March 2014 buddies unite!

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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March 2014 buddies unite!

#1 Post by Tingrinteacher »

Hello all,

After a torturous 14 months in braces, a chin that enters the room before my feet and an underbite that makes me look like my mother had an unfortunate affair with a British Bulldog... I am now ready for surgery! Congratulations to all you others who have also reached this point. I'm an NHS patient in south west England.

I've got two surgeons who are currently arguing over what to do to my face (only with measurements thankfully) but I'm due to have something along the lines of top jaw forward, left and up, probsbly around 6mm forward. Bottom jaw is to be moved back about 8mm.

Plan of action now is:
Meet with lovely Ortho 4th March prodding poking and impressions.
11th March-surgical hooks
12th March-meeting with surgeon, bloods, wafers, X-rays, more impressions.

25th March-operation fix my face!!

Any body else due to have their's soon? Get in touch.

Take care,

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#2 Post by sunnyD »

Congratz my friend, march 25th is just around the corner. The only thing I have to say is that the first 4 days will be nightmarish but it gets better after that. ;) I'm currently 4 week post-op almost gone bat-sh1t crazy for not be able to eat since I'm on liquids for 8 weeks :(

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#3 Post by Tingrinteacher »

Sunny, what did you have done? Any hints and tips? Xx

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#4 Post by sunnyD »

I had double jaw surgery with genioplasty:

1. Upper jaw moved forwards
2. Lower jaw moved backwards
3. Chin slide forwards

My movements were very conservative because it was mainly to fix a cant / cross bite. Your movements are quite large, did your surgeons mention genioplasty? Because my movements were only 2mm and surgeon asked me if I was concerned about aesthetics and I said YES. In his eyes genioplasty had to be done to avoid skin bunching in the neck area... But I'm sure it varies case to case.

For me what helped the most is a good blender. You will be on clear liquids maybe for a week and then probably all liquids maybe 6-8 weeks. But there's no way you can live on protein and ensure shakes. I mainly started blending chicken, broth, vegetables, rice to get a well balanced diet. I been eating the samething everyday because I'm on liquids for 8 weeks :(.

My swelling went down pretty quickly. After the first week I looked normal except in the lip and mouth area but my overall face was well balanced. I took two supplements like crazy suggested by other people who had jaw surgery. I took turmeric pills and bromelian. I really think that helped me recover in terms of swelling.

If you want fast recovery make sure to take a lot fluids and intake protein because your body will need it for healing. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#5 Post by Leebie3 »

yay! All going well I'll be going under in late April :)

38yr old Mum to 3 (2 teens and a preppie) living in paradise with her man. BSSO surgery approx late April 2014!

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#6 Post by murphjohn »

Well I'm going under on the 26th March, been in braces for 16 months. 4mm Upper jaw advancement with a Le fort 1 three piece. Being 37 years old I feel ancient compared to most of you.
I am currently in Texas and am from Dublin , Ireland. Never in my whole life did anyone ever mention jaw surgery to me until I went to the local orthodontist to fix and edge to edge bite that was causing wear. Then it became clear why my upper lip was small and smile was recessed. My profile is not too bad once I don't smile too wide.
To be honest, the surgery does not worry me too much, the recovery is what worried me. I like working out and running and not being able to do those things has me quite anxious. Also am worried about the weight loss as I can see a lot of gym progress being wiped out if I can't exercise or even eat right.
Its been quite the journey so far, really don't like the braces but choose to ignore them and get on with it. I was wondering if anyone who has had a similar operation could chip in with a couple of insights and bits of advise. Will post pics over the coming days and weeks.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#7 Post by sunnyD »


You will go crazy then ;). I'm 4 weeks in, I have another 4 weeks of all liquid diet, and then on to soft foods. My surgeon won't let me lift weights until the 8 week mark..... The toughest part for me right now is the lack of food and being active.....

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#8 Post by Kessler »

[quote="murphjohn"]Well I'm going under on the 26th March, been in braces for 16 months. 4mm Upper jaw advancement with a Le fort 1 three piece. Being 37 years old I feel ancient compared to most of you.
I am currently in Texas and am from Dublin , Ireland. Never in my whole life did anyone ever mention jaw surgery to me until I went to the local orthodontist to fix and edge to edge bite that was causing wear. Then it became clear why my upper lip was small and smile was recessed. My profile is not too bad once I don't smile too wide.
To be honest, the surgery does not worry me too much, the recovery is what worried me. I like working out and running and not being able to do those things has me quite anxious. Also am worried about the weight loss as I can see a lot of gym progress being wiped out if I can't exercise or even eat right.
Its been quite the journey so far, really don't like the braces but choose to ignore them and get on with it. I was wondering if anyone who has had a similar operation could chip in with a couple of insights and bits of advise. Will post pics over the coming days and weeks.[/quote]

Hey. I'm also from Dublin, Ireland. Left 3-4 years ago and have had my surgery done private. I had no idea of my jaw issues until I visited an orthodontist in Dublin 5 years ago when I was just inquiring about braces for my crooked teeth. I didn't follow it up back home at the time.

Now I'm over 2 weeks post op now from double jaw surgery plus genioplasty. The major issue is the liquid diet. I've lost a good deal of weight, partly from being sick of the same stuff over and over - soups and smoothies etc (the majority of my calories are coming from protein shakes, and choc milk/vanilla ice cream/pea nut butter blend - Sounds disgusting, but it's a miracle). Anyway, it's a moment that will pass. Getting through it. Beginning to see the light at the end.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#9 Post by redwine »

Congratz my friend, march 25th is just around the corner. The only thing I have to say is that the first 4 days will be nightmarish but it gets better after that. ;) I'm currently 4 week post-op almost gone bat-sh1t crazy for not be able to eat since I'm on liquids for 8 weeks :(
That's me, also. Also going nuts 'cause of the forced inactivity, due less to pain and more to lack of energy and inability to breathe through mouth since I'm wired shut. Oh and Dr.'s orders to "take it easy". Even shoveling a bit of snow was difficult. Had to stop every couple of minutes to blow my nose and catch my breath. Also hard to get enough calories, especially the first few days. I only had lower jaw surgery, but I'm not a kid (57) and there were a lot of complications - due mostly to the residents working on me is my belief. I'm exactly 3 weeks post-op and feeling so much better than I did the first week! Even getting used to drinking Boost - and I've always hated anything resembling a milkshake. (My normal protein drinks are like Kool-Aid). Kefir is pretty good stuff - similar to watered down greek yogurt. Best of luck!

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#10 Post by Tingrinteacher »

All these Irish folk... Lovely! How could you leave Ireland for the states?!? Nothing wrong with the states but Ireland is so beautiful.

I'm used to hurtling around school chasing after naughty kids, so it's going to be awful sitting back and not doing anything!

Any tips on the eating front? I cannot stand the texture of soup, it makes me heave. Milkshakes will be alright, but how soon is it before you can eat mashed food?

Had an orthodontic meeting today-they took the moulds for my wafers and changed the wire. Got home and realised I had bright blue putty in my orange hair. It's a great look.

Appointment next Tuesday to have surgical hooks fitted and wafer checked, then Wednesday for a long poke, prod, argue, poke, prod, tell me I'm hideous appointment. Get in!

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#11 Post by redwine »

I'm not from Ireland but my ancesters were Irish & Scottish and I look it! Yes, I'm a ginger. I'm finding that a lot of stuff I didn't like before is pretty good now. I just graduated from Using a syringe and tube to get food in, to using a squeeze bottle. I was told before surgery that I'd be eating soft foods in about two weeks, but things didn't go as expected so it's liquids for another 3-6 weeks for me. I think it depends on what gets done and how it goes. For me, it's a matter of getting enough calories, so I drink a lot of Boost. I'm getting used to it.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#12 Post by Kessler »

Hi Tingrinteacher, Haha yes Ireland is great, but we Irish tend to move around a bit.

To answer about diet. I needed to have two surgeries. Im 17 days post op from the first and 12 from the second, and today I had mashed potatoes and gravy for the first time...and it was glorious lol.

I am existing on Ensure Plus drinks, yoghurts, fruit juices, ginger ale, blended fruit veg juices, water, and various ice cream type milkshakes and protein powder drinks.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#13 Post by Tingrinteacher »

Oh my gosh... Gravy! *dribble*

Might I ask why you had two surgeries? And.. Being thick here... Are ginger ale and ginger beer the same?


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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#14 Post by murphjohn »

Hi Guys, Sorry for the belated reply but I was doing my best to forget I hads impending Surgery. I was at the Ortho yesterday and he set my hooks and took out all my nice rubber o rings and wired the archwires to each tooth, no going back now...

Today I visited the Oral Surgeon for a pre-op consult, x-rays and another set of molds. Like a lot of things in the States, its pretty much assembly line stuff. He said that my nose profile is not going to change much and my mid-face will stay pretty much the same. The profile of the upper lip will become a bit fuller and that's about it. To be honest, I was a little bummed when I left the office, basically I get to go through all the same misery without the aesthetic benefits :( Basically I have the edge to edge bit but not much else to show I have a class 3.

When I got home I sat down and consumed half a tub of Ben and Jerries and washed it down with a premier protein shake ( best tasting that I have found) , in the past 4 weeks I've put on about 14lbs, basically I am consuming all the nice stuff that I should have eatesd in the month that is about to follow.

Good to see a couple of countrymen on the forum. Its not unusual for Irish people to live abroad, in my case I could no longer let my families living standards be controlled by a Government that implodes the country economically every 30 years. So we upped sticks 2 years ago for Texas, which is in fairness a complete madhouse that I will probably be moving from soon.

So thats about it, I made a video earlier which I am going to post up on to youtube, will bang a link up as soon as its live.

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Re: March 2014 buddies unite!

#15 Post by murphjohn »

Right, Got the video up, its not the best as descriptions go but anyway.....

Decided to make a little youtube channel, hold tight for the balloon headed drooling druggie next week!!!

After I uploaded the video I noticed that I still had residue from the oral surgeons molds on my chin and stuck in my teeth.

Will update as I go along.

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