rtxtavi02 wrote: Yea, I can get some pictures up, just need to get them off the camera. I was actually planned for a 4 mm move and they did 5.5 once they were in there.
Hi rtxtavi02,
I saw in the other post that you're pretty much in the same boat as me.
I had a Lefort 1 advancement of 4 mm, also on March 31 coincidentally
And no pain for me either... I'm assuming because the upper jaw is still numb so I don't feel anything, and am also have progessed to mashed up foods.
I saw in the other post that you were concerned about the amount of weight you've lost and the amount of protein/calories you're getting.
I was suprised, because I haven't lost ANY weight. I don't weigh that much to begin with (I'm 5'2" and about 110 lbs), but I found what made the most difference in terms of eating is HOW I'm getting the food into my mouth... and I found this out totally by accident.
I used chopsticks on day 3 when my brother brought me some sushi (not knowing I wouldn't be able to chew.. so I cut up a couple of maki rolls into tiny unrecognizable pieces and used the chopsticks to directly place the food right at the back of my mouth).
I found eating really mashed up or cut up food with chopsticks really allowed me to place that food in the back of my mouth quite quickly and effortlessly (without having to use my tongue to try to useleslly push the food to the back)... so eating was not as tedious as trying to get the food in with a small spoon or using the zip-n-squeeze pureed food bags.
I am eating most solid-ish food this way (even had some french fries with gravy yesterday -- used a kitchen knife to cut if up to almost a mash), and no longer feel hungry because I feel like I'm eating somewhat normally.
I also find eating anything in a broth or soup is MUCH easier. I hate a bowl of noodle soup today (again used kitchen scissors to cut off the noodles to 1/2 the size of a pea) and then just spooned it into my mouth with a very small spoon. The liquid of the broth made it so much easier for the cut-up noodles and soup to just slide into my throat to be swallowed