Hey everyone, I had my pre-op appointment today. Last Sunday my surgeon asked me to come in to take molds and some pictures to make today's appointment smoother. They took about a million molds of my teeth which took about an hour that day. Today my surgeon took a lot of measurements, asked about my medical history and things of that nature. He explained that my midline is off on both my upper and lower jaw but my low jaw is only off by 1mm, so he's suggesting I only get a 2 piece lefort 1. He said more risk is involved and it's not that necessary to get the bottom jaw moved. In the mean time he's going to preform a mock surgery on my molds to make sure if I'll need double jaw surgery or not. I got the chance to ask all my questions and I feel comfortable with him as my surgeon.
Regarding the anesthesia awareness I brought up in my first post to put any one else's mind at ease; I did quite a bit of research and found that the chances of it happening are very low to begin with. Older studies suggest the odds of it happening are 1 in 1000 but a more accurate chance of it happening are 1 in 19,600 or .005% of the time. Of those people who report experiencing anesthesia awareness (the 1 in 19,600) only a small portion of them feel anything. Most times they may remember voices or sounds but are otherwise still numb to any pain. The majority of anesthesia awareness happens either before or after the surgery has even occurred. Anyways I hope this helps anyone considering surgery, it certainly helped me. I feel a lot more comfortable being put under though, still nervous of course. Of course there are still risks but knowing what they are and the chances of them happening help me come to terms what I'm getting myself into. They say knowledge is power right?
Here is one of the links I used to research anesthesia awareness.
http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-me ... g-surgery/
Hope your doing ok Jackie! Let us know how everything was when you get the chance.
Good luck to you sarzo! I think the majority of people who get this surgery are happy with their results. It probably wouldn't be such a common surgery if there were a high occurrence of negative results like a damaged functional nerve. We just gotta hope for the best!
Thanks for sharing everyone and good luck! I'll try to write my next post after my surgery on the 26th.