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Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:02 am
by sauerkraut
Hi Giver, I know this thread is rather long :wink: but if you can find time to read through it you'll find a broad range of answers to all your questions. I can't recall anyone wishing they'd not had the surgery, although most of us have needed a good moan about one thing or another at some point after the operation. I think there have been singers posting on here -- perhaps the search facility will help? While you've got the expander in your diction will certainly be affected.


Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:35 pm
by my17mind
thanks sauerkraut! :)

well I have a question for anyone who has the answer...
Im done turning my key, but now my orthodonist wants to wait 6 weeks to see how the gap closes on its OWN without a wire....
Ive been reading some other posts on how gaps closed in 2-3 weeks, but I wasnt sure if they had a wire put on immediatly or if it was natural. Anyone that knows PLEASE post a reply, thanks! :)

by the way, here is a pic of the gap:

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:44 am
by sauerkraut
That's a super gap you've got there, my17mind :D

I think I'm right in saying that most of us on here (but not all of us, by any means) didn't even have brackets, let alone the archwire, until some time after SARPE. And for some of us the gap closed by itself but for others it didn't. So there really doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.

FWIW, my gap was completely closed within 3 months, without any intervention.

If it's really bothering you, I seem to remember reading on here about someone whose ortho offered to rig up some kind of fake tooth affair until the gap closed. Or you can stick dental wax across the gap (fixing it to the back of each front tooth) which disguises it up to a point, at least from a distance :wink:

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 8:24 am
by abonelli
Oh hey my17mind I’m 18 so I kind of know exactly what you’re going through. Except I’m a senior and I have graduation/prom within a month :[. I had my surgery March 6th . I started turning the key five days later and I was done turning the key about March 28th ish? I stopped at about 11mm so it was huge! I was totally self conscious about it. Now at about 2 months after my surgery my gap is only 4mm and its been closing on its own without archwire pretty rapidly. My friends say it looks smaller everyday. I can’t even fit some straws between it anymore ha. So it is very likely that yours will do the same as well. I’m getting my expander out June 4th, getting a retainer in June 9th and then my braces (brackets and wire) on June 16th. My ortho said that it will continue to close but as soon as I get my braces it will close right up. I hope that helped a little? ---alexis :D

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:30 pm
by my17mind
THANKS! haha well actually sauerkraut i tried putting gum in the place of it as a joke and ever since then Ive been looking for some kind of replacement, so the wax is a really good idea! Oh man but Im getting so tired of random people noticing, and thinking it is a missing tooth! It is so embarassing to keep explaining, while showing off the gap more, this whooooole thing over and over.

Alexis, haha wow well I hope your prom is fun anyways! But thanks for the outlook on how this might go, I just cant help but to want to KNOW when this gap will close up just so I can get through it a little eaiser. As for fitting straws through it, I can fit my pinkie in it... and I check everyday with no luck hahaa.. Its like watching paint dry!!! :|

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:44 am
by crazybeautiful
Bump :)

By the way, I found out what these blobs are called, but she didn't tell me what they do (honestly dentistry isn't the best thing to be curious about because most of the appointment you're sat with your mouth open full of wires and metal and everything else imanginable! :lol: ). Anyway, they are called 'composite blobs', but I can't find any info about them. Maybe next appointment I'll have chance to ask more! :roll:

Oh, my next surgery won't be until December now (not August like I was told before). I don't mind so long as it definately then, and it isn't put back until next year! I'm getting very tired of waiting, and feeling pretty irritated with the whole thing....that will pass, though. Well, it will have to, seeing as though I'm stuck with waiting 6 months :roll:

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:16 am
by Esoteric
Just curious, but how many people that have had sarpe have full feeling back in their upper gums? I basically have feeling everywhere but the section that was expanded. I actually have a little bit of feeling there though now.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:50 pm
by chicago29

If you have some feeling that is always a good sign...I'm sure you know that.

I don't have any remaining numbness from the SARPE, but I did notice on my last xray with my OS a couple of weeks ago that the area right around the central incisors is the last place to fill in with new bone. Most everything else for me is already filled in on the xray. My OS stated that the "expanded area" is the last place that is going to heal, so it makes sense that it still is a bit numb for you.

I hope it gets better for you.

By the way, you're not too far from the big one! I can't believe that much time has flown by already!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:39 am
by shari
I had surgery on sept 15, 08 and I still have numbness on the right side of my gums and palette.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:55 am
by Esoteric
I think my palatte is the first thing that started to come back when I look back, but it took a while. All in all, if the area that is somewhat numb for me right now never comes back I'd be fine with it although I think more will come back. I can feel pressure through out the gum area when I push my teeth as if it isn't done healing yet so that must be good.

It really isn't the gums that worry me, it's the next surgery and the ol lips lol. How can one area sustain two surgeries and come back, that's the question I need to ask my doctor. Before SARPE he did say that he would do all that he could to not mess up the nerves so he must have done a good job.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:13 pm
by crazybeautiful
My upper gum line at the front is also still...not right. It's not entirely numb, it's just not the same. But it's not something that greatly affects me, so I don't mind

Congrats that your next surgery is coming up, Esoteric. I have to say I'm very jealous of you! Is it wrong that I actually cannot wait for the surgery? :?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 1:07 pm
by Esoteric
I think others might think it's strange that you would be jealous, but round here probably not lol. My next surgery is tentatively set though so don't be too jealous. It could be pushed back depending on the progress and what the OD and OS think is best.

To be completely honest I'm dreading having to weigh the possible benifits of the surgery vs the possibility of my lips being numb for ever! Even though I have never heard of that happening, I'm sure you know that going into any large surgery the bad thoughts start to creep into your head.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:27 pm
by GiverSSJ
Just a question, how long was your recovery time, Esoteric? How many days did you miss of school or work? How did you know that the surgery was a "right move" to make for you?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:38 pm
by Esoteric
Well SARPE surgery was the only way to get the room that I needed in the palatte so my arch could be rounded out. There really was no way around it as my palatte was very triangular shaped previously. Before I could get braces I had to get the SARPE done or there wouldn't be any point in trying to go further, it just wouldn't be possible.

As far as time off I only took 3 days. I went in for surgery on a Wed morning and went back to work the following Mon. And a week after my surgery I went on vacation which sucked because I had to start cranking my expander!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:51 pm
by AFLeadDog
Well I am officially on the other side!! I had SARPE and SAME Surgery yesterday. I just got home today. So far so good, it is a weird sensation when you bump your teeth or they move a bit because the only anchor is the expanders. How long does that feeling last? I think I am supposed to start turning the keys next Tuesday 1 turn top and bottom both morning and night! They say we are looking at between 9 an 11 gap to make room for all my crowded teeth. Why is it that they give you the biggest pills to swallow when you should be on liquid? Boggles my mind!?!? Anyone have any good advice that made wasting time easier? Talk to you all soon.