Letter to parents

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Letter to parents

#1 Post by 159061 »

Hi to everyone, i am about to have my surgery (end of february, start of march?) and it has been difficult to convince my parents who were firmly against it.
one night, very depressed, i wrote a letter to my mom where i really opened my heart and i put on paper everythin i kept inside for months, and it really was a heartbraking letter.

Initially, she was still perplexed but after she read my letter 2/3 times she reflected and agreed and now she is supporting me through this whole thing. My dad too.

the point of all this post isif you are young and you need economic and moral support of your parents, this could be a different way to convince them.
it worked for me.

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Re: Letter to parents

#2 Post by CaliforniaKid »

yeah my parents would not let me borrow 40-60k after writing them a passionate letter. im glad it worked out for you though.

communication with your financial benefactor(s) is always important.

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Re: Letter to parents

#3 Post by conine »

My situation was different from yours, but I did have a misunderstanding parent. As a child, I was a very complicated case, yet to save money, my Mom chose an orthodontist who had literally just received his license to practice. I was his very first case. Needless to say, he was in over his head, and after five years of treatment, my midlines weren't even close, and I still had an overbite. His idea of treatment was to pull teeth and yank everything inward. At the end of my treatment, we had to go to another orthodontist for retainers (the original one had left). The new orthodontist talked to me about going through braces all over again, but I was 16 and content just to no longer have "buck" teeth.

Fast forward 15 years. The poor midlines and overbite only got worse. I got a couple of opinions, and was told that the only way to truly fix the problem at this point was surgery. For a year, I battled with my insurance companies to see what they would and would not cover. In the end, they would cover all but approximately $600 of the surgery, but we could only get $700 of the $7,000 braces bill covered. So, this was still a relatively high expense for our family to take on, especially when my wife was pregnant with our first child.

At first, she was quite defensive when I told her I was getting braces again. Without realizing it, she took it somewhat personally - as if I was accusing her of failing to adequately provide for me. But when I told her how my life was affected, especially the poor breathing when I slept, she was a lot less critical. In the end, she became a lot more supportive, and even flew into town for my surgery. It took time, but my Mom finally understood - I wouldn't go through the six week liquid diet, or the numbness/tingling I still have in my face six months later, or all of the other awful parts of the surgery just for cosmetic purposes. It just took time for her to get over the "you look fine" attitude.

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