Can Damon Braces fix jaw alignment?

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Can Damon Braces fix jaw alignment?

#1 Post by bakejoy »

Hi everyone! I have both a crossbite and a slight underbite. I am a candidate for SARPE surgery, and to prepare me for the surgery I need a year of braces first. My ortho mentioned that with Damon braces it is possible to align my jaw properly without the need for surgery. I am hoping that this is true, and was wondering if there was anyone out there whose jaw alignment was corrected by Damon braces. Specifically a narrow top jaw (which is my biggest concern). Thanks in advance for responding!

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Re: Can Damon Braces fix jaw alignment?

#2 Post by tdawg7669 »

This is a tricky one.

One thing that is for sure is if your crossbite is mild enough or if your teeth are in a certain position but the palate is he correct(or close enough) size it might be possible to fix with braces alone(tipping the teeth outwards).

As for actual expansion that is a debated topic. The general consensus is that it is not possible pass a certain age, without surgery. However there are some who challenge that assertion. It is not my place to say, but I would encourage you to do your research on anyone who says that they can do actual expansion without surgery.

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Re: Can Damon Braces fix jaw alignment?

#3 Post by AF104 »

Braces can't expand the size of your arch. You won't get surgical quality results without surgery.

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