orthognathic surgery date...somebody please give me a clue

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orthognathic surgery date...somebody please give me a clue

#1 Post by piner08 »

I'm having orthognathic surgery...my surgeon told me last july that my surgery would be the following summer and if anything a little sooner. So I've had the braces on since last July and we're not apporaching June at my last visit to the orthodonist yesterday they took impressions of my mouth again and my bite...they said this way they could have a meeting about my jaw placement and decide what to do next. Because the surgeon had previously told me it'd be this summer when I had my surgery I questioned my orthodontist who responded that they just need to make sure I definetly had stopped growing and then we'd take it from there...clearly not a straight answer to eager me. So I'm just curious but for those of you who have had this surgery done before or experience with it in some form; how soon do you think my surgery will be happening?

Posts: 548
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:43 am
Location: Australia, , braced on 8 MAR '05 - Debraced: 28th FEB '07

#2 Post by nahky »

I had a hand x-ray done to determine my growth rate

this was in april 2005

now im hvaing surgery in 6 days
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

Lower JAW Surgery: May 2006 Debraced: March 2007

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Location: Michigan

#3 Post by KathleenH »

I had molds and x-rays in February '05, but they determined at that time that I needed two teeth extracted. So I had to wait. I had molds and x-rays retaken in October '05, and my surgery was in December. Once they determine that you're ready, it all depends on the availability of the surgeon.

Surgery survivor


Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:46 pm

#4 Post by piner08 »

thanks...this is my second time getting molds taken and i had xrays done back in july so i hope this means surgery is in my near future

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