very nervous about the surgery anyone share their experience

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very nervous about the surgery anyone share their experience

#1 Post by piner08 »

ok im just curious if anyone hear has had any major surgery and had to go under for some time. next summer (hopefully sooner) i will be undergoing jaw surgery on my top& bottom jaw along with my chin. im a little nervous about the whole thing because im going to be under general anesthia for 6-8 hours and i know that sometimes there is difficulty trying to get a person out of it and it includes a risk. so if any body has been through something similar please some advice or even just talking about your experience would be great id appreciate it alot!o getting the surgery because i have severe TMJ problems its so bad i cant sleep at night and im most of the time in some sort of pain...also the doctors discovered that when i chew or like bite only my back two molars on each side touch and its called an "open bite" and from what they can tell its pretty bad. so during the surgery um in not positive but from the papers they gave me the surgery will all be done in my mouth like no incisions on my face or anything like that. but anyways they are going to reposition my jaw bones on the top and bottom so that i will have a better bite and so that my bottom jaw wont be recessive anymore and that will fix my profile somewhat.

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Re: surgery

#2 Post by ricardo2 »

Hi, :-1

Hope you're OK....Sorry to hear you're worried about your surgery. :( I can't advise you about jaw/dental surgery as my recent canine exposure was done under local. However, I have got other health probs and have needed 14 operations under general in the last few years - so I can understand the worry associated with major surgery.

I would be lying if I said I didn't worry each time I need to go in for them, but I guess the only advice I can give you is TRY and relax (easier said than done!) and make sure you are 100% happy with things beforehand - talk to your surgeon, ask about the risks/benefits, post-op care, pain relief etc. and make sure you disclose any other health probs/allergies etc (even the insignificant ones!) Though you've probably been through all that already.

Things have gone wrong for me in the past, but most of the time things have gone OK. I'm sure they will be fine for you too.

You sound like you need this surgery, especially to fix your pain and your appearance, so I guess just focus on why you need it doing and how much better you will feel when it's all over. The other way of looking at it is - how much worse will things get if you don't have it done?

I hope things work out for you - TRY NOT TO WORRY - You'll be fine!
(PM me if you want a chat.)

Good Luck

Lotsa love

LUCY xxx

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#3 Post by katevv »

I had the surgery 1 year 2mths ago and given the option again would not have gone through with it.

It was more painful/traumatic than I had imagined my op was 8 hours [upper/lower/genio] and the recovery was MUCH longer than i expeceted.For all the pre op preperation and post op recovery that goes into it,the wisdom teeth and other extractions,braces,numbness/nerve damage,swelling [mine didnt go down until 8mths] and everything else including other significant changes to the face[nose,cheeks etc],it absolutely wasnt worth it.

I have a stronger lower jaw and chin,but ive seen people with chin implants that look better OR EXACTLY the same and that is a one hour op.

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#4 Post by Teigyr »


I had lower jaw surgery in May. I was so scared and my concerns were a lot like yours even though I didn't have as much work to be done. It is so easy to get worked up and think a lot of "what if" type thoughts.

I am 100% happy I did it and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I know everyone's experience is different but I think if you have a good outlook, don't obsess over little things (even with the braces! If you obsess, every little thing is annoying), and try to laugh about it you will be ok. My recovery was tons easier than I thought as was eating and going back to work.

I would suggest you talk to your surgeon about your concerns. My OS's office was always available to answer any questions I had and they were so nice when I was scared. The nurse/tech told me he would be there with me the whole time and would make sure I was ok. Sounds silly but I was very comforted by that thought.

I think it's good to research but try not to dwell, if that makes sense. Someone told me that the hardest part of the surgery was the time leading up to it and I believe that wholeheartedly.

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#5 Post by Lina »

Don't worry. I'm 17 years old and I had SARPE surgery June 5, 2006 and it was no BIG deal. The only thing that I hated about it was the recovery and not being able to eat what I wanted. lol other than that I was fine. Oh and the swelling I hate to cause I'm still swelling til this day. But its easy and before you know it its all over and done and perfect smile in no time.

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#6 Post by sica »

i had upper jaw surgery when i was 18. i was under for 4 hours but seemed like minutes to me. in all honesty, it was a piece of cake. there was no pain. the hardest part was not being able to eat normal food for awhile. your fear is completely normal. hope it all goes well for you.

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