Pre-surgery information

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Pre-surgery information

#1 Post by Teigyr »

Because I am THE most, do I say this...., over-prepared and obsessive person in the world :D

Well, ok. Not quite. But mostly, especially when it comes to this.

I ordered my Zip and Squeeze bags. Along with that, I ordered this really nice heat/cold wrap and a book on healing and liquid diet. The book has a LOT of information. It has a shopping list of things to have on-hand, a lot of things to expect, and nutritional breakdowns of popular meal replacement drinks. It was as thorough as I've seen any information. The recipes actually look GOOD!!! There were things like scalloped potatoes (all blended, of course) and curried pumpkin soup! It was relatively inexpensive and I recommend it to anyone with impending surgery. I am even going to share it with a friend who had different surgery but is still on a restricted diet.

My OS says to be prepared to have my caregiver drive me to my post-op appt that will be a week after the surgery. When I inquired why, I was told the narcotics might still affect driving. That and I might not be able to turn my head. I guess the bright spot in this whole thing is not working for at least two weeks, watching my boyfriend make blended chicken enchiladas (which looks surprisingly good), and knowing that he already agreed to take me to do such mundane tasks as getting pedicures if I get bored and can't drive yet. I guess I'll also catch up on all those movies I keep meaning to watch.

Oh and in the book it has a list of "relaxing" activities one of which is getting rubbed with oil. Really. I will cite this book often whilst in recovery!


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Re: Pre-surgery information

#2 Post by braces4me »

Teigyr wrote: Along with that, I ordered this really nice heat/cold wrap and a book on healing and liquid diet.
What is the title/author of this book? I am still a ways away from my surgery but I want to pick this one up and read it.

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#3 Post by Teigyr »


It's called the Healing Jaw; I got it from the following website:

Pretty much the same information is on the website too, all except for the recipes. It's worth checking out then when/if you're ready to order something, order the book too. (I am loathe to pay shipping on just one item but I suppose that's how I fall into the "I must buy more" mindset.)

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#4 Post by Ga_N8V »

Teigyr, me too!

I've had my Zip-N-Squeeze bags, heat/cold wraps (bought 2), and nutrition book for a couple of months now. I also went Blender shopping at Kohls ... they had a "buy 1 get 1 at half price" sale so I now have 2 blenders ready to go. I think my next "get ready" purchase is going to be an IPOD as I've heard you may not feel up to reading / watching movies for a couple of days after the surgery. And I've downloaded several "pre-surgery" and "post-surgery" preparation lists.

I think I'm about as ready as I can be ... I'm not looking forward to the surgery so much as I'm looking forward to it being behind me.

Now if I could just get my Ortho and Surgeon to set a date I'd be fully set ... although I know it won't happen until at least June / July of this year!!


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#5 Post by Teigyr »


Don't some of the recipes look good?! I was thinking that life would revolve around smoothies or pre-packaged liquid things. My blender is a combo blender/food processor and it isn't as large or heavy duty as it could be so maybe I will check around.

It's funny about the movies because I have a LOT of movies (over 500 or so). I tend to favor really quirky horror movies. If I am sick or rely on a movie to entertain me as I sleep on and off, I am in trouble. You know how horror movie inspired dreams can be!

You are getting close to a date, at least. When mine happened, it was very sudden. He wasn't willing to commit to an '06 surgery last December and when I went in March for an adjustment, he said I was ready right then. EEEK!

I'll let you know what recipes are good :D


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