Prior to surgery, my very very back molars were about the only thing that touched. With the 3-piece, he was able to adjust it so they all touch. I had the surgery due to severe grinding, if that helps.
I went to my orthodontist appointment that day and told him to be gentle on the top. I had 4 brackets that needed replaced due to them either breaking off during surgery, or something. Since my arch wire was cut during the surgery, I think that caused some strain on the brackets when that happened. This was relatively painless, but somewhat uncomfortable, not knowing the unknown of what could happen with any strain on the jaw yet. I'm not sure what kind of wire was put in the top, but appears to be pretty thin, to get the process started of moving the teeth back into alignment. My molar on one side was much higher than before surgery, but needless to say, I can't feel anything on the upper jaw in terms of movement. My lower jaw on the other hand, is tender from the wire being replaced...I expect this to last for another day. Not sure what to say about the midline, not sure if that will be corrected or not.
You can see in one of my pictures the tenderness of the roof of my mouth where it meets my teeth from the splint being up tight against there, hopefully this subsides within a few more days.
Does anyone see any need to be concerned? Right now, I feel miserable in the thoughts that my jaw wasn't moved far enough, or I may bite together like that for good. The ortho currently has me wearing some pretty light rubber bands from my back upper molars to my front lower canines. I still have a bit of adjustment to be done before the process is over, but I really need some encouragement as I am not going to do surgery again. Excuse my teeth color and a little bleeding on one tooth from a quick brushing, maybe too hard on the bottom.