Can't stop worrying :(

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Can't stop worrying :(

#1 Post by Bracefacepower »

Hi guys,

Well I'm 5 and a half weeks post lower jaw surgery, I seemed to make really good progress in the first few weeks, facial movement, smiling, talking etc all fine, and started to get feeling back in one side of my lower lip and chin. I got the go ahead this week to start to chew, i am finding it so hard, I can only open my mouth about 2.5 cms and can't really move it sideways at all, today I had to take pain killers for the first time in a few weeks as my jaw joints just ached, I guess from the chewing. I'm only chewing soft foods like pasta and soft bread etc. do you think this sounds normal, do you think I should carry on trying to chew or give it a break for a few days? Or is the aching just part of my muscles being built back up? I can't help but panic that this is how I'm going to be forever, only ever being able to eat really soft foods and not opening my mouth fully. :(

Sorry I guess I must sound like a moaner but having one of those days were I am just worried this is how I'm going to be forever. I really miss being able to eat out with my husband.

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Re: Can't stop worrying :(

#2 Post by geordie999 »

I had a 2 piece Le Fort 1 3 years ago then double jaw last year. I was banded shut for a little over 3 weeks for the both of them. After both ops my jaw ached quite a bit once I transitioned to soft food so i believe it is perfectly normal...just like a hard workout using muscles you have not used in a while. In fact I watched a comedy movie one month after the first op and had to take a painkiller that night because my muscles ached so much from laughing. I think aching is perfectly normal and is just part of the recovery, but if you are at all worried then call your surgeons office, my surgeon and his staff were more than happy to answer all of my questions.

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Re: Can't stop worrying :(

#3 Post by bmueller »

I gurantee it gets better. You need to be patient and you need to push yourself (but not too much!) I was banded shut for 3 weeks and thought that once unbanded I would instantly be able to open my mouth! I had all sorts of not chew soft foods lined up to eat. I realized that my jaw muscles were so sore I could only open one millimeter! After three days of talking and functioning like that I decided to get brave and start trying to exercise my mouth when talking and though it hurt some, I saw great progress!

You know this isn't an instant fix but your total healing will take months. Don't get discouraged, though you are totally allowed to be frustrated from time to time :) You'll be back to eating that big steak sooner than you think!

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Re: Can't stop worrying :(

#4 Post by Bracefacepower »

Thanks for your replies, the support is really appreciated. I'm sure in a few months ill wonder what I was worrying about, until then I'll keep persevering with my chewing! :)

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