SARPE Surgery

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#481 Post by mia22 »

Yes I am... so I get to have more dental fun, lol. They are going to put a temporary tooth on a bracket and attach that until I am finished with braces and then I will be getting the implant. So there is still a lot more I get to look forward to... even when I'm done, I won't be done.

Anywho... count down is 4 wks!!!



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#482 Post by Kyle »

Yeah so I've been eating pudding, jello, maccoroni, and about all the mash potatoes I can handle... It's just getting really old... I'm a guy that enjoys a nice big publix sub :( I tried eating a biscuit from KFC the other day... I want taking little bites and kinda drinking milk to soften it up... I still had a little pop sound when I lightly bit down... It didn't hurt and nothing is different... But it did make me throw the biscuit away.. :cry: I had some pasta and alfredo the other night and it was amazing... So, atleast I have one new thing to munch on.... By the way, right now David Letterman could be my big brother.... Holy gap Batman! :shock: Thanks again for your advice and hope your all doing well...

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#483 Post by tally21 »

Hi Everyone
Well despite popular opinion I am getting my RPE out and braces on on the 30th June, Ortho said if he thinks there is any slipage he will make me a plate (TPA?) , he had no concerns about the healing time.
Understand there are some different views so more than happy to keep everyone informed about my progress.
Not sure if there is any differences in the SARPE procedure in Australia, its called SAME here and there may be different methods who knows!!
I will be glad to see the end of this thing no matter what.

Hope everyone is well and making loads of progress

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#484 Post by mia22 »


It might be different, but thats really lucky for you to get it out sooo soon! How long since expansion will you be when it comes out?

I feel you... the food gets old, but u can cut things up really small and still eat things like Boston market chicken or meatloaf, or soups... sucks for a while... and I'm not trying to rub my update in... i definately fee your pain!!

Well, my little update... yesterday I ate a sandwich!! The first time in 5 months that I actually bit through a sandwich and ate the whole thing without having to cut it up... I've never been so happy!

That's it tho...


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#485 Post by tally21 »

Hi Mia
It will be 5 weeks since I stopped expansion so I feel lucky.
I get my braces at the same time as removal.
I didnt have any wisdom teeth taken out and have never actually had any so all this may be the difference, who knows.
I have to do a workshop with some people from Japan next week so I am busy practicing my talking, no matter what i still sound like a drunk most of the time.
Hope all is well with everyone

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#486 Post by kballing »

hi all,
congrats on everyone's progress. (mia, your teeth keep looking better, i hope you are pleased).
i have a couple of questions that i posted elewhere as well, but thought the SARPE group that i have become so familiar with and from my experience, has been so knowledgeable (you guys are great).
a) my front teeth are finally touching, but now problem, they actually are trying to overlap. should i worry about this at all? my front teeth were absolutely perfectly straight before, so it is hard to see them become all crooked, esp. since i still have the HUGE gap on either side of them, that doesn't appear to be closing.
b) i had another distressful interaction at the orthos that made me cry when i got back to the parking garage (i haven't cried forever!). my ortho is great, but i can't be this stressed out from the others, sooooo, i am wondering if anyone knows anything about changing orthos after braces are already on?
thanks so much for any guidance you might be able to provide.
have a great day! and hang in there everyone.

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#487 Post by Selims »


I am in a similar position as you. I need to change ortho too (and like you, the ortho is a nice person - they just keep changing their mind about things without explanation and it is dragging on - they said that I need the expander in for another 6 months, that is TWELVE in total but couldn't say why (and the damn thing is not good fit, so I talk oddly) .... v. v. stressful).

I am MA, USA. Does anyone know of a good ortho?



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#488 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

OMG Selims! That is absolutely insane. My kiddos at school wear their expanders for 12 months and they are expanding without SARPE. My ortho told me 6 months max from beginning to end. From what I've read and been told by all of my doctors, it is very unusual to get movement after 3 months (I mean regression or collapse) it is pretty much stablized at that point. That is why so many of us have had TPA's put in and the expander removed at 3 months. Shoot I only have to wear the TPA for 8 weeks so I will be done with the whole SARPE stuff at 5 months total. I would definitely be looking for a new ortho, sounds like the one you are working with is not very up on this sort of surgery. I can't believe he is making an adult like yourself wear the expander for a freaking year! I would be going postal! The RPE sucks, I barely got through 3 months with the thing! I cannot imagine having to wear one for 12 months.....That is just ridiculous. It's called an RPE (Rapid Palate Exander) and the surgery is meant to speed the whole process up. So how is he helping you by making you wear it for a year! Totally messed up in my opinion! I would be seriously chewing someones hind end at the ortho's office.

Kballing, during my research I had read that it is not uncommon for the teeth to come back together on their own and actually overcorrect and overlap. So I would say that you should try not to worry too much about that. As soon as everything is healed they will be able to fix that problem pretty quickly with archwires. I certainly can understand how it would be hard to deal with since your teeth were straight before you started, but do remember that the ends will justify the means and what you are decribing is not out of the ordinary. What the heck is going on with these ortho's lately. I swear I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading from people. You are paying for a service....a pretty penny I might add. If you are not getting treated respectfully there then I would talk with the ortho, very seriously, one on one about what is going on, and about changing to a new doctor. You are spending way too much money, and going through an extreme amount of aggravation from an adult perspective to be treated like garbage at the ortho's office. Its just not right! I think maybe we should start a public forum of orthos who have treated their patients disrespectfully. Perhaps if their names were made public and they noticed a decline in their buisness they might be more inclined to work on treating their patients better. That is just so wrong.......


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#489 Post by mia22 »

HI Everyone~


that is awesome about your retainer... but it just seems so soon. Either way I'm quite jealous... I think I'm getting mine out in 2wks which mean i will have had it for exactly 4 months and 23days!


Oh you poor thing! What a pain for you to have to deal with... you should ask your ortho to put a wire on the top... even without pressure it will help straighten your teeth out and when they pull together it will be straighter. Have you had any luck finding a new ortho?


I definately think you should find a new ortho! To have the RPE in for 12months is insanity!! My ortho told me that he is a little more conservative, so that's why I still have my RPE in... however he also said that there was a patient who made them take the RPE out after 2 1/2 months and she relapsed, so I don't mind waiting a little but NOT A YEAR!!


Hi huni! Your pictures look really good! I'm still jealous your without a gap, but soon I will be there with you 2 weeks and counting, lol!! I agree, we should start a forum about doctors we don't like! Maybe it would help them see that they should take more responsibility!

Well everyone, I hope you have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!



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#490 Post by fran1971 »

Mia: Glad to hear that your gap is getting close to being history and Brandy your pictures do look very nice. Unfortunately my gap has not begun to close yet. I finished expanding on May 26 and went to see my ortho on June8 and he said that everything looked good and that I expanded 9mm, but all he did was put my upper wire back in and said that he would see me in 4 weeks on June 29. I was so disappointed that he didnt put a powerchain on. My gap is fairly big and any bit of closure would help me deal with the situation , but as for now it hasnt moved one bit. And on top of that my surgeon said that I will have to have the RPE for another 8 weeks which also was a bit disap :lol: pointing. O well there's nothing I can do about it now other than to wait and hope that once the powerchain is put on that I will see progress fairly quickly. Will update my progress if anything changes...Take care all!!![/u]

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#491 Post by mia22 »

Hi Fran!

I understand how discouraging it can be with the gap... if you check out my link, you can see my gap's progress... I have had some form of a gap for about 4 months now. So I completely understand where ur coming from.
They won't put a powerchain on for a while, because you bone hasn't fully healed. I found one good way of dealing with the gap is putting wax in it...

Take denatal wax and run it under running warm water (as warm as your hands can stand). When the wax is very soft, roll it into a ball, and place it behind the gap... you kinda smoosh the wax through with you thumb, and just mold the wax to your teeth. It is just a nice little camoflague if the gap is really bothering u.

I posted the wax thing just incase u wanted to know. You'll find a lot of help and support on here... I'm almost done with my whole SARPE process, and this board and the people on here have helped me so much!

I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!!


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#492 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Miss Mia!
I checked in on your website yesterday and saw that your gap is almost closed! Woo hoo! your teeth are looking wonderful! I bet you must be so excited to finally be getting rid of that thing huh? I know I was happy to lose mine, although I didn't have to sport it near as long as you have!

At least you don't still have a lower jaw surgery to look forward too like me!

Anyway....glad things are finally closing up for you. Keep posting new pics ok? I love to see how others are progressing along!


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#493 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Where are all my SARPE girls? Long time no hear from! Mia, Delag, kBalling, Fran????


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#494 Post by Delag »

Hi Brandy! Gee we really have been a dull group lately haven't we! I hope no news is good news. I finished what I hope is my last (3ed) root canal and am on summer dental vacation. I will go visit my family for a month or so and then come back to put on braces and get ready for the SARPE. I had wanted to do things faster, but the bank account wouldn't let me LOL! The sucky part is that I will most likely be ready for the SARPE right at Christmas.

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#495 Post by kballing »

Hi all-
wow, yes, i have been sort of out of it lately, just trying to deal with all of the changes going on STILL in my mouth.
so, the palate expander got removed last week!!! YAY!! i am so so happy. she didn't feel that i needed a temporary one, so that stage is over. i still have a 2mm gap on either side of my front teeth, but i remain patient for the changes. i now have a powerchain to pull them in as well. got bands on my upper back teeth and bands will be on my lower back next time, spacers in there now-- always something new.
i am getting all prepared for the orthognathic surgery (READ: nervous :shock: ) i go in for the preliminary stuff at the end of this month (i don't know why they start all of this 6 months ahead, but they do, so that will be my next adventure. trying to gain some energy for that.
how is everyone, what is happening with each of you? i hope there is a lot of healing going on. :D
ladies, here is quite an odd question, but i just wonder if anyone has experienced this or know anyone who has. since my surgery i have not had a period. i have been to the doctor a couple of times and they think it is due to all of the stress on my body from the surgery??? anyone experience this. i will go to have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks, all blood work is okay. i am now a little over 3 months post-sarpe. hmmmm.
in any case, sending all my positive energy to all of you as you continue on your journeys.
have a great day!!

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