Had genioplasty on Tuesday

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Had genioplasty on Tuesday

#1 Post by Tinkywinky »

Just wanted to say hi! I'm in my 40s and my teeth were OK after braces but I had a recessed chin that I hated. Had discussed BSSO with surgeon but she said I would by get much of an improvement and a genioplasty would be better.

My lip position at the moment is better than it was, because I had lip incompetence to start with and the surgery has temporarily lifted it all up as she has stitched the chin muscle to stop ptosis. I can't smile yet, and I liked my smile, so I'm curious to see if that has changed.

The weirdest thing is that my chin looks so much longer. She didn't add any height but just bringing it forward makes my face look very different full on, as if my mouth is now higher in the face. My nose looks much better and in balance.

I'm still very swollen and bruised and in pain. The swelling is a bit assymetrical and I'm hoping the chin won't show assymetrical when it heals. My lip is partially numb in the lower centre, and my chin pad is numb too.

I'm on painkillers and antibiotics and arnica and ice packs. Drinking soup because I can't open or chew. Any tips for recovery?

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Re: Had genioplasty on Tuesday

#2 Post by longmidfaced »

Hey !

I've heard that bringing the chin forward through a genioplasty can give the illusion of the shorter midface. Is this something that you can confirm?

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