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out and about

#16 Post by Billie »

Hi Kimberely,

I had a question about your surgery, did you have alot of bruising? I know a lady in her 50's that had surgery and she had bruising all the way down to her chest and lots os swelling.

Note:did you get my messages?
Be Blessed

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#17 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Actually that info about the insurance is accurate. It will always be a different rate if you pay verses the insurance. Insurance companies get billed a certain amount (what they consider to be reasonable and customary for a procedure or higher, often times even double) Then they is like bargaining. They negotiate an agreement on the charges. Insurance companies almost never pay what is is always worked out between the provider and them.

However, if you agree to pay it in cash the rate will almost always be substantially lower, because they take that negotiation factor into account and only charge you what they probably would've settled around with the insurance company.


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#18 Post by Kimberley »

Hi Billie & Brandy,

Billie, I actually had very little to no bruising. I was quite surprised by that & was fully expecting to have much more bruising. I'm 30, so maybe that has something to do with it but I don't think that it does. Obviously, the younger and healthier you are the better the chance you'll recover more quickly. Come to think of it though, when I had my wisdom teeth out at 19 I had very little bruising too. So, maybe some people just bruise more easily than others.

That's really interesting to know about insurance companies, Brandy. I had no idea it works like that. In most cases in Canada anything you have done is covered under BC Medical, or your provincial medical coverage. Although private surgeries are becoming more common, a huge debate here as to whether that should be allowed.

I also noticed that you live in Alaska. Where abouts exactly? I used to live in Carcross, Yukon - not far from Skagway, Alaska. My husband and I are going up there for our honeymoon in the summer. I just love it there so much & miss it like you can't imagine. Might sound crazy to you being up there year round, but Marc lived there for 14 years & still wants to go back. There's something about the north, you either love it or hate it.


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#19 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Kim,
Yep I'm in Alaska...I live in Eagle River. it is about 10 miles out of Anchorage. Been here for 36 years now. Alaska is truly beautiful, and it is my home. I find that as I get older though, I could definitely live without the long winters. Our plan is to retire in North Carolina and live there for the winters, then keep our home here and live in Alaska during the summer. I graduated from highschool in Fairbanks.....and moved as soon as I could. Just entirely too cold for me there!

You are right, people either love it here or hate it here! Personally I'm starting to lean towards the "hate" side LOL....but then I have been here a long time now.


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#20 Post by Billie »

Hi Kim! Hi Brandy!

I thought I would update everyone that I am actually a pure Canadian born in Richmond Hill(Toronto), Ontario and raised in Stoney Creek(Hamilton),Ontario. Funny thing is when I joined this site, in the main page where I went ot the map it page and registered it wouldn't accept my postal code it wanted only a zip code and as you know we have no such thing in Canada. Anyway, I tried selecting NOT IN US but it still wouldn't do it, like I've said before I'm not too good with computers(internet).So, I know politics can be a scary topic to get into but what do you think about the Conservstive Party??I'm actually all for it and privatized healthcare.

So, you were pretty lucky Kim you didn't get much bruising, I don't know if you have looked on the internet for before and after pictures, but I have seen a few with quite a bit of bruising. I just had a c-section 1 year ago and it was a traumatic one, but I didn't have any bruising so I'm hoping not too this time either with jaw surgery, the c-section was worse than my 2 previous natural births. I went 6 hours after my c-section with only a drip of demerol whicj did not do anything for my pain, it just made me feel high, so after experiencing that unbelievable pain I'm hoping that jaw surgery will have nothing on my c-section. Have either of you Kim or Brandy had children?
Be Blessed

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#21 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I have a 13 year old son that I gave birth to! LOL.... Piece of cake that was! 5.5 hours from beginning to end, hard labor for only 30 minutes. Pushed three time and he was out! Did it completely drug free! I even walked to my room after showering and cleaning up afterwards. I remember them asking you want a wheelchair or for us to wheel the bed down. I said, "I can walk" They were like "are you sure" and I said "absolutely, where am I walking to?" My mom said jokingly so "when are you going to have another one?" I told her right afterwards..."I would do it again, it wasn't that bad" LOL... I never did though, as my son is such a good and sweet boy. I was always afraid the next one would be the spawn of satan or something so didn't want to risk it.

I have also had knee surgery twice when I was a kid. I'm hoping I recover as quickly and easily from my SARPE and eventual jaw surgery as I did from childbirth.

Kim, I'm not into politics at all..........sorry!


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one of a kind

#22 Post by Billie »

Hi Brandy,

Well I must say like I do to my Aunt that you women are one of a kind!!Both my first two were somewhat painful(i even had n epidurel)but the third was definately the worse. Well if things went that well why would you want to chance it ,but then some might look at it the other way too. I believe with either 1 or 20 children the love is just as great, I love all 3 boys the same their are just different things I love about them.

So, how is it raising a teenage son?

My Aunt stood up off her couch and my cousin literally fell out, how cool is that? She is one of kind.

What is sarpe surgery?
Be Blessed

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#23 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Billie,
It is fun raising a teenager. He is a great kid, always been very logical and down to earth. Very mature for his age. He was one of those kids that you could tell him No, and why and he just wouldn't do it anymore. I also have a 17 year old stepson, who will be graduating in May. Both boys get along fabulously so I have been very lucky and blessed. I would've liked to have had another but it just didn't work out that way. I used to think a daughter would be nice, but after working 12 years in elementary school and seeing how girls are. I'm very glad that I have my son. Boys (I think) are just so much easier. It was truly shocking to me how little I really knew about love until having a child. I think I had absolutely no idea the depths one is capable of loving someone before having him. Being a mom is so great I love it. He is definitely the most perfect thing I have ever done in my life, and while it definitely has its moments, the good far outweigh the bad. I just can't believe my baby is almost 14 now. They grow so fast! How old are your boys?
As for the easy labor, I think a lot has to do with genetics. My mom had fast births. She was 5 hours with me, and she had my brother in the waiting room.

A SARPE surgery is a "Surgically Assisted Rapid Palate Expansion" They are going to install an expansion appliance in my mouth Friday that I will crank for a couple of weeks to expand my palate. Because I'm an adult and the bones are not fused instead of pliable like childrens. They have to surgically go in and release/fracture the contact points of the palate so it can expand and fill in with bone as it expands.


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#24 Post by Teigyr »

Kimberley, I love Skagway!!! I haven't been in the Yukon yet but I'm sure I will, at some point. I spent one summer vacation going between Haines and Skagway. There are some incredible microbrews and restaurants up there. I'm torn between doing some floatplane stuff out of Juneau this year, going bear watching, or just taking the ferry in the inside passage.

Bradyleigh35, I also like Anchorage. I was up a couple of months ago. I really really really want to go to the Fly By Night place. It's the spam, you know. I was going to go up for the Iditarod start but since we're going to Boston at the end of March, it might be a bit much. I haven't been to Fairbanks yet but would like to see it, if nothing else. I heard Girdwood is nice up there, have you been? Our last trip up was semi-functional and we spent far too much time in bars I think. We went to Big Lake and that was about it as far as seeing things.

Ok, not to change the topic. Back to surgery :D

I heard the bruising can vary. Maybe it depends on how fair you are also? Kimberley, I think you are doing awesome! I really think it depends on attitude and you have such a good outlook. I plan to relax for a couple of days then go to mall, etc., and go for walks. And I can relate about the mailing. Heck, even NOW I don't have enough energy to go somewhere to stand in line to mail a package. I am bad that way.


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#25 Post by Kimberley »

Hey everyone!

Well, you all have been busy chatting over the last day or so. I feel behind... Anyway, no, I don't have any kids yet. But, I'm giving it some serious thought. It's funny, when I was younger I always pictured myself with a family & lots of kids (like three, not lots I guess). Now, I think I could be happy having kids but I'm really happy without them too. My niece and nephew are kind of changing that sentiment though, they are just the greatest kids - the kind that make you want to have your own. I don't know, that biological clock is clicking a lot louder these days.

My Mom had a really easy time with all of her births. I think there is something to be said for good genes in that department. My Grandmother had like 12 kids & my Mom had 4 (The doctor told her she was good for 12 more, but she put a stop to that!) Anyway, I hope it's something that passed down to me, should I decide to take the plunge. I think hubby is waiting on me to decide.

Well, I didn't bring up politics. Billie did. But yeah, I would say I'm political - not in the traditional sense where I'm involved with a particular party & campaign. But, I do have my degree in Sociology & I think no one can complain about what's going on in their world if they are not informed & if they don't vote. I certainly would not say I'm Conservative, there are just fundamental things that are associated with that party that I cannot get behind. I do, however, support private healthcare. As long as people who cannot afford it still receive proper treatment & not face crazy wait times for surgery. I don't want to see people have poor medical care just because they aren't rich. On the other hand, if one has been fortunate to gather the means to have a procedure done privately, I don't think they should punished for that. The fact is that people with money can afford a better standard of living, why should medical care be excluded from that?

Jane, I 've spent a bit of time in Haines too. It's wonderful there. I'm hoping to get to see more of Alaska on our honeymoon trip. We're camping half the time and living it up a bit the other half. I like camping with Marc because this whole other side of him comes out where he feels the need to take care of me & so he cooks and cleans & does everything. Quite a role reversal I'm telling you! Brandy, any recoomendations on places we should see?

Back to topic, sorry to those of you that are reading to get info on surgery. We're a bit off topic but you can just skip those parts. :) Anyway, I'm not sure if bruising has to do with skin tone, as I'm very fair & so you'd think I would bruise more. As for medicine, I was on moriphine at the hospital to begin with & I really didn't find it that more helpful than the T3 w/ codeine. It did help me sleep though. I really didn't experience much pain at all & was very surprised by that. I was fully expecting to be stoned for weeks & frankly kind of looking forward to being that out of it. :) Oh wel, you can't always get what you want...

Billie, maybe you can go back in and change your profile to put in your location. I had no problems putting mine in. My husband is orginally from Deep River, Ontario & we met in Ottawa. I miss the east coast lots. I'm from Nova Scotia & there's something culturally different between the two coasts. I love Victoria but it's not the same. No snow shoveling though! Now that I say that we'll get a winter storm here. LOL Of course that means about 5 cm here & the whole town shuts down. I didn't get your PM, so I'm going to check my hotmail account and see if they ended up there cause I've never gotten a PM before.

Take care!

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