Surgery done!

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Surgery done!

#1 Post by Teigyr »

I had my surgery yesterday at approximately 7:30am. After having my valium (given to me by my OS) and already being tired, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. Everyone was really great! I had a BSSO, I can't remember how far forward they moved my jaw but it was approx 3/4". It was a bit asymetrical so both sides were moved different distances.

I went home yesterday and after resting, I did a couple of laps around the house (inside) including the stairs. I was supposed to drink 2-4 oz every couple of hours and I ended up drinking over 100 oz! I don't know why, I was just thirsty and my throat hurt. My lower lip looked freakishly huge, I was shocked every time I went by a mirror.

Today my lip swelling is going down but it is migrating down my neck. My jaws are swollen, of course. Today I was able to remove my bands to try to clean my mouth. We also ran some errands and I actually went to a grocery store! I am pretty bruised but people didn't stare too much. I had a dinner that was blended eggs and hash used with my zip 'n squeeze. It made a big difference, I can't really open my mouth enough to accomodate even a baby spoon.

It hurts, granted. It is liveable though. I think it hurts worse at night because I tend to talk more than I should even though I am very difficult to understand.

If anyone has any questions, let me know! Oddly enough, there are times I almost feel like before only my face is huge and I can't open my mouth.

Oh the most beautiful thing? My teeth meet up in front!!! My fiance says he can see a huge difference in my profile even being swelled up.

Everyone's been so great from my OS's office to my fiance to both of our families. I couldn't ask for a better team to help with my recovery.


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#2 Post by pokergirl »


I'm glad everything went well with your surgery. I bet you are so glad to have that part behind you now. Please keep us posted on how everything is going and I hope you have a very speedy recovery! :)

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#3 Post by KathleenH »

Congrats on a successful surgery! You are brave to have faced the grocery store - I was afraid someone would call the police on my husband, as I looked like a battered wife.

I hope you have a speedy recovery!

Surgery survivor


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#4 Post by Teigyr »

Thank you everyone :D

Today is the dreaded day 3 which is the worst, so I hear. I had trouble sleeping last night but it wasn't horrible. Since I woke up, I think the swelling has gone down a bit. I even fed myself pudding with a baby spoon! It took forever and I got chocolate pudding everywhere but it is a step in the right direction.

My lips are a bit scabbed still and are larger than they should be they are going down. The swelling is mostly in my lower jaw and neck now.

Brushing my teeth is a challenge. I only undo one band at a time though I should become brave and do them both. I am able to use the waterpik on a light setting so I do that, then brush, then use Phos Flur (sp?) which was recommended by my OS. The inside of my teeth feel nasty, I can't get to there yet.

To all those who haven't had surgery yet, it truly is ok. I guess the best way to put it is it is an inconvenience. We're looking at it as a chance to eat more healthy and it is a fantastic bonding experience.

KathleenH, I was joking about that same thing at the store! I kept threatening to jump away from him as we were in line and say something like "please don't hurt me!" I think it was fairly obvious what was going on by the amount of soup and soft food related items we bought.

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#5 Post by nahky »

Teigyr wrote:
KathleenH, I was joking about that same thing at the store! I kept threatening to jump away from him as we were in line and say something like "please don't hurt me!" I think it was fairly obvious what was going on by the amount of soup and soft food related items we bought.

hehe... thats really funny :lol: :lol:

Thanks for telling us the recount of your journey Jane. Good to hear it is reasonable uneventful for you. I hope the same will be of my surgery and recovery.

Keep us updated :D
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

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#6 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Jane!
Congrats on your surgery! I'm so glad to hear that it has not been that bad for you! How are you doing on numbness? Are you pretty much numb everywhere? Just in certain places? I'm curious! Are you taking pics?? LOL.. That has got to be a great feeling knowing that it is all downhill from here and that the surgery part is completed! I'm so excited for you!


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#7 Post by nvcarissa »

Congratulations Jane! I am wondering about your numbness too. Also, are you just held together with elastics? Not wired shut? As I recall, at my original consult, my OS told me I would be wired for a week, but I guess they all do things differently.

Take good care of yourself!!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#8 Post by Teigyr »

Hi :D

I am banded shut. I actually LIKE the bands, when I take them off to eat I feel funny. It is so strange not moving my jaw to look a certain way, I think that is the most difficult adjustment. I still feel that when I relax, my jaw will be recessed and it isn't!

Yesterday I went to a family gathering. I didn't eat but brought Ensure. I could have had food but it is a major pain so I ate before I left. I had glasses of wine though! I was there about six hours then went to care for a friend's cat then got home and took a walk. Then I ate ravioli's (not blended even!) and pudding.

I think I have it easier than most. I'm not really numb either, there has been no drooling except the first day. One side required more work (I think) because it was a LOT more bruised and it hurts more. This side tingles a bit like when your foot is going to sleep. The other side feels good. The surgeon said my nerve was never exposed and I was the best case scenario he could ever hope for.

The things I have trouble with are tiredness, of course. I've been very active -- I take 1-3 mile walks every day. At around 9-10p every night I hit some sort of wall where it hurts and I get a bit emotional. My nose was also really runny and my ear hurt for the first 4 days. I didn't realize there would be sinus problems with lower jaw surgery but perhaps it was because of the tube. I ended up taking decongestant the other day and my ear felt much better. I also have difficulty sleeping. I love sleeping on my side and now that I feel a lot better, I keep rolling over to sleep on my side. NOT a good idea!!!

I'm a bit puffy still but the bruises are fading.

I didn't take pictures! I should've because I swear my lower lip was a size I could never accurately describe. The inside of my mouth is still bruised. I would love to see what instruments of torture he used and I think I will ask when I'm there on weds.

Oh I am able to brush my teeth relatively well also. I unband for that and I (this takes forever): rinse with peroxide/water, run the waterpik and add mouthwash so I can squirt over my teeth and in my splint, brush, use a small brush to go behind my teeth because I can open my mouth fairly well, then use phos flur.

I never hit the emotional wall but the frustrations have been when I feel good then am not able to do what I was used to doing. The other day I decided I had two goals. One was to eat with a spoon (had been using zip 'n squeeze) and the other was to walk to the local restaurant bar to have a glass of wine because that is what we did on weekends when we had brunch. I got up, put on makeup and then was tired! I did all the rest but it's hard to have so much energy but then have your body rebel.

I think I will do weights today or work out somehow. If I do light weights and just do things that won't endanger my mouth (ie no benchpresses), I think it'll be ok.

Honestly to all those who haven't had surgery yet, it isn't THAT bad. I mean there are bad times but even those are liveable. And the improvement is so incredible! I was the sceptic and thought my looks wouldn't be changed but I think they are for the better.


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#9 Post by HeatherLynn »

Hi Jane!
Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear your story. It makes me feel so much better about considering to go forth with lower jaw advancement. I can't believe how much you have been out since you had it done! I was afraid the swelling and bruising would be so bad that I would not want to be out of the house for weeks. Take Care!

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#10 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Wow Jane,
You sound like a surgeons dream! LOL... Text book for recovery! Good for you! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well and that everything is going smoothly for you.

My OS said that certain jaw types are easier to work with in relation to the whole nerve issue. He said that people like Jay Leno who have a more prominent jaw are more likely to have issues with nerve exposure during surgery. Those with more of a recessed jaw (like what I have) are usually easier. However, he did say that they just never know til they get in there and that that is what makes jaw surgery so fun/challenging as every case is different. I certainly hope mine goes as well as yours. I would love to see a pre and post pic though! Do you have any? or are you able to take one?

Keep up the great healing and recovery!


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#11 Post by Teigyr »


You know....I could do a post-surgical picture but I don't think I have a good pre one. For pictures, I always moved my jaw forward and I think the greatest difference is in my profile so I don't have one of those anyway. I believe my surgeon does though! I bet if I asked nicely, he would share pictures. I will see what I can do. I never knew that my jaw was a bit asymetrical - he had to move one side more forward than the other. While the amount wasn't huge, I notice a difference now. Something just seems different and MUCH better.


Oh I was bruised and swollen :) I still am bruised and the swelling is there a bit but it goes down by the hour it seems. The worst were the yellow bruises. They moved down my cheeks onto my neck and as the swelling moved down, I had this wonderful yellow-tinted semi double chin. Beautiful, eh?!!! I was always one of these punk kind of people who had no problem being out there in any way. My first day out (day after surgery) I was watching to see if anyone blatantly stared. I DID look bad I know! There were huge purple bruises all around my mouth, in fact I still have some of those right now. I figure I'd rather be unique than like anyone else and heck, how many swollen bruised people do you see walking around? I am careful with makeup, I never try to disguise it because that just looks bad and obvious. I wear subtle minimal makeup if I'm going OUT (as opposed to out) and decent clothes and even necklaces around my chubby yellow neck!

Honestly, it's all in how you look at it. Yes, it can be a pain in the backside but so can braces. The end result is SO worth it and it's a life experience, I guess. Plus it's an excuse to get good drugs and relax!!!


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#12 Post by HeatherLynn »

Good way to look at it! I just keep laughing cause my 10 year old is horrified of me having to drive her to school and activities. We joke around so much she should be used to the idea once this all happens. I don't even have braces yet!

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#13 Post by Daveyboy »

Hi Teigyr,

I hope you are continuing to make a good recovery. I had a genioplasty 4 years ago to try to fix my profile, however yesterday my ortho confirmed that she thinks the best option is to do braces for 12-14months, then lower advancement.

I'm pretty sure i'm going to go for it.... however I wanted to ask... when did you have to decide about the surgery? My ortho has referred my to an OS and wont begin treatment till I see him. However I thought that the first stages were really the same, whether you're having surgery or not?

I really want to get started with this now..... i'm kind of looking forward to it, and do see it as a positive move.

I'm glad your surgery went well, look forward to seeing some pictures as I think that would be useful for some of the people on here. I'm working on uploading some of mine, so watch this space!

Take care


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#14 Post by Pablo »

Brilliant news on your recovery .. I pray mine will be as smooth... No contact with THE nerve sounds so good. Fingers crossed...

Dave , I had to decide for definate about the surgery after about 7 to 8 months .. i think your right , the first few months is common regardless..I'm heading for lower advancment in about 3-4 months ..

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#15 Post by Teigyr »

I know I need pictures!!! The after, I can do. The before, however --- I need assistance from my OS or Orthodontist because the only way I could effectively show it is from a profile shot and if it was left up to me, I always moved my jaw forward. You know though....I was told yesterday that it looked fake when I did it and I DO have pictures (including my drivers license) where I'm doing that! I will try to see what I can do.

It is still going well. I went to my one-week follow-up yesterday. They said I exceeded their expectations and loosened the banding! I can now talk really well!!! I was double-banded which meant my mouth really couldn't open except for eating and cleaning. I can now open it at will; which I pretty much did all day yesterday as I danced around chanting "I can open my mouth!"

I have one little patch that is almost numb but not quite. There is still a bruise there and I asked my OS why he felt the need to abuse me in that spot. He said you just never know in that type of surgery. With me one side never hurt, the other did. He said one side wasn't more challenging than the other, it's just one of those things that happens.

I also saw the before and after x-rays. It is just all so amazing. My jaw was brought forward, granted, but it was also angled and it did change the structure of my face. It looked soooo good! I mean not my face, I'm not THAT vain. I'm talking purely x-ray here.

I can eat almost anything that's soft right now. I can't eat things like salad or things requiring chewing but you'd be amazed what you CAN eat. Ravioli, shrimp (cut up into tiny pieces), even chicken.

For those who haven't had surgery, the best advice I can give is to drink a lot, keep your mouth clean (I was commended on my oral hygeine but I was scared of infection) and exercise by walking. It helps the swelling SO much to get up and moving around.

The worst thing about the whole thing is sleep. The average sleep post-surgery is 4-5 hours. It is difficult to get comfortable then you can't really move so it becomes uncomfortable just because of that. It is getting better though, I can sleep on my side now!!! I haven't taken pain medication for a couple of days either. I am saving the rest of the demerol for a special occasion or maybe next time I get my braces tightened :)


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