Open bite panic

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Mrs v
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Open bite panic

#1 Post by Mrs v »


I came across this board yesterday and was reading a post by an Aussie but can't seem to find it. Anyway I've realised I've had an open bite (about a year) didn't think it was a big problem until I looked it up. No one really commented. So for the past week I've been panicked barely slept, hardly eaten. I went to the dentist who did not seem that reassuring doesn't seem to have come across this much before (impression I got).

Later that day I went to the orthodontist who said she didn't think braces would help but will contact her people in the hospital with pics of my mouth. I am not due to hear back until tues/ wed next week. So I'm now in limbo and can barely function.

She measured it around 3mm. Right side meets from back up to canines, left side only wisdom and last molar. I had been wearing a mouth guard to stop the clenching- so angry with myself as think this caused the problem or at least made it worse.

Any words of wisdom or support for me. I am shaking typing this as I don't know what will be. My teeth are quite straight and I've never worn a brace. I'm 34years old- the orthodontist said it was growth but i didn't buy that.

Anyone from London with specialist advice. Obsessed with looking at people's teeth at the moment. Will post a pic of mine later- once I've fathomed this I am not one to normally post on forums.

Thanks for reading...

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Re: Open bite panic

#2 Post by Anna5 »


Just a message to encourage you. I am very sorry that you feel so panicked about your open bite.....
I have an open bite too which is now corrected with braces (I refused surgery, ortho also initially said that braces alone won't help but I do see a good improvement now) and there are many more on this forum who are just getting braces to close their open bites, so don't always expect the worst.
Don't look up 'open bite' on google, you will find many horror stories. I also made me very panicked and even depressed....
But an open bite is not the end of the world. And if you haven't realized you had this for so many years, then it can't be that bad? And there is always a solution for this problem. I wish you very good luck!

Greetings from Anna

Mrs v
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Re: Open bite panic

#3 Post by Mrs v »

Thanks Anna. Can I ask about your situation? What sort of open bite do you have? Don't suppose you're in London? Your words have helped me a bit. Of course I have been googling open bite and although it has had me more panicked I'm building a pic of the situation. Got given anti depressants yesterday haven't taken them yet though, think I need sleeping tablets though as I've barely slept in a week!

If you don't mind sharing your situation and the size of your open bite.


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Re: Open bite panic

#4 Post by Anna5 »


I am not in London but I can totally relate with all your feelings. I really feel very sorry for you, because I know how it feels, how distressing this can be..... I think for now it may be good if you get some anti-anxiety and sleeping medication, just to get your mind a bit at rest. I got ativan (a benzodiazepine) and it worked great for short term relief of severe axiety and for good sleep. Maybe you can ask your doctor for a prescription? I have also had anti depressants, but they didn't worked so well on me. And it may take weeks before you notice an effect from anti depressants, which is too long considering the situation you are in now I think.

Of course, these medication are only useful for the short term (but they are a great relief!), they don't solve your problem. Why are you so panicked? Because of the horror stories on google who make an open bite a sky high problem? Because of internet that tells you that you have be self conscious about having an open bite? Maybe you can also try to see the other side of the picture as well: there are probably many people with an open bite or other teeth problems who are just living fine (but aren’t writing about it on the internet).

Or are you afraid because the problem might not be fixed easily? Because you are afraid of possible surgery? Because you may feel self conscious about your teeth? Do people make comments about your smile or does nobody notice it?

I can totally relate with all these feelings!!!!

But remember, there will always be a solution. Whether it is fixing your open bite (and there is more possible without surgery than some ortho's think.... and even surgery is not the end of the world if this turns out to be the only solution) or just accepting your open bite and finding peace with the situation as it is. Although I recommend you to get the open bite fixed, you don't need to have this worry with you for the rest of your life.....

I think 3 mm is not too big for an open bite. And if your teeth are straight, then it may not be to obvious/ you still may have a nice smile? So try not too worry too much!

My open bite was also about 3 mm, but it is only on one side of my mouth. In addition, my upper jaw is too narrow and canted (not straight). My ortho initially said that I would need two surgeries to fix everything, which gave me very severe anxiety attacks. I just couldn't cope with this, I was not strong enough. So I refused surgery. And now, after 9 months in braces, my ortho is happy about my progress and surgery might not be needed anymore if I am willing to accept that my teeth will never be 100% perfect, but that there have been a great improvement.
Here is my story with pictures: ... 15&t=44099

In the metal mouth forum, there are stories of more people with an open bite. Many of them have been recommended surgery, but now getting good results with braces only.

The story from Andy is a great example: His open bite was bigger than yours (5-6 mm), he was recommended surgery by almost all ortho's, but is now getting great results with a non surgical route. ... 13&t=44572

So don't give up hope!!!!

In addition to treatment, you may also benefit from counselling (like I have) to realize that you are so much more than your teeth, yes so much more than your open bite, that you were wonderfully made that you are a beautiful person, that people love you the way you are regardless of your teeth that might not be perfect, that the open bite is not worth to take over your life....

I wish you very good luck on your journey! Please keep us updated. On this forum are all loving people who will understand and encourage you on your way. You are not alone! And you may also always pm me if you want.

I saw that you are a new member. This means you cannot see pictures yet. You need to make 7 posts first, and then you can see pictures, submit pictures of your own teeth and pm people.

Once again, I wish you all the very, very best. I hope you will find some peace of mind and that there will come a good solution to your problem. I am sure there will be!

Greetings from Anna

Mrs v
Posts: 21
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Re: Open bite panic

#5 Post by Mrs v »

Hi. Thanks so much Anna. I'm at work and been eagerly awaiting replies. Really appreciate getting back to me. Will message more later. You are a great comfort for me. Thought about being a counsellor yourself :-)

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Re: Open bite panic

#6 Post by Anna5 »

Ha ha, never thought of becoming a counsellor myself :D Just writing what I have learnt (or at least been told!).
This part of the forum (Oral surgery) is not very active, so if you would like more replies I think you had better post in the Metal Mouth Forum as well.

Once again, I wish you very good luck. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Re: Open bite panic

#7 Post by boodles8 »

Thought of this for you when I saw your post Mrs. V. I know you're in England, so Mr Rogers' Neighborhood might not be familiar to you. Mr. Rogers wrote children's songs and did a very long-running children's television program. This is one song he did that I think is good even for us adults to hear. Link to audio below. He often changed the words up a little bit depending on who he was singing to, which I've done for you below.

It's you I like,
It's not the things you wear,
It's not the way you do your hair--
But it's you I like.
The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you--
Not the things that hide you,
Not your open bite--
It's just beside you.

But it's you I like--
Every part of you,
Your jaw, your teeth, your feelings
Whether old or new.
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue
That it's you I like,
It's you yourself,
It's you, it's you I like.

It's you I like, Mrs V.

Braced July, 2012
BSSO August, 2013
Debraced October 2, 2014

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Re: Open bite panic

#8 Post by Anna5 »

Beautiful and so true!

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Re: Open bite panic

#9 Post by sirwired »

Well, if a mouth guard opened your rear bite, it's not out of the question that a short course of extrusion with could close it... I had a posterior open bite after getting my splint for my LeFort I out, and six weeks of elastics cleared it right up.

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Re: Open bite panic

#10 Post by Anna5 »

So you see, Mrs V, there is hope, also for you. Who knows, you may just need elastics to fix your open bite.......

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Re: Open bite panic

#11 Post by Anna5 »

How are you doing now, Mrs V?

Mrs v
Posts: 21
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Re: Open bite panic

#12 Post by Mrs v »

Still not so good. Can't bring myself to type any details at the mo as it can just depress me more. Have eaten a bit but still no appetite and not enjoying food at the mo. Hoping this passes as it's just not me atall. Thanks for asking

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Location: England

Re: Open bite panic

#13 Post by scraggy »

Hi mrs v

I'm in England I live in Brighton.

I think you need to go to your GP and ask for a othordontic referral ASAP as this is now affecting your mental well being.

I know it's very hard to get help through your GP but you have to keep pushing for it.

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Re: Open bite panic

#14 Post by playmaker7206 »

I have a 5mm open bite, and consulted 3 orthos, and I am very fearful of the surgery at 38 years old. Recently I went to see a 4th ortho, and he said he can get full occlusion of my bite with TADs. NO SURGERY.... i do not live in Austin, and this is not my ortho, but they have a photo of a bite similar to mine before treatment. ... e-devices/

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Re: Open bite panic

#15 Post by Anna5 »

Dear Mrs V, I am sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. I totally understand, because I have been at the same place as you (and I am still not my old self). But I am sure there will be a solution to your problem. And remember, an open bite is not the end of the world, there is so much more in life (like your children whom sure love their mummy very much just the way she is, open bite or not...).
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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