Does regular health insurance pay for Oral Surgery?

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Does regular health insurance pay for Oral Surgery?

#1 Post by manderin »

I was thinking that it was dental insurance that paid for ortho/jaw surgeries, but I find that very few people have dental insurance and those that do have it say that their dental insurance has a maximum benefit in their policy of only $2,000 a year or less. So is it regular health insurance that pays for things like SARPE?

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Re: Does regular health insurance pay for Oral Surgery?

#2 Post by Marisama »

Medical insurance may pay for jaw surgery, depending on your policy. Watch out for exclusions. Dental insurance may only cover part of the cost of braces.

Search insurance on the forum and you'll find plenty of information.

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Re: Does regular health insurance pay for Oral Surgery?

#3 Post by DrBlur »

My SARPE surgery was paid for by my health insurance. Dental insurance definitely will not cover it. And my orthodontist, dentist, and oral surgeon all had to team up to justify to my health insurance why it was medically necessary. It took a while but once they did, they paid for 100% of it.
32 years old, total time in braces=30 months

-Braces and palate expander on 4/15/10
-RPE Surgery 9/15/10
-Expander removed 3/11
-Braces Removed 9/7/12
-Retainers in 9/7/12

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