DAY 3 Post-Op- *pics and updates* (upper/lower/genio)

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#106 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Hey Kate,
I agree that massaging and making faces helps. I have been doing lots of scrunching, puckering, smiling, and basically stretching my face as much as I can without discomfort. I massage my face a few times daily too and my feeling is definitley coming back more and more everyday. Smiling is also getting much easier too!

As far as icing goes, the standard pretty much is that ice is only good for the first 24-48 hours and then warm heat is better as it helps get the fluids moving. I have some rice heat packs that I use daily and in the evening too. It helps ease the muscle tenderness, however, my swelling has come down really fast too. In addition to this I have been taking Bromelain and using the Arnica Montana gel. I thought I remember you trying that, are you still using it? I find it really does help daily in reducing the swelling.

Hope this helps!


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#107 Post by Gem »

I have had the ultrasound as well and it feels great, pt usually uses it in conjunction with ice. Something about alternating helps, but this time around she said heat was a no no due to surgery, that it would increase the swelling. Last week they tried something new, I don't see how it helped but they swear by it.....Laser therapy. Now I may have this wrong but she said it increases blood flow to the area to speed up healing. To me it sounds like they keep contradicting themselves but they are helping to increase my rom and the swelling looks better and the spasms seemed to have improved. If you are still in pain maybe your OS can recommend a PT that specializes in soft tissue/jaw issues.

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#108 Post by Gem »

Ok, I got an explanation on the laser therapy and it might be worth looking into. She said the laser brings good oxygenated blood to the area they treat which then in turn helps to absorb/carry away the excess fluid. I had 1 treatment on Thursday and she said she could see a significant improvement in the swelling. She also did it again today It may be tricky finding a pt that has the equipment since they said they only recently got it and it is crazy expensive. Hope you are feeling better.

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#109 Post by Supermax »

hi all

Newbie here...I'm due for my BSSO on the 24th of July. Just like to say thanks to Kate for taking the time to post such an informative account of the surgery. I know yours is more complicated than what i'm doing,but it really helps to see a real case. I am really looking forward to it, but the closer I get I can feel the nerves creep up...

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#110 Post by Supermax »

Thanks for the welcome Meryaten...I'm just hoping the docs gives me strong painkillers I'm a real baby when it comes to pain!!! :roll:

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#111 Post by Yarr »

Heyy! Just dropping by again.. The sensation thing seems to be very individual. I regained most of my feeling during the first weeks. For some it takes a while longer. My orhtho was suprised that it went that fast. Actually yesterday I experienced something a bit cool. Now it it is kinda fading away, but on the right side, when I drink/eat something cold, I feel it both on the inside of my mouth and outside.. :P So I am like whiping of "nothings" of my right cheek.

As for my contidition now I have almost forgot about the surgery, because things are really back to normal, even FOOD! :D After surgery I had a little overbite, and in the course of two mounths my bite has fallen into place by itself more or less. I had an appointment with my ortho today. He was so amazed that he said my visit was the highlight of his month! And I was like "wohooo!". Then he said it was time to take off the braces! Then he had to leave the room to help a pacient with some problems. I was left in the chair for an hour or so. Despite the good news, I actually managed to fall asleep. So when he came back, he was a bit unsure about the debracing. He said he does not want to have any doubts, because this was so sudden. So he said three more weeks and they are coming off! Still, even though there was no debracing today, I am very happy! I was really aiming for christmas. :P

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11 wks

#112 Post by kate0310 »

Ok so it's been a little while since I last wrote...
But I am now 11wks:

This week I saw both my otho and surgeon again. My ortho was VERY pleased at my elastic wearing and said "I can tell you want these braces off fast"...but with her theres no such luck anyway so I think its going to be 8months to a year before these puppies come off. My teeth look SO straight, which makes it frusterating. Anyways, my orthodontist tore my face apart basically- changing wires and brackets- and for the week since than my face has felt absolutely horrific. Up until that appointment, it was feeling pretty fabulous. My range of motion is, and my cheekbones and face ache badly.

SO THEN, I saw my surgeon yesterday. I walked into the office, sat in the chair...he told me to bite and looked at the incisions and said I was healing wonderfully and it looks really good. He said that nothing has budged since surgery and that my numbess in my lip and chin is totally normal still.
So i go back in 2 months for another check and he was delighted.

All in all- good report I guess...
Im still minorly swollen externally, moreso like inside my mouth. My face still has that annoying 'stiff' feeling, and I really wouild love to feel my lip again.
Otherwise- all good :D
Last edited by kate0310 on Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#113 Post by iBorg »

Glad things are going well. Hopefully the adjustment pain will go away quickly and your face will return to normal. Let's put the eight more months wired in perspective. You're almost done! :lol:

In mentally preparing to do surgery (will it ever happen and will I ever be prepared ?) the one thing I'm most concerned about is the numbness.
Here's to feeling your lips soon!

Keep us informed.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#114 Post by pokergirl »

Thanks for such an informative thread. I was unwired 4 days ago and today I was looking in the mirror and thought my mouth was starting to move back to its original position. I was thinking maybe the elastics I'm in weren't doing their job or something, but it looks like from these posts that it's quite normal for your bite to still shift some.

Kate, you look wonderful. You are such an inspiration.

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#115 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

Wow amazing results!!!! My profile is very similar to your before pic. \makes me wonder how \i will look lol. :)
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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