Open bite panic

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Re: Open bite panic

#16 Post by Anna5 »

Been thinking about you/ feeling with you a lot: Have you already heard anything from your ortho, mrs V? You aren not alone in your struggle, we are here to support you!

Mrs v
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Re: Open bite panic

#17 Post by Mrs v »

Thanks. Still no news as such . Hard to get time to speak to people along with work, family and bring so close to Xmas. Started to eat a bit and sleep but do not enjoy food. Went out with husband tonight and sat in restaurant and nothing appealed so picked the blandest food but still couldn't eat a lot.

Will update as soon as I feel I can.

Hope you're well.

Mrs v
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Re: Open bite panic

#18 Post by Mrs v »

Playmaker where are you located? Thanks for your story. How are you getting on? My open bite is quite recent. It's not like I had it in my childhood and I'm now 34 and seems to have developed in the past year.

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Re: Open bite panic

#19 Post by treichow »

Mrs. V.... I just read your message and want to share a little of my story with you. About 3 years ago I had some dental work done on my back molars which lead to about a year and a half of horrible pain and discomfort. After many, many dental visits (and pain, tears and suffering), I ended up seeing a prosthedontist who then referred me to an orthodontist. My bite had opened up during this process (we have no idea what caused it but I also think it could have been the bite guards that I was wearing during all of this ordeal). So, at 41 years old I was facing a similar situation to you. My bite was open and I had no idea what had caused it... but I had to fix it. Ortho gave me the choice of TADS or surgery and I chose surgery based on reviews of the literature and what was likely to give me the best long term result. Braces closed my bite significantly and the movements from my surgery were considered to be small, but necessary. I had my surgery October 1st and couldn't be happier with the results. My entire dental team is thrilled, too. Ortho even thinks I may get my braces off 4-5 months earlier than originally quoted! Just hang in there. Dental issues are mentally challenging and each meal or snack is an emotional challenge. Hang in there! I hope you are doing better and feeling some relief.

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Re: Open bite panic

#20 Post by Anna5 »

How are you doing now, mrs V? Have you already heard anything from your ortho? I hope all is positive and that you are having some more peace of mind now....

Mrs v
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Re: Open bite panic

#21 Post by Mrs v »

Thanks Anna. Been referred to hospital so awaiting appt. Will get onto it in new year. Been thinking about it as Yet I'm not in any pain. Need to know the consequences if I leave it. Most people around me advised against surgery, but I don't think they quite understand the problem and I need to know what happens if just left. It's all £££ just to discuss and so far no answers.

Thanks for your story triechow, possibly similar to mine, how big is/ was your bite? You're right about dental problems playing with your mental health.

Is there such thing as jaw manipulation, saw video of a osteopath was helping with jaw alignment? Thought as I haven't had it too long would be quick to fix but seems not.

Anna are you located in the uk? Just wondered if so of your experience with nhs?

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Re: Open bite panic

#22 Post by Anna5 »

Hello Mrs V,

I am very happy to hear that you seem to have a bit more peace of mind now. Indeed, it is not a life threatening problem and you are not in pain, so it might even be ok if you leave it as it is. But it is good to find out what the (medical) consequences are if you leave it as it is. And then do what you feel is right for you, treatment or not. Who knows there is a non invasive solution to your problem (like braces and/or TAD's), that gives a great improvement.
I don't live in the UK, so I have no experience with the NHS. Hopefully somebody else on this forum can help you with this!

Greetings from Anna

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