Hello guys! Just checking in. My SARPE was 25th March, expanded 10mm, expansion device removed early due to it being a poor fit and replaced with heavy TPA. Now braced but they're not activated (ortho waiting for definite bone formation) until July. Seem to have had a mm or two relapse and I think if I was in the USA I'd have had maybe 13 mm expansion but the experts are satisfied so who am I to argue? All in all I have learned:
*experts change their minds A LOT
*you don't need all the fancy syringes or special gear
*SARPE isn't too painful afterwards and regular painkillers are fine
*expansion mentally freaked me out to start with but became a little addictive towards the end!
*I did lose 6lbs but I did get used to eating with the expander eventually
*you NEVER get used to the expander, it's the worst part of the process
*I wish someone had told me it wasn't a big deal as I think I was unduly worried before going into this
*no process is without hassles and setbacks
*BUT I am very pleased with the results and it will only get better as the braces do their job
Hope this is useful. Much love to the people who were there for me as I muddled my way through this and good luck to those about to make the decision to go for it!!