August 2013 Buddies

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#31 Post by SueHeck »

I got my splint out today!!! I am so happy!!!! I am going to work on Tuesday. I was supposed to have more time to heal but my surgery was post-poned two weeks. My teeth needed to be adjusted by the orthodontist so they would be level after the surgery. For those two weeks I didn't know if I was going to have the surgery or have to wait until next summer! I'm a teacher and can't do it during the school year. I'm nervous about going back to work two and a half weeks after the surgery but I won't see students for another week.

I made an album for the forum. It's just my teeth before and after right now but it is a huge improvement :) I had my top jaw moved up and leveled and my bottom jaw was centered.
imgur. com/a/TF53D

Good luck UnicornDerp!

Changes & RS I hope your recovery is going very well!

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#32 Post by Changes »

Congrats Sue that is fab :) It makes such a difference to get it out doesnt it. Good luck with your job, hope all goes well. thats good you have that week to ease in before the students come back. And your bite looks great! what an improvement x

My last few days have been a bit up and down. So pleased to have the wafer out and able to brush my teeth. And eat thicker soups, yoghurts etc. But been a bit down too, yesterday I was VERY emotional, sobbing which is not something I ever normally do... dont know if this is to do with the anasthetic or if it was because of the shock of the op catching up or what but it was quite random.

Also, the last three nights I have woken myself up in the middle of the night with a very sharp pain in my left side of jaw. I am usually a very deep sleeper - nothing will wake me up. But also very active - rolling about, talking, you name it. And my husband has always said that I clench my teeth really badly. Also usually sleep on my stomach, with a lot of weight on face/cheeks. And never sleep on my back. So this was a concern before getting the surgery.. how to cope with sleeping on your back and not injuring yourself during sleep.

At my appt on Thursday I raised it with the dental staff - to see is there anything that can be done to avoid grinding/clenching teeth. The surgeon joked 'Don't sleep'! and the orthodontist assured me that I just naturally wouldnt do it as my jaw is so delicate. But that night, and the following night I woke up bang in the middle of the night because of this pain. Is this because of grinding teeth?? Is anyone else getting this? So now I am too scared to go to sleep and stayed up til 5.30am yesterday until I dozed off, and five hours later - you guessed it - shocking pain in the left jaw woke me up.

Apart from that I am feeling a pressure in the left jaw. Have just one elastic band in just now. And I can take it out to eat. When I am eating, the left jaw is occasionally clicking/popping accompanied with pain. Also had ear ache in the left ear yesterday. I never had any left jaw / ear probs before the op. Just eating soft foods just now like yoghurt, humous, cream cheese, thick soups etc. I have tried little miniture bits of bread but anything that I have to do the chewing action hurts, especially on the left side.

Next dental hosp appt is on Thursday, and knowing me I will worry all the way until then.

Apologies for the long post but maybe it will help if anyone else is having the same things post surgery xx

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#33 Post by Tctjh0 »

Changes, I can take my bands off to eat and brush and I also get clicking/popping with some pain (which I did not have before the surgery). Also, I have some pains in my lower jaw when my pain medicine wears off. I am assuming these things are normal since the bands put a lot of pressure on the bite. However, it's obviously always good to bring it up to the surgeon/ortho if it keeps up.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#34 Post by Changes »

Thanks Tctjh0 so glad you shared that :) I get those pains in the lower jaw when the meds wear off too.

Yep will bring it up with the surgeon on Thurs and post back what they say

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#35 Post by SueHeck »

Changes - I was having crazy nightmares when I slept. I would wake up in a panic. I wouldn't sleep for more than 5 hours. I didn't worry because I was taking meds every six hours. When I slept I would prop myself up to help the swelling decrease and put two pillows next to me so I didn't turn on my side. I have not had pain since I left the hospital. I think it is because I am still swollen around where the major nerves are. I did start taking Advil PM the last two nights because I felt sore and wanted to sleep longer than 5 hours. My surgeon said, two days ago (2 weeks after), sleeping on my side is fine.

I was taking Motrin and prescribed codine (never needed it). My surgeon said to stagger it so I would t have a wear off period.

I hope these help!

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#36 Post by Changes »

Thanks Sue good to know and thats a good tip about the pillows next to you. Hope you're getting a better sleep now! I have heard that nightmares are quite normal after surgery

Well happy to report that I did not wake myself up with grinding/biting whatever it was last night!! So happy about that. Still only had the five hours sleep but so nice not to wake up with a fright and that pain. My hubby gave me a really good shoulders massage before bed and they were very tight so maybe that helped by getting away some of the tension. And I was more chilled out after your post Tchjh0 so thanks for that.

Off to make my usual brekkie.... build up strawb milkshake and two frubes haha. Have a good day everyone !

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#37 Post by Changes »

Anyones disolvable stitches come out yet? I can see mine inside my cheeks. One is a bit loose but dont want to touch or pull them

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#38 Post by RS732 »

I've also been experiencing nightmares :shock: :smoken: :yikes: :rawk: :crazy:

One of my brackets on the back molars,has slightly moved & has been causing pain on the left side of my tongue. I can't wait for my next apt (Wedneday) so they can remove the elastics and adjust my bracket.
My jaw popped/clicked the other day & experienced a sharp pain in my ear. It was awful, but from what I read quite common.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#39 Post by SueHeck »

My stitches haven't come out yet but they are becoming visible. I also don't want to touch them.

I called my surgeon on Tuesday because my swelling increased. He asked me to come right in and it turned out my orthodontist made an adjustment that resulted in my bite being off. My midline shifted and two teeth moved out of alignment. The surgeon put the surgical hooks back on my wire and put rubber bands in a new configuration to guide my teeth back. I'm sleeping much better because of it and the swelling is coming down again.

I'm worried about teaching next week! I work in juvenile detention. I don't think my speech is ready to command the students' attention. I do have a co-teacher and a SpEd teacher with me so hopefully I can rely on them until I'm healed.

Changes - glad to hear you're sleeping better.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#40 Post by RS732 »

3 weeks Post Op today: I am really enjoying, seeing my results progress. I had minor sleep apena before the surgery, now I wake up early every morning full of energy. I can go a whole day without feeling tired and wanting to nap. I kind of want to record my self sleep to see, if my snoring has also been cured. LOL

How has everyone's recovery been going, this past week?


Anyone have a good remedy for chapped lips? My lips have been chronically chapped since the surge. :(

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#41 Post by SueHeck »

I use a small amount of A & D ointment. Became full to only put it on your lips so you don't get a skin infection (small zits) around your mouth.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#42 Post by boodles8 »

Wow, you early-splint-out lucky people. I had mine in for 5 weeks, and it was only a lower jaw! So not fair. :D Glad we're all doing well, too.

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Re: August 2013 Buddies

#43 Post by SueHeck »

My braces came off today! This was the best decision :) I am out of pain, definitely healthier and loving how I look!
http://imgur .com/a/JaRXu

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