and can't wait to explore it all. I am fingers crossed hoping to have surgery in September so I will join this thread hoping all goes well and that happens. :) My surgeon has to do a practice surgery on my molds at the end of August and if he gets the results he wants I will have surgery in September. I really hope I do and that I don't have to have more tweeking done on my braces and then do the practice surgery all over again. Good luck to you as you prepare for this upcoming surgery.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#4 Post by boatsink »

Thanks for the best wishes angelstrings and Ocmama2four =).
Ocmama, hopefully the mock surgery on your molds show that you are ready for surgery. It'll be great to have more September buddies.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#5 Post by Marian »

Hi guys

I'm booked in for surgery on the 27th September. I have a pre-op appointment on the 8th September, a meeting with the technician on the 16th September (really not looking forward to having more impressions taken, but at least this is in preparation for the surgery) and then the op.

I'm desperately trying to keep feeling excited - found out today tho that I have to go into hospital the night before the surgery.I'd rather have stayed at home that night to try and get a good night's sleep, but hey ho!!!

It's nice to have some virtual hands to hold on this website :lol:

By the way, I forgot to mention - my surgery is to have my bottom jaw brought forward by 11mm (sorry, I don't know the technical name for it). The one unusual thing is that I am 42 years old!! I've had fixed braces on for 2.5 years (I guess it takes a while to move 'older' teeth).


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#6 Post by boatsink »

Hey Marian! Glad to see another in September! Woot!

I went to my pre-op class today. PA did a basic overview of what to expect and how to care for yourself post-op. I also found out my Kaiser is selling Zip-N-Squeeze! Supplies are limited, and I assume it's because they are no longer made? Kaiser should just give it to their patients as part of a care package or something! Especially with what their patients have to go through! They really want the money....

The cool thing about the class was I met 5 other people who will be having surgery in September! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one. I'm the first of the batch to go under the knife. The day is sure approaching fast!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#7 Post by Marian »

Hi Boatsink

There doesn't seem to be many people having surgery in September (there was loads in July!!). Perhaps people have been on their holidays and have not yet posted their dates on here.

I envy you going in on the 9th September - you'll be in pretty good shape by the time I go in.

I am currently very excited about the surgery and am trying to keep that feeling going for as long as possible.

I hope you are excited too.


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#8 Post by boatsink »

Hey Marian! I'm starting to get anxious with the surgery coming up - next Friday! I've been really good with not thinking about it since setting my surgery date, but with one week left it's quite nerve-wracking. I hope all goes well.

There really aren't much people for September huh? September has 2, maybe 3?

Hope your momentum is still going. I definitely will be looking forward to the 29th now =). For your surgery and the number of days I will be post-op. I hope to be unwired by then.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#9 Post by Minerva »

Good luck, everybody!

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#10 Post by Marian »

Boatsink - you lucky thing - you're nearly there!!!

Isn't it odd when you think back to the beginning, when you first made the decision to go for braces and surgery? I bet, like me, you thought you would never get to this week!! And here you are.

You've done the realllllllyyyyyy looooooooooooong bit, this is the speedy bit that's going to make ALL the difference.

It's very, very exciting.

I'll be thinking of you on Friday (with a hint of jealousy). I'll be waiting for you to come back on to ArchWired!!!

Keep positive, and enjoy the rest.

Very best wishes


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#11 Post by boatsink »

You're so right Marian! I never thought this day would come! I remember when I started to pursue this process again I came across this forum and reading the different Month Buddies thread and thinking: sheesh, I can't wait until I can finally participate in one! Looks like we got our thread going !

Thanks for the best wishes everyone. I'll definitely be around =).


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#12 Post by timetosmile »


That is the same as you Marian (bottom jaw forward)...I have just returned from my pre-op assessment today, I had wire ligs and several hooks fitted top and bottom. I'm 43 and have had my braces for so long, I'm used to them. It just does'nt feel real that the surgery day is less than 24 hours away.

How do I feel? Quite honestly I am absolutely petrified !!! I was supposed to be admitted today but it's my other halfs birthday and the surgeon agreed I could go out for a meal tonight as long as I agree to nil by mouth after midnight and I am at the hospital for 7am sharp.

I wish I had gone back to work this afternoon and stayed busy because I'm just sitting here at home googling all I can about the op. I should have done my reasearch months ago but I just ignored my braces and got on with my day to day life.

Good luck to everyone on here with your surgery. I will be in hospital for 2 or 3 days and I will let you know how it went and how I'm feeling at the end of the week. I just want it over with now :shock: :shock: :shock:

Off to pack my hosptial bag..wish me luck! xx
Better late than never !


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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#13 Post by boatsink »

Timetosmile - yikes that's tomorrow! Was it a surprise? That's awesome your surgeon let you postpone the surgery by one day so you can celebrate your significant other's bday! Hope you make it a great meal! Hey I noticed we got our braces 1 day short of each other, and you'll be having surgery within the same week as me! Best of luck to you, I'm sure you'll make it out just fine. Keep us updated!

I got a message from my surgeon today and he says based on his practice surgery and software analysis he thinks he can revise my tx plan so that I only need lower jaw and genioplasty instead of upper + lower + genio. I'm totally for decreasing my time under the knife, but I'm a bit confused. I was told my upper jaw was narrow and that when my jaws grew the lower jaw compensated and grew to the left; thus creating the crossbite I have. So if this is the case, how will setting my lower jaw to the midline and pushing it back fit under my upper? I hope it won't be a compensated tx plan where either my upper teeth will have to be flared out or my lower titled inwards to create the ideal bite. I sent him a message - let's see if he responds tomorrow. Any thoughts?

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#14 Post by Marisama »

If you have a "cant" of your upper jaw, you're going to need upper jaw surgery or else you will only be masking the underlying problem. I would make sure you understand this completely before going under the knife.

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Re: September 2011 Buddies!!!!

#15 Post by boatsink »

I was told I had a cant by my ortho a while back. At the pre-op appointment last week my surgeon was looking for the cant and said it was either corrected with braces or that it's too minimal d/t braces. He said he needed to look at my xrays, pictures, molds etc before he could truly decide. Yesterday was when he finished reviewing everything and revised the tx.

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