orthognathic surgery twice?

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orthognathic surgery twice?

#1 Post by MrNovember »

Just wondering if anyone here has had this surgery more than once. I have been considering having upper and lower jaw surgery again. I mentioned a second surgery at a follow up appointment, and the surgeon did not recommend it because he's not confident that we could acheive the changes that I want. I am going to get a second opinion, but I would definitely like to hear from anyone who has had this surgery a 2nd time!

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#2 Post by deepbeep »

Maybe you have BDD? I don't see why anyone would want to go through this surgery twice.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#3 Post by ReoSity »

What are the changes that you want?

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#4 Post by MrNovember »

this is an image from my latest CT scan. I naturally tilt my head to the right, like in this image
if I position myself so that eyes and cheekbones are level, like in the image below, than my upper jaw is slanted horizontally so that the right side is higher, and vertically my teeth and chin are off to the right.
I want everything to line up horzontally and vertically, or at least as close as I can get to that, like in the image below
When I had the surgery, the surgeon's objective was to rotate the jaw to lower the right side by 3mm so that my teeth would be level. I think we did come close to acheiving that goal. However we didn't take into account my natural head tilt, so the final result fell short of the degree of symmetry I was hoping for.
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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#5 Post by MrNovember »

so, from the lack of replies I should conclude that I'm crazy for considering to have orthognathic surgery twice? :)

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#6 Post by BaliGirl »

I haven't had my surgery yet, but based on what I am expecting recovery-wise, I would not want to go through jaw surgery again.

I understand your frustration at having canted jaws when you expected perfect results the first time, but if your bite is perfect, I would leave your jaws alone and only consider a second surgery if you're having problems. Too many things can go wrong during the surgery to risk it for cosmetic reasons, in my opinion.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#7 Post by ReoSity »

MrNovember wrote:so, from the lack of replies I should conclude that I'm crazy for considering to have orthognathic surgery twice? :)
Is it obvious in person? It seems to be a subtle asymmetry so if you're happy with the rest of your face and have a good bite then I wouldn't do it.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#8 Post by MrNovember »

Thanks ReoSity and BaliGirl for the advice.

ReoSity, I think the asymmetry is somewhat obvious. It has definitely improved with surgery (rhinoplasty and jaw surgery); but it still isn't within what would be considered a "normal" or "average" range IMO.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#9 Post by keeponsmiling »

It's kind of hard to tell from a scan picture, but I think the cant towards the right in your lower jaw looks like my jaw (pre-op), and I never noticed I had a problem until I started treatment for my open bite! It's entirely up to you whether you think you can face a second bout of surgery, but honestly, I think most people's faces are assymetrical to some extent. As another possibility, I remember you saying somewhere else that you didn't have braces, but could they be used to moved slowly your teeth around so that the midlines line up?

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#10 Post by MrNovember »

thanks keeponsmiling. I am definitely going to explore that option as well. will report back when I do decide one way or the other

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#11 Post by maxhammer »

I think all/most jaws are asymmetrical. Nobody notices, because in day to day life you're moving/animated. You are likely staring at still photos of yourself and obsessing over imperfections that only you see. Or, that others see and don't care about. 99% of people are average looking with imperfections. Just offering counter-perspective.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#12 Post by Summertimeolive »

Hi Mr.Novemeber,

I honestly say if its destroying your life then maybe think about it- honestly you've had the surgery once and it sounds your doing great and dodged a bullet with numbness and other issues!! I was looking online the other day and most celebrities - people often placed on the pedestal of beauty in our society were found to be incredibly asymmetrical, certain parts of their face longer than normal or wider than normal which amazed me. Some asymmetry is not a bad thing, as long as its not ruining your life, i'd see if its something you can deal with- if you really cant go to a surgeon who would be 100% comfortable working with you!

best of luck ! :)

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#13 Post by sarpevictim »

I haven't had my big surgeries yet, let alone any potential second surgeries. However, I wanted to weigh in because I know what you're feeling. It really comes down to how much it is affecting you.

A lot of people on here may call you crazy for wanting a second surgery, but that's the point: you are being crazy . If something is stressing you out so much that it is making you crazy, or it is affecting how you see yourself or your confidence, then I say fix it. Many would not agree with me, but I think if we have technology to fix it, why not do it and make ourselves happier. Life is short.

I have to have double jaw surgery, but I am excited about it because although I'm generally pleased with my appearance, my jaw area is really affecting me and stressing me out. I just want to get it over with, and move on with my life with my new more balanced face.

That being said, before you go through any second surgeries, be sure to sit down with your oral surgeon and really make him understand what your goals are. As advanced as oral surgery has become, there are still many things that cannot be made perfect due to not being able to cut in certain places. I'm guessing if they left your jaw like that through the first round of surgery, it's for a good reason.

Best wishes to you, and I hope you can find a solution that makes you happy. Just remember, it is your decision. The only advice you should really count on is that of experts who will be working on your bones.

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#14 Post by surusuru »

I heard about a girl that had not only two, but three orthognathic surgeries, but in her case it was because of bad outcomes. In your case, altought is very difficult to say something watching only at a scan image and not to your real face, I don't think is necessary to have another surgery and your case should be achieved with a GOOD braces treatment to put your jaw in the real position. I don't think that's a skeletal problem now, but a problem of put the jaw in its correct place between braces. But, I can't say much without a real pic, so, anything, best of luck.-

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Re: orthognathic surgery twice?

#15 Post by MrNovember »

Thanks for the replies.

Maxhammer, I have definitely been told that before. However I'm certain the assymmetries are not really within normal range.

Olive and Sarpevictim thanks for the input. I wouldn't say this issue is destroying my life at all. Thing is I've invested a lot into acheiving an appearance that I will be happy with, so I plan to continue until I acheive that goal. Sarpevictim I agree with you 110%; I think if you are unhappy with something and you have the resources to change it, go for it. Best of luck with your surgery and keep us posted! I hope the results exceed your expectations!

I recently met with a cosmetic dentist to explore the braces option. We took models of my teeth, but our appointment was pretty short; at this point I don't think we're really on the same page.. I also have an upcoming appointment with a cosmetic surgeon to talk about options to make just my chin look more centered, since my chin is actually more off-centre than my teeth. I also thought about meeting with my jaw surgeon to see if sliding the chin to the left is possible. Does anyone know whether that can be done?..

So at this point I really am not sure how i'm going to approach this.. Sarpevictim you are right I must be crazy to consider all the above options! LOL..

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