SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#436 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Check this out....Had to post this as I just couldn't believe it. This is my pre-SARPE pic (I only wore the RPE for 3 days before surgery) and then my current pic from today. My upper incisors have really been pushing against one another and then today, out of the blue they just stopped. After looking at the pics you can see the huge changes that have taken place in just 2 months, but look at my incisors. They have settled into almost the exact location they were pre surgery! Isn't that crazy! Its like they couldnt' stop til they were in their exact comfort zone and now they are home! LOL...



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Thanks for the Welcome reply.....

#437 Post by Kyle »

:? This is driving me crazy... I don't know how you guys ever got used to this thing... It's hard swallow and when I do it's like I left some spit at the top of the expandor.... <--- So annoying.... And last night I had really bad dry mouth (especially on the front roof of my mouth cuz I can't lick it... :x Any tricks of the trade....? I've been keeping my little helper brush with me to assist with the eating/ after eating cleanup process... And I can't believe I thought braces were a pain in the butt.... 2 Days till surgery.... :?

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#438 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Kyle,
Trust me when I say I know what you are going through. Honestly the first couple of weeks are the worst. You mouth thinks the appliance is food, and it is overproducing saliva. I was walking around sucking every few minutes for about 14 days before things settled down, and to be honest occasionally, especially after I eat it takes awhile for saliva production to settle down. I also had boughts in the beginning of really bad dry mouth too! It was like my mouth was either on Saliva overload, or underproducing. I completely know how aggravating it is, and all the the frustration that goes along with it. It doesn't get great, but it does get better! You will figure out what works for you, how to get food out of the cracks and spaces with your tongue, as well as strategic and often necessary sucking and slurping. I know it all doesn't sound very pretty, and truthfully its not, basically your tongue will adapt to all the new mouth gymnastics and get stronger and better at manipulating things around.

I remember thinking when I was where you are that two weeks is such a long time to wait for things to adjust, I thought "omg that is a bloody eternity" However, 2 months post op, I did manage to survive and while I still hate this thing (as it really irritates my tongue) it is definintely much much better than it was during the first few weeks. Try and take solace in knowing that your mouth will adapt. Read my blog, perhaps seeing that someone else has had the same issues may help. You can do this.....while it feels awful the results it achieves are nothing short of amazing! You will not regret it! My mouth now knows that this RPE thing is not food and basically short of being difficult to eat and talk with it is liveable at this point. Give yourself time to adjust...take some deep breaths, and try and go with it, rather than fight it. Many others have had this "torture device" and managed to survive with it. It is unpleasant at best but you will get through it and be greatful that you did. Plus I can't tell you what an accomplishment it is! We only really appreciate the things in life we have to work hard for. This will be a bit of a test, but you will get to the other side like the rest of us!

Remember too that with any kind of change there is a transition period where things feel very uncomfortable. After awhile we adapt and find a new groove and things get better. You are in that uncomfortable transition period right now. Your mouth is desperately working to adapt, and sooner than you think things will start to feel more normal.

In the mean time feel free to come here and vent! All of us, know what you are going through, and are more than willing to try and support you through it! Keep your chin up! (or you will drool all over it LOL)


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#439 Post by mia22 »


Your going to feel that way for a while. Eventually you will learn how to swallow differently, and you won't feel like there is spit suck up there. I usually just kinda suck air through it to push out the spit or any food that sometimes gets stuck (which is sooo gross, lol).

Dry mouth sticks almost as bad. Just swish some water in your mouth and learn to sleep with your mouth closed. That was probably the hardest part for me, but eventually you will train yourself.

We were all in the same situation and the best advice I can give you is that it will only get better! It stinks right now, for all of us, but in the end we will be soooo thankful that this is done. Time really does fly by!

Good luck with surgery!! We'll all be thinking about you!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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In good company....

#440 Post by Kyle »

I must say finding this little support group has been extreemly comforting... Today I served tables at Fridays and it was very very busy.... I felt really akward as my job is to communicate with our guests and repeat their orders... I would start off by slurring, "welcome to Fridaysth, my namth is Kyle, I'll be takthing care of you and I'm getting orthodontic work done so my speech is funny and no I'm not drunk... :lol:
It ended up being a funny icebreaker with my tables and most of them ignored my "special voice." :D Thank you for your kind words and suggestions.... Mia I took your advice and keeping my mouth close has alieviated the dry mouth and Brandy your daily journal is amazing... You should publish it... :) Know that although it probably was a pain to keep up with, it definalty helps people like me to hear your story and see the pictures of progress... You are all kind and brave and I feel I'm in really good company.... Thanks again, ~Kyle :D

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#441 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Thanks Kyle,
Glad it was helpful to you, that is the whole reason I started it as I couldn't find hardly any real info on this procedure, especially with good pics! Plus I know that things change from week to week, but I wanted to hear the daily struggles from someone and they were no where to be found. So I decided to start one. I'm going to follow my entire Jaw surgery daily when it gets done also, with pics. I want the whole thing from beginning to end in the blog.

I agree that this board is helpful, it certainly helped me a lot, and the support from everyone like Meryten, Joplin, DM, Mia, and several others has been greatly appreciated! It really does make a difference to know you are not going through this alone.

Keep us posted on your progress, hopefully things will start to improve a bit for you soon! I will send some good healing vibes your way! LOL...


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#442 Post by Delag »

Good Luck tomorrow Kyle! Sending lots of speedy recovery vibes your way!

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#443 Post by fran1971 »

Good Luck today with your surgery Kyle! Like I said you have nothing to worry about. Piece of Cake!!!! :D

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#444 Post by joplin »

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ More good vibes to Kyle! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ See you on the other side of the rainbow! :-1
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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Location: Alaska

#445 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Keep us all posted ok! Hope everything went smoothly and you are home recovering. Your in our thoughts!


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I'm back.... :D

#446 Post by Kyle »

Well, all is said and done and now it's time to heal..... First off thanks for all the good vibes sent my way and I want you all to know I think they got here....The surgery went well and I must say that it all happened so fast so there was practicaly no time to worry..... I stayed over night due to some excessive nose bleeding from my nasal tube but other then that I think it went fine.... I'm actually about to go meet with my doctor for a follow up appointment... When I was in the hospital and aware that the surgery was over, the only thing I wanted was that nasal tube outta my throat.... I had to wait till the doctor could take it out in person so I swallowed slowly for the next 12 hours.... When my Dotor arrived the following morning he took the packing and the tube outta my nose and it was like a Hoodini trick... I didn't know when it was going to end and the audience would start clapping their hands... :( I have pictures so I'll see if I can upload them on this thing or not... Anyway, other then a really scratched up throat that is sensitive to anything going down, my pain in very very mild... It's more aggrivation then actual pain.... And the whole not feeling your teeth while you brush them thing.... <--- Sooo weird...... Well, I better go see the Doc now, he has me on antibiodics and I don't take my pain killers cuz I really don't need them... I'll check in soon and thanks again for all the support.... ~Kyle

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#447 Post by mia22 »

Yea that gum feeling is weird to get used to... by time your used to it, you can starrt to feel your gums again. I'm glad everything went well! I had a lot of nose bleeds as well... but everything gets so much better!!

Congrats on the surgery... hope you back to normal really soon!


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#448 Post by joplin »

Happy healing, Kyle! :flowerbloom:
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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#449 Post by kballing »

looks like you and i are on a similiar schedule of gap closing. mine looks similar to what you posted on your blog, but i think i have bigger gaps between my other teeth now. i really am starting to get really really impatient about it finishing up now. esp. since now i have all of this other pain with the lower braces on. good news, my expander is coming out in june. when will you get yours out?
my mouth is a mess right now.
hope everyone out there is doing well and recovering.
have a great weekend.

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#450 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey K,
Are you going to get a TPA put in in June? My RPE comes out Monday morning at 7:20 am. OMG I'm so excited! I just want it out! I know its hard to wait for the gap stuff to close. I can tell you that I'm at almost 12 weeks post SARPE, and my palate is still very much healing. I don't have all the feeling back in my teeth or palate yet. It is coming back more and more each day, but it is taking awhile. I would try and resign yourself to at least 3-4 months of just healing stuff. Your gap will close during that time, as you heal. I found that trying to rush my gap closure was painful and really not very productive. It was like it had a schedule all its own and no amount of forcing it was going to move it along!

It is me I know what you are going through! Hang in there though! It really will be worth it! You will see!


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