Lower jaw surgery, my story.

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Lower jaw surgery, my story.

#1 Post by GSBraces »

Thought that i should share my story and experiences about the upcoming jaw surgery. Both to keep record for my self and also to get some ideas from you if necessary.

First a little introduction I'm a 24 year old man live's somewhere in northern parts of Europe.
I have had bite issues as long as I can remember. I Suffer from a underdeveloped lower jaw and therefore overbite (think that you might call it over jet). In my teens i was using some kind of "over night braces" also remember some sort of a headgear. But none of that worked that well so didn't use either for to long. However surgery was suggested then but didn't go through with it (BIG mistake) mainly because I didn't really know the extent of it then.

However over the following years i "suffered" more from it and around i year ago i decided to do something about it. Long story short and some mistakes in the dentist office make me wait until November for my first appointment with the orthodontist. Then a other appointment with a oral surgeon in January this year. They both told me about the process and what to expect. Honestly I knew most of it since I read on the internet almost a year before. Anyway what I didn't expect was that the treatment should be pretty fast or much faster than what I thought!) They told me to expect braces for around a year before and around 6 months after. (That was a lot less then expected. Heard that most cases needed to wear them for at least two years in total. Also got to know that my lower wisdom teeth's needed to be pulled (did´n know that) so a other appointment was made with the surgeon and at that appointment he pulled the right one. He was very professional and it didn't hurt at all until the anesthesia started to go away (wasn't put under, just around the tooth).

At that point I started to wonder what i was doing. I´t hurts like H**L! But still sure I'm going through whit it. Well after a week or so I didn't feel much of it at all. So had my second appointment with him today and pulled the left one. That one was a bit tricky but it doesn't hurt as much as the right one.
Also today had an appointment with the orthodontist (after getting the tooth pulled! Thought that was a mistake but wasn't when i checked with them earlier).
However that visit was a bit of a surprise. I knew that he gonna do impressions and had toughs that that gonna hurt and be tricky do to he extraction half a hour before.
But went well, thought I was ready to leave at that point but apparently not. He also wanted to put in a Quad Helix in my upper arch! Didn't expect that. Apparently he also should have done something else but since the teeth pull he decided to wait.

At the moment I don't really know what to say. It's hard to speech and eat do to the QH. Hope I get use to it pretty fast. Still have thought about what I'm doing and if i should have cancelled. (Was in fact interested in the ALF solution but that's nothing that they use around here and can't afford to travel around the world right now). But at the other hand I'm happy that if finally is happening something and that the pain and discomfort I feel goes away and the my bite, smile and tooth's are PERFECT after this.

So that's where I are right now.
-Both wisdom teeth's are pulled.
-Quad Helix in upper arch.
-Scheduled for a appointment to get braces in the beginning of June (I knew it takes long, had hoped to get them one in April at least...)

So not that long gone but hey, it's progress :)

Have a lot of other thought's and questions so glad that I found this great forum!

Gonna put up some pictures later one to show the progress.

Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:33 pm

Re: Lower jaw surgery, my story.

#2 Post by animalcroc »

thanks for the post. do you mind posting a picture of your teeth and bite so i can see your situation? i'd like to how you are for needing a year in braces

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:59 am

Re: Lower jaw surgery, my story.

#3 Post by GSBraces »

Yeap pictures will come up as son as i can post them!

But can tell a little of it to begin whit. In upper jaw i have no crowding or so. Just the jaw it self are small. In the lower jaw only the incisors are a bit crocked.

As to day the pain is better, feel the quad helix much more and still hard to speech (didn't practice much yesterday). Also very hard to eat when all food get stuck in it. Still wondering if it's worth it but somehow I feel happy because something is finally happening. Wish only time goes much faster.

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