Surgery or Just Braces...Need advice please!

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Surgery or Just Braces...Need advice please!

#1 Post by HeatherLynn »

Hi everyone! I'm new, but have been reading posts here for the past few months. This site is wonderful! Well, I am 34 and have an 8mm overjet. I wore braces for about five years as a teenager. The orthodontist told my mom that there was nothing else he could do for my overbite and I have lived with it. But now I found that I have choices and need to do something. I have a bad bite and a cracking jaw not to mention that I cannot close my lips without straining.

One ortho told me she could not do anything for me without surgery. I went to the oral surgeon who suggested lower jaw advancement and possibly genio (if I choose). I was kind of set on this idea. Then while taking two of my daughters to their ortho, I received another opinion. This one told me that she could put in a distalizing appliance which will push my molars back. She would be able to totally get rid of my overbite without surgery in 18-24 months. It would not do much for my profile, but then I could have the genio done.

I am so at odds over what to do. I have tried to research both options, but can't find much on the distalizing appliance when you have a huge overbite. I'm worried about receovering from the surgery having three younger children (3, 8 & 10). I just need need some advice, opinions, anything! Thank you so much for listening!

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#2 Post by HeatherLynn »

I am worried about my profile. That is a big concern because my chin (jaw) is very recessed. Neither of the orthos have that software. I am a graphic artist and was playing around in Photoshop. Deep down I have a feeling I should go ahead with the surgery. I have to wait until July to get things started. We will have new insurance that will actually cover things at that point. We have Health Assurance now and they WILL NOT cover the surgery no matter what.

It think I will go to the ask the Doc section, I did not see that. Thanks so much for the reply!

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#3 Post by HeatherLynn »

I have seen those. I look and think I should have the surgery. My chin is more recessed than her's.

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#4 Post by pokergirl »

Wow, Meryaten, you explained that better than my own ortho did! :)

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#5 Post by HeatherLynn »

Just an update. I decided to call my dentist who I completely trust and who's opinion I value. She is going to call the surgeon (who is wonderful) and discuss the two opinions I received. She said he is not one of the surgeons who thinks "100%" surgery all of the time. He will way the options and give his honest opinion of what I should do. She also said that most likely if I would go with just braces using the distalizing appliance, my front teeth would tilt inward. I don't think I would like that. Glad I went to her and am thinking that I will be on my way to surgery.

If anyone reads this who has had jaw surgery, how was recovery? I heard it is not too much worse than having your wisdom teeth out. (mine were impacted and that was not fun!). I think they meant as far as pain. If that is the case I can handle it!

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#6 Post by HeatherLynn »

The funny thing is I found her because our dental insurance changed and I had to switch. She is so wonderful and finally has me taking care of my teeth! I really feel confident in what she tells me. She even gave me her home number and cell phone. You do not find that kind of caring doctor/dentist these days. So I do feel lucky! I'll give another update once I hear from her. She said it may take a few days. But I think she will have much better luck finding a non-biased decision than I would.

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#7 Post by Teigyr »


I will be having surgery in about two weeks :D Mine will be lower jaw advancement only, however.

When I had my first orthodontic opinion, he said that my problem could be fixed by braces alone but my face would have a "caved in" look. When I took that information back to my dentist, I got a referral to a more conservative orthodontist who is regarded very highly. This orthodontist, without seeing the original findings, said the exact same thing. I then went to the surgeon who concurred that surgery would be the best treatment option. Just because it could be fixed another way doesn't mean that non-surgery is the best thing for me.

I heard that wisdom teeth myth too! Seriously, I have no doubt that this won't be a high point of my life but it will pass. In the scheme of things I'd rather have a few weeks of discomfort than settle for something less than the best thing. The main difference between wisdom teeth and this is that bone will be cut. The comfort/discomfort level might be the same but post-surgical activities will be different. I understand that for the first several months I will have to be careful which means no contact sports or cycling (what if I fell!) or risk taking where my jaw could be damaged. That's ok, there are always other activities I could do.

I'll let you know how it all goes. I go in for my pre-surgical day of fun tomorrow. I get to see a video, talk to the OS, and my caretaker will learn how to best care for me. He already knows that backrubs and niceness are both expected :D


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#8 Post by HeatherLynn »

Hi Jane! You must be so excited to finally be at the surgery point. How long did it take to get there? I have been checking this site for months and know I have read many of your posts. I can't wait to hear how things go. I had a hysterectomy last April (at age 33) and it was no walk in the part. This year has been an uphill battle for me. I think that is a big reason I am hesitant to go through with this. But I have always hated my profile and hide my face with my hands or pushing my jaw out.

How was it getting braced? Do many people notice?

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#9 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey HeatherLynn,
I kindof did the same thing with my treatment. My ortho suggested the conservative route with no palate expansion. He was going to try and grind my teeth down to fit, but could not guarantee the results. When I went to the O.S for my consult he was way, you need a palate expansion. My ortho and the O.S. then consulted with one another and my ortho said that he agreed with the O.S. He said he had not suggested it as most people do not want to go the surgical route at my age, however, if I was willing to do whatever it takes to correct my bite that he definitely thought the SARPE (surgically assisted rapid palate expansion) would be the best way to go and that my results would be much better and more stable. I am 54 days Post SARPE :) and other than hating the RPE and counting the days til it comes out, not regretting my decision at all!


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#10 Post by HeatherLynn »

Hi Brandy!

I can't believe it has been 54 days! I have followed your journey. You will eventually then have jaw surgery right? (so many cases to follow I can't keep them all straight). I have a small, narrow mouth and was wondering if SARPE would be suggested. But it hasn't. I think I know that I have to get the surgery and this time investigating is allowing me to accept it and actually...get excited to have a new look and have my bite fixed! My oldest daughter is worried about me driving her to school afterwards (with all of the swelling!). She said I would have to cover my face! Too funny.

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#11 Post by chrisk »


With regards to your small, narrow mouth and not needing SARPE, I too have a really narrow top jaw (if you want to see some photos go to The Bracket Club and look under Chrisk's photos (finally). (sorry I don't know how to do a linkage). My braces alone made a huge difference in the shape of my arch and the ortho has reduced my 15mm overjet down to about 10mm. Surgery will be doing the rest - upper and lower and genioplasty in mid-August. It is a huge decision to make, cost-wise, recovery-wise and the consideration of the impact on your family - and only you can make the final decision.

For me, it was a case of partially correcting my 15mm overjet down to 10mm (the cosmetic solution) or going all the way and correcting my functional problems - bad bite, periodontal problems and wearing down my teeth prematurely. The ortho could not correct my overjet with braces alone since I would lose support for my top lip if my teeth were pulled back 15mm. Although I am happy with the cosmetic improvements that I have now, I went into this for a functional improvement so I am looking forward to getting the surgery over and getting these braces off.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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#12 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Heather,
Yes after this (once my bite is corrected and lined up) I will be having Lower jaw advancement. The plan is May 1 2007. I work for the school district and have summers off. This will give me 3 full months to recover before I return back to work. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ready for surgery sooner than May though. I have a couple weeks off in December and could, if I want to, take the full month of December off and have surgery then. It really is just up to me. I like the idea of having the whole summer off to heal though, just in case things aren't moving along as quickly as I would like. At the same time I would love to just get it over with and move forward with all of this! There are advantages and disadvantage to both so I guess I will just have to wait and see as we get closer to my teeth being where they need to be.

I think a lot of the palate stuff has to do with where you teeth line up? If you bottom jaw matches your top like it is supposed to then perhaps expansion is not necessary. Your upper teeth are supposed to sit more on the outside edges of your lowers. Mine sat on the inside edges of my lowers, thus expansion was needed. Hope this helps.


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#13 Post by HeatherLynn »

Thanks so much for leading me to your pics. Right now I cannot close my lips without strain. I read that you weren't able to either. You must have been so happy when you finally could. Good luck with everything! From what I am reading, everyone is very happy with their decision to have surgery.

The last ortho showed how out of line my jaws were. Nothing lines up they way it should. My right side sits differently than the left. I just keep telling myself that this will go fast! Just do it and move on!

That would be a tough decision to make....Dec. or May. Christmas or summer! I'd be in trouble because I have Christmas dinner, but I know I would not want to cook for everyone if I was not allowed to eat!!

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#14 Post by Teigyr »


My original estimate was a year in braces, surgery, then another 6 mos in braces. The reality was about 10 mos in braces, surgery, then braces off in a year. The thing that's holding back the last portion of braces will be the surgery, it'll be a while before I can go back to my orthodontist.

The presurgical visit wasn't so bad. My OS's office is FAR better with molds than my orthodontist! I was dreading the molds more than anything. The difficult part is rounding up all the prescriptions I will need. My OS prescribed liquid demoral because vicodin tends to make me itch. I only need 120 cc's and it appears that it mostly comes in 500 cc's. I offered to take the 500 cc's and throw a party after I was better but the pharmacy was not amused. I'll do some calling today to see what I can come up with.

I'm glad that you are gathering information as you get your medical opinions. It's like researching a car purchase or anything, really. You will be able to actively contribute to the decision making process! It sounds like you are headed in the right direction.


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#15 Post by Daveyboy »

Hi Jane,

I'm just about to embark on what i've been told also as 1yr in braces, then surgery, then another 4-5months. Am I right in thinking from your post that this extra 4-5 months starts sometime after your surgery? i.e. do you not have braces on during / straight after surgery?

I actually had a genioplasty done 4 years ago when I was 22 as I didn't like my profile. Now as my teeth and bite, have gotten worse.. i'm going with the original recommendation of braces and surgery.. oh hindsight is a wonderful thing!

I suppose it means I can definately say that for anyone who is struggling with their treatment... it IS worth it, as you'd only regret not doing it in a couple of years time!

Good luck with the surgery.. if my experience with the genioplasty was anything to go by... it will be hard but not painful and will be over before you realise it!!


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