What do you guys think? (pics)

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#31 Post by VikingGirl »

You look really just look amazing! :shock:

Steph in Sac
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#32 Post by Steph in Sac »

I took your first posted picture and your last one (on page one) and pasted them side by side. You just look different. I thought you had a great smile and glowing face and high cheek bones before your surgery. You do look pretty after your surgery as well. I think it will just take some time for you to get used to the "new" you. I think your chin may be more prominent, but perhaps it is because you lacked a chin before. It is easy for us to pick ourselves apart, but truthfully, you look great.

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#33 Post by daniel7 »

yeah i have to agree with everyone else i think you look great. i just had my surgery 24 hours a go and i'm hoping to get similar results to you. i had my lower jaw advanced and genioplasty, and i'm really anxious to see the results. what i am most concerned about is still lacking a chin.

did your surgeon say how many mm he advanced your chin in the genioplasty? i told my surgeon i wanted a larger more prominent chin, and he said he agrees not to make it too small but at the same time not to over do it. he advanced it 8mm which i think is a fair bit. but now i look in the mirror (wish i didn't) and i just can't see it.i know i just came out of surgery and i'm pretty swolen, but now i'm panicking a bit. i hope as the swelling goes down i get a more defined chin like yours... at the moment it still looks like i have a bit of an overbite.

what were your impressions when you first came out of surgery?

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#34 Post by jose321 »

brok3nwings if you don't mind me asking, how many mm's was your lower jaw advanced?

And btw you look amazing!

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#35 Post by brok3nwings »

daniel7 when i came out of the surgery i hated it...hated it so much! I hated it for about one month.. you should wait at least one month until you can start to see your face.. but i believe if you´re chin isnt as prominent as you wanted you will start do see it some days after the surgery. The thing is, they have to see if your face can handle a prominent chin or not and some people dont. I have a friend that is a dentist and she told me that some people dont get such an advance because their muscles cant handle it, they make all the tests before the surgery also to calculate that kind of stuff..i wish i hadnt such a prominent chin, im a girl, i dont like it as much as i wish i did.

jose321 i honestly dont know.. my surgeon didnt talk to me about that kind of thing, everytime i go there it is so fast that i dont even get to ask the things i want to.. but i believe it was quite a bit! looking at my before and after pictures you see the big difference.

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#36 Post by joebraces »

You are a very attractive girl ;)

Post-op compared to pre-op you definately have some major improvement. Personally I have an underbite which is quite different, but I know people with "gummy" smiles like you used to have and I always think it looks a bit strange so I think it'll benefit you now that you've corrected it. Personally though, I think it's not the worst kind of facial imbalance to have corrected but still you do look more attractive and more "healthy" looking than before even!

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#37 Post by Kirish »

From the pictures posted, it's very hard to judge the differences. There are too many things not kept constant between the before and after pics:

- Smiling before but not after.
- Showing teeth before but not after.
- After pics are taken in profile or directly in front, yet before pics taken from some angle.
- Your hair is covering your face differently.
- Are you the same weight after surgery ?

Very hard to judge like this, but in any case you look very attractive after surgery.

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Re: What do you guys think? (pics)

#38 Post by darinagaievska »

Girl, the results are great, you have to trust me on this one. I am usually very critical so I am not sugarcoating right now. you look much much better in the after pics, believe me :-)

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Re: What do you guys think? (pics)

#39 Post by kids041 »

I think you look beautiful :D. Just like it is supposed to look. I think you just need to give your self some time, and remember that the swelling can last for quite a long time. Maybe what you are seeing is swelling, and you will become more comfortable as the swelling goes down.

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Re: What do you guys think? (pics)

#40 Post by GSBraces »

Have to agree with the others, you look amazing :)

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Re: What do you guys think? (pics)

#41 Post by Lorianne »

You were cute before, but now you are stunning! I think, as everybody else has said, you are just not used to your new facial structure. It will take some time, please allow yourself that, but take it from us and know that you had GREAT results and you are better off for it! You need to do some self-affirmations and tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful. After a while you will start to believe it! And it is the truth!

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