Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#31 Post by bmueller »

To start, I had only the upper jaw surgery. My overjet was large enough I could stick my pinkie finger between my teeth. Once the surgery was done to impact my upper jaw 7 mm and moved forward 1 mm, my overjet was reduced to 1 mm! The jaw really does autorotate and the doctor knows what he's taking about. It should make your TMJ or joint damage improve since your joint will work better in this position (at least for me).

Wilcodontics - my ortho does this too. It is a surgery. You will have to prep, be put under anesthesia, stay home from work for about a week and not eat anything requiring much chewing for the first week or two (only slightly better than the liquid diet from traditional jaw surgery). You will have stitches between every tooth where they reattach the gums. I seriously doubt any medical or dental insurance will cover Wilcodontics, and I was quoted $5-10k in my area (equal to the price of my jaw surgery). They pull back the gums, score the bone which makes it easier to move the teeth through the bone). During treatment you can't take NSAIDS (advil) because the ingredients in this will speed up the bone healing and basically undo the wilcodontics surgery.

This treatment won't be able to widen a jaw.

Sometimes orthos can achieve movements with TADS and Wilcodontics that TADS alone can't fix. If they want to intrude all your teeth up to 5 mm this is a tough order and may only be achievable with the aid of the soft bone from Wilcodontics.

Do some more research and find out what can/will be covered and then make a decision. I did lots of research on Wilcodontics too since I'm impatient and wanted to be done with treatment.... even before I started :)

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#32 Post by LyraM45 »

Thanks for your replies! :D

I wouldn't go for the wilcko just to speed the process up. I am actually OK with the traditional time since I've already convinced myself that it was my only option, although the shorter time would be a super awesome bonus with this. This method was basically an alternative to the jaw surgery, in which the major selling point for me was how much less invasive it was not sawing my jaw bone off my face and putting it back together with the risk of the permanent numb/tingling forever. I was VERY confused at how they could do this and still get the same results of the jaw surgery, particularly with the widening of the arch. My ortho said that when they go in to score the bone, they will pack a ton of cadaver bone or grafting material on the outside of the bone I have now, and that will be the new bone that they will move my teeth out into. I didn't think to ask this, but I later wondered what they would do with the excess bone on the inside if they move my teeth out into new bone? Not sure, but I'm sure they would take care of it some how. And yes, the TAD's would be used in conjunction with the wilcko to bring my teeth up and net the same result as the 4-5mm impaction they would do with the traditional jaw surgery.

I am hesitant to do this new proposed method for a few reasons-- 1.) I don't think my ortho does a ton of these cases. I am all for barn storming and being the innovative patient, but with something this complex I think it might be better to go with something he is very familiar with, which is the tried and true traditional jaw surgery. I also get the feeling that the surgeon probably has not done this too often, and it seemed like he was mostly speaking on case studies he's seen or learned about at conferences. 2.) I have a feeling this is going to be more painful than the jaw surgery! Doh! and 3.) It's probably not going to be covered at all, which means I might be out another $8,000 on top of the $8,000 I am already paying the ortho for everything. No bueno!

It sounds great, and almost too good to be true, but I am hesitant. Even if the price wasn't a factor, I would still be hesitant for reasons under #1 above. Maybe in another decade more and more people will be doing this, but I don't know if I want to be in that group of newbies who get to try it out!

Tough call. They are putting in a pre-authorization to see if my insurance will pick it up. I know it's doubtful, so I guess I'll make a decision from there once I hear back!

Thanks again for everybody's input!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#33 Post by LyraM45 »

Well.... I've decided................


It's been a long 5 months (well, a lot longer than that technically, but the non stop hardcore thinking and decision making has been for the last 5 months), and I got lofted the wilckodontics curve ball at the end, but I emailed my orthodontist and said lets proceed with the surgical option. Now I'm just waiting to hear back and get a date for when to come in and get the brackets put on and get this whole show going.

Here we go! Sandwiches with lettuce-- you better look out!!! :wink: Cheers to what could be a tough few years ahead of me with amazing (hopefully amazing) results at the end! Hope it's worth it!

Thanks again for everybody's input and help so far!!!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#34 Post by bmueller »

Glad you were finally able to make a decision. You won't regret it!

My surgeon told me that attitude is such a big part in the recovery process. With a positive attitude and preparation, you will get through this quickly and easily.

Let the journey begin!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#35 Post by Anna5 »

Congratulatiions with your decision, Lyra! I am sure you made a good decision with the best possible result. The coming years might indeed be hard sometimes, but I am sure the end result will be worth it. Good luck on your exciting journey!!!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#36 Post by LyraM45 »

Had an ortho appointment yesterday just to talk everything over one last time and then make the appointment to get the braces put on. He gave me a looksie again, and is torn on whether both of my jaws need to be done. He at first said both, then thought maybe I could get away with one (which my first surgeon consult agreed), and now he thinks it's both. We can decide when I go for a consult with the surgeon who will be doing my work, which unfortunately won't be until January 2014 when I switch insurances. And if I don't want to do the lower jaw, he said I can choose to go with the upper jaw only if I want.

They also threw another curve ball at me. For the first time they brought up a genio! Whoa!!! I've never had anybody in all of my consults mention the G word! Doh! So, another thing to think about, but right off the bat I am not inclined to go for it.

They put my spacers in. God..... these SUCK!!! I hope the braces aren't this bad :(

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#37 Post by bmueller »

For me, they couldn't decide one or two jaws until the last week before surgery. And then they brought up the idea for genio instead of the lower jaw. And then during the surgery, the surgeon decided that I didn't need the genio either!

Give it time, see where your teeth end up and trust that you picked a surgeon who will give you the best face possible with the least risk!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#38 Post by LyraM45 »

Best face possible with the least risk-- that's the name of the game right there! :)

I got a teeth cleaning this morn and had to have my spacers taken out. I've only had them in since Tues AM and I already hate them. I went in after the cleaning to have them put back in, and they surprised me-- asked if I had about 2 hrs, and said I already made plenty of space just in two days if I have time to sit there and let them put the braces on! So, I'm completely braced right now! Took them 3 hrs, and we had to re cement some brackets that I was biting down on, but it's done! The back hooks are already tearing up the inside of my mouth :cry:

I already broke a front bracket off. Popped off while I was in line at the grocery store. Scared the bajeebus out of me! Going back tomorrow to get it put back on.

When does it feel normal to eat again? My bite feels a little weird, chewing and talking is awkward. I feel like I'll never be able to close my lips over these big things! Hopefully it all settles in and feels normal soon!!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#39 Post by LyraM45 »

Forgot a picture!


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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#40 Post by azjaw »

Wow I'm glad you are getting started. I am having my surgery tomorrow and feeling really nervous so I came on this board to try and reassure myself it will be okay. I went back and forth of whether to do it or not so many times. I started braces and was sure I wanted it but when my insurance rejected the pre-authorization I started to doubt whether I should really go through with it. I know it is a big risk but I feel like the possible benefits are worth it for me. I feel really comfortable with the surgeon I am going to now so that is what has given me the confidence I think to finally go ahead and do it. I've just got to get through these next few weeks. The braces will always be a bit of an inconvenience for you but I am sure you will get used to them. Next time you go to the orthodontist ask if they could push the hooks back a little or something so they don't irritate your mouth so much. When they put brackets on my back molars they didn't push the hooks down enough and it really hurt my tongue but the next time I went in they adjusted them and it was perfect.

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#41 Post by bmueller »

Congrats! So excited for you. Remember the first few days are the WORST! I promise. You will be back to eating normally and talking normally and things won't poke you anymore after about 1-2 weeks.

Let the journey begin!

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#42 Post by zena »

bmueller wrote:For me, they couldn't decide one or two jaws until the last week before surgery. And then they brought up the idea for genio instead of the lower jaw. And then during the surgery, the surgeon decided that I didn't need the genio either!

Give it time, see where your teeth end up and trust that you picked a surgeon who will give you the best face possible with the least risk!

You mentioned Dr. shadi saba was your orthodontist. could never find your surgeon name?

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#43 Post by LyraM45 »

So, it's been a while since I've been on the boards here. Kind of dug deep in to my blog and a few other groups more dedicated to jaw surgery. But, to make a long story short, things did not end well for me on this journey. My jaw surgery was severely botched and made me much worse than what I went in to fix, and even much worse than my pre braces bite. I got double jaw surgery April 2014, knew by 3-4 weeks post op that I looked pretty crooked and twisted, and ended up being ignored by my surgeon and left out to dry without any help. I eventually found a whole new team and I am in the process of being set up for revision surgery, which is set to happen by Feb. Hopefully this time they can get it right.... or at least make better what got made SO much worse in that first surgery. If anybody is interested in checking out my blog that I've kept the last few years on all of this, visit

Thanks :)

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#44 Post by EWUgal15 »

LyraM45 wrote:If anybody is interested in checking out my blog that I've kept the last few years on all of this, visit

Thanks :)
I found your blog a few weeks before my own surgery and spent a lot of time asking myself what I would do if what happened to you happened to me. I read through the whole thing (and watch for new posts) and was so glad to find out that you are able to get things corrected. It sucks that it's costing you so much money though. You've got quite the support network though. Your husband must be pretty amazing if he can handle all of your travels and extreme sports therapy. It's very inspiring.

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Re: Double Jaw Surgery-- Not Sure if I want to Do It.

#45 Post by LyraM45 »

Just dropping a final update on this whole jaw saga--- I went through my revision ortho and revision surgery. Surgery was Feb 2016 and my team of docs really knocked it out of the park. I am so fortunate to have found these guys to fix the mess I was left with after my first surgery. If anybody is interested in checking out my final thoughts and a summary of before/during/after, feel free to visit the page I put together on my website: ... ughts.html

It has definitely been a wild ride the last 3.5 years. Glad to be done with the active ortho/jaw work finally. Now we move on to the restorative phase. Unfortunately the damage I sustained during my first round of treatment was pretty extensive. I am losing my 4 upper front teeth and 2-3 lower bottom incisors thanks to severe-extreme root/bone resorption. It's pretty devastating, but like everything else, we push forward and hopefully get it fixed up.

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