mentalis strain (chin strain)

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mentalis strain (chin strain)

#1 Post by worldpeace »

Hey everyone. I had double jaw surgery I am now 2 months ago post-op with no genio. While researching the topic of mentalis strain there isnt much info on whether it is more effective with genio or without. The mentalis strain has definitely decreased after surgery but is still present when closing lips. I'm just wondering if the muscles will continue to adjust or whether i should have had genio to correct it. My surgeon was fully aware that was one of the goals with surgery to fix my bite, lip and chin strain from the muscles having to close my lips together. He decided at the last minute to leave the chin alone as it would not make me look good. I would have preferred to have it all addressed at once but i trust his judgment. Does anyone have any insight/experience to share?

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Re: mentalis strain (chin strain)

#2 Post by ReoSity »

Are you humpea from the other jaw surgery forum?

If so I think I mentioned it when I replied to you there that mentalis strain is usually indicative of vertical maxillary excess so if you still have strain than the upper jaw wasn't rotated enough/correctly. The doesn't necessarily mean you need more anterior impaction (upward movement front of the upper jaw), it's possible your surgeon didn't move the back (posterior) of your upper jaw down enough to flatten you occlusal plane which increases chin projection and lengthens your lower lip.

With that said, again it's quite a possible the genio will reduce the strain and when you get your braces removed since they often make it harder to close one's lips.

Edit: And I just wanted to include that I have experience in this area as I had a sliding genio w/out jaw surgery years ago and while it made my chin stronger, I still had a large gap between my lips and strain on closure. The upper jaw is root of our lip incompetence.

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Re: mentalis strain (chin strain)

#3 Post by worldpeace »

Thanks for the reply, this is the only forum I participate in, can you please let me know where you wrote so i can read other people's accounts. I think you nailed the coffin on the head, I think it maybe be due to the upper jaw. I remember the surgeon mentionning that he was gonna widen the upper jaw but not move it too much up or down. Most of the movement came from the lower jaw. From what i read online, most people are saying to wait it out and that once the braces come off it should be easier to close. Mind you my lower lip and chin is still numb so maybe the chin muscle are fighting the numbness if that makes any sense. I will ask my surgeon, unfortunately i wont be seeing him for another 2 months. It just sucks seeing the strain when trying to close my mouth.

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Re: mentalis strain (chin strain)

#4 Post by ReoSity »

Oops may bad, your story was very similar to someone else but they had quite of bit of impaction.

2 months is still pretty early so there's still swelling and your muscles trying to relax. After a few more months past if the strain persists I would get a second opinion with someone very respectable and experienced.

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Re: mentalis strain (chin strain)

#5 Post by sarahn »

My dermatologist told me that Botox is the easiest remedy. Thought it isn't permanent, it is non-invasive. I haven't tried it myself thought but if I still have them after my jaw surgery I'm definitely considering it.

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Re: mentalis strain (chin strain)

#6 Post by worldpeace »

Thanks for the info. I would imagine you would have to have multiple session of botox over time? I wonder what the costs would be like. I will look into it!

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