Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#16 Post by Alicia0913 »

I raise the whole concern about lots of blood in stomach to my surgeon and he said that at the end of the surgery, he sucks the blood out before the patient wakes up. Hopefully that helps? I wonder if this is standard practice?

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#17 Post by bmueller »

That's standard procedure. Some people, like me had a tube down my nose into my stomach to drain blood for a couple of hours after the surgery until it stops sucking things up.

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#18 Post by VikingGirl »

I was sick as soon as I woke up, and I was sick several times the next couple of days. It was worst when taking pills and the anti-nausea pills didn't really help much. I had a lot of blood in my stomach :) Wasn't difficult to throw up though, even when wired shut. Dont worry.

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#19 Post by Hyrules »

I had nausea for a couple of days post surgery. Since I was banded shut there were not alot of alternative as anti-nausea drugs... the one you take by the other end.

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#20 Post by Bracefacepower »

I was really worried about being sick after surgery also, I was sick twice in hospital but it all found its way out :) and didn't cause any pain.

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#21 Post by theman »

I vaguely remember saying 'nauseous' after waking from surgery, and they apparently gave me something (according to my mom) that got rid of the nausea completely. Concerning the time at home, I was only nauseous the day I had to go for my first follow-up appt with the oral surgeon. All the walking around really upset my stomach. Pain and drowsiness were definitely bigger concerns for me.

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Re: Were you physically sick after your jaw op?

#22 Post by ccjjb »

I got very sick after surgery. I don't want to be too graphic or anything but I was sick for like 12 hours immediately after surgery, they had to cut the elastics and everything. It wasn't pleasant but not nearly as bad as it sounds, the nurses were very nice about it and between the anesthesia and pain medication it really wasn't all that awful. My main concern was that I didn't have my bands on for the first week of recovery, but I'm almost at three weeks out and my jaw surgeon has said that everything looks fine. I only had upper surgery also so it is probably different.

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