Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

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Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#1 Post by bmueller »

I had upper jaw surgery nearly 5 months ago and I know I look different but I looked in the mirror yesterday and it really just sank in that I look different. I don't know if I've just gotten used to "seeing" myself as I was before. It was really strange.

Anybody have the same kind of thing happen?

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#2 Post by midnight »

Yes. Everyone keeps telling me that I my face hasn't really changed that much. I know it's probably only slightly different but when you've looked at your face everyday for the last 26 years and suddenly it's not quite the same it because very obvious (well to me anyway!). I was messing around with my camera in the park at the weekend and when I looked a the photos I don't recognise myself in them. It was a very odd feeling. Not sure I prefer the way I look now but definitely glad that this is nearly all behind me and I my teeth meet and I can close my lips though :)

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#3 Post by katsface »

Yes. Every day. Because I had a SARPE procedure, my teeth and jaw have been in what seems like constant motion for the past few months. And we're not talking small changes! So I feel like every other day or every few days I'm looking at a different person.
  • Braces: In-Ovation L (lingual) on top, and In-Ovation R (metal) on bottom
  • BSSO advancement
  • estimated 18-22 months
  • Expander installed Jan 14th 2013
  • Surgery Feb 18th 2013
  • Turn 26 days to 13mm. Gap between teeth maxed out at 12-13mm.
  • Gap down to 7mm Apr 18
  • Gap Closed Aug 6
  • Expander out Sep 19
  • Insurance approved, surgery scheduled for Dec 18!

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#4 Post by June2013 »

This is my no.1 worry other than the loss of feeling in my face :s

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#5 Post by bmueller »

June2013 - Hopefully you'll think you look BETTER after the surgery! Of course when recovering and still swollen I knew I looked different, sometimes I'd laugh because I looked like a chipmunk cheeked weirdo.

I think we see what we want to see, or what we're used to seeing. It was just a really odd feeling to look in the mirror the other day and I felt I just looked... different... I think I spent so much time hating how I looked, I was shocked to see a face I didn't hate or didn't want to nit-pick over. Additionally, I was wearing makeup and my hair was different which is out of the ordinary, so that may partially be why I thought I looked so strange.

I do not get this feeling every time I look in the mirror and I don't obsess over it. If that was the case, I'd consider seeing someone professionally.

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#6 Post by sarahxgx »

im waiting for my swelling to fully go down to make any judgements!

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#7 Post by rosesrred1026 »

It's almost 4 days post-surgery and I'm also still waiting (somewhat impatiently!) for the swelling to go down. I look very strange right now.

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#8 Post by bmueller »

Congrats to those who are just a few days recovered! Your swelling will go down before you know it! I promise.

I'm kinda in that phase (6 months out) where my vision of the old me is fading, but I'm not used to the new me. I am anxiously waiting for next month when my braces come off. Despite being clear, they really hide the true smile. I also have so many elastics in my mouth that I can't talk well or open my mouth very wide. I have gotten out of the habit of talking normally and will have to relearn that too and get used to my voice (minus the huge amount of hardware).

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#9 Post by rosesrred1026 »

bmueller - thanks for the encouragement. I saw my orthodontist and oral surgeon today, and they said the residual swelling is normal, and looks better than what they typically see at my stage of recovery! So that's a good thing I suppose. I still look weird, but as long as I return to how I normally look before too long, I can deal. I have a job interview on Wednesday, 6 days post. THAT will be interesting :lol:

Your braces will be off before you know it! What timeline did they give you? The voice/speech impediment has definitely been one of the hardest parts for me, since I've always prided myself on articulating properly. This expander just kills my vibe!

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#10 Post by bmueller »

Wow, job interview. That will be wild. I would probably just explain from the start that you recently had surgery on your jaw and may have to talk slower or quieter to get your point across.

I gave a video interview 6 weeks post op (I was banded/splinted shut for 3 weeks) and it killed me to give the interview. I made a lot of mess ups but somehow got through it all. I guess others thought I sounded fine.

The ortho is done moving my teeth but last time I was told to stop elastics, my teeth reverted to where they were before elastics (unstable, on the move, whatever you want to call it) so I have to wear elastics again for 5 weeks just to make sure my teeth stay in place. I am wearing 6 elastics and cannot stick my tongue out of my mouth. I've adapted to talking without moving my teeth or jaws much but I have a huge lisp and cannot talk very loud. I look forward to being able to pronouce things correctly and project my voice without stumbling over my tongue and teeth. Next appointment is June 18 so hopefully I'll get the green light to be done.

You'll be done soon too! Time flies.

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#11 Post by subu »

How do you have a job interview 6 days post op?! Haha, I'm 14 days post-op and I'm definitely not in any condition. I admire your courage and/or your recovery timeline!

Do you have any pictures?

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Re: Anybody look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

#12 Post by rosesrred1026 »

That's just how fate works, I guess! It's a great opportunity and tomorrow is the last interview date available, so I'm not going to turn it down. As of today, I can speak coherently enough that I'm sure they'll understand me after I explain my situation. My friend said it'd be a good ice breaker! And I had SARPE; recovery from that isn't as bad I've heard.

Thanks, I've been taking pictures here and there. I should probably do it more consistently. I'll put them up when I can arrange them in a way that makes sense.

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