Fixing an issue with a receding lower jaw

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Fixing an issue with a receding lower jaw

#1 Post by Bevan »


Around 8 months ago, I got two upper teeth pulled out in an attempt to fix my teeth by moving my upper teeth backwards to meet with my bottom receding jaw. I had the option to go for surgery to move my lower jaw forward but I was a stubborn ignorant child when he proposed it. The gaps created from the removed teeth have nearly closed but now I am self conscious about the way I look and I regret not getting the surgery. So what I'm wondering is, is it too late for me to get the surgery done and will anything extra need to happen now. Also just an estimated cost so I can give my parents an idea.


Ps. I realise that my orthodontist is going to be mad at me due to the fact that I didn't listen to him a year ago an go along with the surgery and now I have to move my upper teeth all the way back to the spot where we have been trying to close in the last 8 months.

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Re: Fixing an issue with a receding lower jaw

#2 Post by sc2012 »


I have the same problem with a retruding lower jaw. My ortho gave me two options- surgery (to move my lower jaw forwards) or get two teeth extracted on the top and push my upper teeth backwards (to camoflauge my jaw problem). I am in the midst of making this decision. But, I had asked the oral surgeon, if i got the teeth extracted and wanted to have the surgery later in life if this would still be possible. So, I think his answer may be the answer to your question-- he had said that if I got the upper teeth pushed back w/ extractions instead of the lower jaw surgically moved forwards and wanted to fix the jaw problem later, then I would have to have both upper and lower jaw surgery. So, you can probably still get surgery, but it would just be a different surgery than if you originally got it. They'd probably have to move your upper jaw forwards as well as the lower to make your bite perfect.

I wouldn't worry about if the ortho gets mad--it's your teeth and your smile, he will understand that you just want to be happy with it!

I have no idea about cost--sorry! Hope this helps!

Also, what don't you like about how the way it turned out? Just wondering, since I am in the process if deciding b/t surgery and extractions.

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Re: Fixing an issue with a receding lower jaw

#3 Post by Orome »

I had extractions and the upper jaw moved backward (cervical head gear) to fix an overbite (receded lower jaw) when I was a teenager. I was never given the option for surgery but I really regret having the camouflage treatment as I already have a naturally narrow face with a small jaw and large nose. It just made my jaw (both maxilla and mandible) out of proportion to my face and made my profile look horrible. Now i have an obtuse nasolabial angle and small jaw. If insurance is willing to cover surgery (or cover most of it) I would strongly consider it. Your case may well be different from mine. I'm stuck with my face as it is now because I could get double jaw surgery to correct the problem caused by orthodontics, but insurance will never cover it as it is considered an aesthetic surgery.

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Re: Fixing an issue with a receding lower jaw

#4 Post by animalcroc »

you need to include a lot more information. there's plenty of factors that influence necessity of surgery, risk, and recovery.
younger you are, better the recovery. btw,it's good you didnt' have surgery when you were a "stubborn child" since children aren't fully growing and your
result may have been unstable (but some surgeries are necessary for children, e.g. if one has crouzon syndrome).

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