I been smoking pot before and right after surgery. I have a prescription for my insomnia. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and everything else is normal. I went to my post op today and my doctor said im doing fantastic. I confessed I smoked pot right before I left and he got all pissed(some DRs are against pot) but didnt say it would do anything.
some bottom line, smoke up fellaz it helps with the pain
I doubt he's against pot. Most doctors I know advocate it where appropriate. Healing from jaw surgery would not be appropriate, nor would smoking of any kind when the inside of your mouth is all cut up.
Here's a related thread too regarding cigarettes just for reference sake. viewtopic.php?t=31156
Good luck with the recovery. Sounds like its going well.
nah dude. It's just you're not supposed to do anything before surgery. It could react with all the other sesame they shoot you up with. You're definitely not supposed to drink, it seriously messes with the anesthesia.
look just be completely honest with your anesthesiologist and they will know how to treat you. Dont goto surgery under the influence of any kind of ddrugs including weed or else they will not operate on you
haha.. i shouldve smoked some weed to relax me out but i didnt think to do it.
whats with this cig and alcohol talk? those things can kill you. we're talking about weed here. our founding fathers loved the stuff although they called it hemp.
BSSO and Le Fort I surgery + nose straightening done on May 4th.
Current status: Waiting for braces to come off next week! (09/20)
I think the issue is more about the surgeon wanting your body to be clear of anything that could interfere w/anesthesia, bleeding, medications, etc...They want to know exactly what is in your body in case of any complications.
The standard info that was sent to me a month before surgery said to stop any recreational drugs, not to smoke, and to stop certain medications, vitamins and herbal supplements 2 weeks prior to surgery. I was also told no alcohol 2 weeks prior to as well.
2 weeks clean is enough time. If you are a regular smoker, including ciggs, it would take you 6 weeks to show improvement in your lungs. The Doctors can tell if you smoking because your airways will be more sensitive to O2 and your blood pressure would be higher then normal.. but there is drugs to control your bp.
Im a respiratory therapist, isnt that ironic ??? LOL
I plan to quit smoking ciggs+weed soon a good 2mo before surgery. I'm in the same boat tho, I smoke weed to relieve anxitey and ease stress. Not saying this works for everyone but It has worked for me the past 8 years.
Anyway, I do plan on making some canna-butter and c.r.e.a.m, if you'd like a recipe I can send one over. Extracting the thc and cbc from marijuana and using it as a topical cream / adding it to shakes it my plan to recovery.
Smoking is bad, anyway you want to put it. Marijuana is good, when not smoked or atleast that;s my thinking.
Smoking anything after surgery would be the same as sucking through a straw - which is definitely a no-no according to most surgeons. It puts too much pressure on the incisions and can cause them to open back up. I doubt that the surgeon was against smoking weed as much as he was against sucking on anything after surgery.
So no one thinks the doc may have been against weed because it is illegal? That was the first thing to come to mind. I guess I didn't realize how many people not only smoke weed but openly admit it.