February 2012 Surgery Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#61 Post by AWSeibert »

Post appointment went well! They gave me two new creams to try on the rash on my face around my lips they think it is either inflammation or a fungal irritation caused by the bacitracin. I had a few wires that go with the splint poking me so he fixed that. He checked out my septum, it is hugely deviated to the left. My head surgeon wasn't there today so I didn't get anymore info on when they will fix my septum.

Lattiee, I'm not wired shut anymore, just have two bands that I take out and put in to eat and clean. I have the splint wired in for 4 more weeks so no chewing but better than a blended diet!

Catsteeth, my biggest advice to you is eat, eat, eat! Especially hard stuff like nachos, tacos, chips!!! I asked today if when my splint came out would I be able to chew again and I didn't get a warm and fuzzy answer from him. He said we start back chewing... Veeeeery slow. Ugh! I want nothing more than a crunchy taco lol.

I have maintained my weight loss of only 8 lbs the first week.

Take care!!


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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#62 Post by lattiee »

catsteeth hope you enjoyed that crispy chicken sandwich and are you having double jaw surgery or just one type will you b wired,banded or with a splint

Soft food is way better than blended and ashleigh that is great you don't have to deal with blended food.

Also, catsteeth since you were talking about your period you can't wear a tampon when you go in for surgery as you have to wear a pad instead.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#63 Post by emdanut »

hey guys, thanks for the good lucks!
i had my surgery at 7:30 am this morning. The surgery went really well-- nothing unplanned happened during the surgery. My surgeon told my mom it went like "a routine" which was very comforting to her.
The surgery itself only took about 3 hours. The first thing I remember was being woken up in the operating room after the surgery ended and being SUPER SUPER sweaty. They had had a heated blanket on me during the surgery and apparently this was too much for me! I remember the surgeon asking where my aquaphor ointment was and i was able to answer him (i don't know how! haha)
i don't remember being rolled down to the recovery room much at all but I know i got there by 11 or so. The nurses there had to put a cool compress on my head and wipe me down with ice water because i was so warm and sweaty! It took about 30-45 mins before i really felt comfortable (temperature wise) again. I was in the recovery room for an hour total.
We had made plans for me to be admitted to the hospital in case I needed to stay overnight (my insurance covers up to 24 hours in the hospital) but the surgery went so well that the surgeon told them to just take me back down to the day surgery area.
My nurse down there was super nice and helpful, making sure I was comfortable, checking in on me frequently, and offering me water.
The scariest thing that happened was actually right before I left. The nurse told me to try to urinate to make sure my kidneys were functioning properly. She helped me into the bathroom and then left to get some paperwork. I sat down on the toilet and leaned over a bit. I could feel what i thought was saliva pooling up in my mouth but then it dripped onto the floor and I realized it was very bloody spit! There was quite a lot of it, which I was not expecting but apparently it is quite common after surgery!
We got to leave at about 3:00-3:30ish and got back home (to my parents house) at 4:00.
My mom set up the couch as a bed for me with sheets and everything because it will be easier for me to stay upright (and the TV is in the same room!) I found that I was actually hungry so I've been drinking broth, apple juice, and water (broth from a syringe, but I already have some feeling back in my lower lip so I am able to use a sippy cup for the juice and water)
Overall the pain is a bit worse than I anticipated but I think that's mostly because I was doing some limited talking (as much as possible with such a limited range of jaw motion). I stopped doing that and the pain has definitely decreased.

Sorry for the very very long post!

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#64 Post by catsteeth »

Welcome back, Endamut! Sounds like you are doing great except for the pain. Hopefully that get better. How is your swelling?

I'm just having the lower jaw. I'm tight banded with elastics 3 weeks with a splint. I'm appreciating food now while I still can.

The crispy chicken sandwich was great! I wonder what I will have today? :)

No coughing today so that's good but my other 2 kids now have colds.

Ashleigh, sounds like you made some progress. Congrats on not being wired shut anymore. Enjoy that soft food.

I was talking to two aquaintances of mine. One told me that she had upper jaw surgery when she was 19 and the other had a cousin that just went through double jaw surgery. I guess jaw surgery must be more common than I thought. They gave me good advice and some recipe suggestions.



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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#65 Post by lattiee »

Edamut glad to see your back and are you wired or banded or splinted ? Glad it went well.

catsteeth go for a double decker like 10 of them .

I had follow up today and figure out why it was more complicated as when my plate was emerging thru my gums and another screw was working its way out too those parts were easy to get out but the rest of the screws were stucked so deep into my bone that they were tough to remove and my wires were in my gum above my right nostril as right at the top corner of it. They said I'm healing fine and swelling should go down even more.Looking forward to sleep in Thurs-Mon woohoo and then I shall be in more tip top shape.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#66 Post by emdanut »

I am banded shut but only in back near my molars.
They used a splint during surgery but took it out before I woke up.
My swelling isn't awful but it is definitely worse today than it was yesterday. I had to loosen the jaw bra last night because it was becoming uncomfortably tight!
In other good news, I was able to eat a milkshake this morning with no nausea! I feel very grateful that nausea hasn't been an issue yet, especially because that usually is a problem for me.
Fortunately my throat isn't hurting as bad anymore, so swallowing is alot easier.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#67 Post by batwing »

emdanut- I don't get my surgery until next year so I'm just lurking on this thread for now :wink: I had to come out of lurkdom to tell you that it sounds like you're moving along very well!
Central Ossifying Fibroma removed from mandible 3/8/2012, braced 5/24/2012, One piece Le Fort I performed 12/11/2013, debraced 8/26/2014

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#68 Post by emdanut »

[quote="batwing"]emdanut- I don't get my surgery until next year so I'm just lurking on this thread for now :wink: I had to come out of lurkdom to tell you that it sounds like you're moving along very well![/quote]

hey batwing! yeah my recovery seems to be alot easier so far than that of others on this board. I'm pretty sure that's mostly because I only had lower jaw surgery. This afternoon was pretty rough though-- I had 2 coworkers come visit me and bring me flowers and while it was very nice to see them, their visit exhausted me. It doesn't help that I've had trouble sleeping because its hard to get comfortable. I was able to take a pretty good 2 hr nap this afternoon though which has helped alot!

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#69 Post by lattiee »

Well, edamut that is great your doing well and I hope you get better sleep.

My swelling is going down even more and I only have to deal with today and tomorrow antibiotics. I can't wait for my throat to be less dry but definetely better than last week. :mrgreen:

I also am getting my right eye numbness to wake up even more because I'm getting watery eyes which is so much better than sticky dry eyes.

Catsteeth tomorrow is your day ! What you eating today.

I'm questioning on the future of my son as the way his new teeth coming on create an overcrowded tooth area in his mouth and some orthodontist start early age with braces which makes me go isn't that to early as my cousin daughter has braces at 9 and another family who used to be a stepfamily has braces at age 10.

So I know straightening of teeth can be done as an adult so I have awhile to think about when those suggestions come about.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#70 Post by catsteeth »

Endamut, since I'm just lower jaw too, you're giving me lots of encouragement.

lattiee, good to hear the swelling is down. I also worry about my kids. My son is 8 and he already has crooked teeth and a crossbite. My daughter has an underdeveloped jaw. I'm sure they will be visiting the orthodontist some time in the next few years. I don't know what I would think if the recommended option was jaw surgery.

I'm nervous about tomorrow. I won't even know my surgery time until later today. I'm not having any food cravings today. I'll probably think of some immediately after my surgery!

See you on the other side :)



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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#71 Post by catsteeth »

I can't believe this. The support workers just walked off at my hospital in a wildcat (illegal) strike. Already, 50 surgeries have been cancelled in this region. I can't imagine I'm getting in tomorrow.

I am so upset right now. This surgery is stressful enough already without this happening. I was just clearing off my desk at work when the news came in.



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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#72 Post by lattiee »

catsteeth my son is 7 1/2 and he has a space between his upper teeth. Plus his other top teeth are coming in crooked which are his lateral incisors on the top.

I do want to make sure to get a good going compatible orthodontist as I had one that Mom went to so she thought she would take me to him He was a Nightmare and then the funny concidence is that when I was telling my neighbor about how I saw the orthodontist and she goes I had one that was a nightmare so then I ask her who it was it turns out it was the same one I had so I was like Oh my that's quite a small world indeed.

So I don't want him to have to go thru any nightmare or dislike of dentist/orthodontist.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#73 Post by emdanut »

Catsteeth, I'm glad that I am able to be an encouragement to you! I'm sorry to hear your surgery will probably be delayed. I think I would've cried if that had happened to me!
I actually got a great night of sleep last night-- i fell asleep around midnight and slept straight through without waking up even ONCE till about 7:30 am. And I was in surprisingly little pain for not having taken any meds for 8 hours!
My stomach was a little touchy this morning but I had some chicken broth and milkshake with my meds and the pain went away so I think it was just because I needed to eat.
After that I took a nap from about 10:30-12:30 and it was a great nap!
I'm really glad I've been able to sleep better today. I can't even begin to explain how much sleep helps!

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#74 Post by emdanut »

Also i may have a splint in over my back molars. I'm not sure though because I can't open my mouth enough to feel back there right now! My mom thinks I do though. I guess I'll find out at my first post-op appointment which is in 6 days.

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Re: February 2012 Surgery Buddies

#75 Post by lattiee »

catsteeth terrible about the strike when will you know for sure if your going in or not tomorrow ? Please update us and I'm for sure its pretty disappointing it gets so close your excited to begin your process but then nervous about the process and recovery but getting into relief it would be closer to be over with .

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