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Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:38 pm
by sauerkraut
Wow! All 91 pages! Congratulations! How long did that take you?! You're certainly going to be very well informed, anyway!

Mums do worry, it's their job, but as jaw surgeries go SARPE is one of the least drastic, and there are even people here who were treated as a day case. It would be a bit pointless going through the whole braces thing if at the end of the day the results are unstable and you eventually end up back where you started.

I don't think there's any harm getting a second opinion, though. As I said in your other thread, it worked out OK for me, anyway, because both docs said the same thing. It's sometimes helped me to look back on that when I wonder what the heck I'm doing with all this surgery stuff, and remember that not just one but two experts said I needed it. Of course, if the second consult comes up with something different, then I guess you'd have to go for a third...

Hope it won't come to that, though. It sounds to me like you're happy with the first ortho and his arguments for surgery have pretty much convinced you, but a second opinion could still be helpful in giving you peace of mind.

I'm sure you'll work it out, and meanwhile here's a hug


Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:41 am
by badbite
Guys I am still here too! I feel like I have been here forever and a day. Still waiting for one of my very back molars to turn so I can get "the big surgery."

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:38 am
by sauerkraut
It's GREAT to hear from you again, badbite!! I feel like I've been sat here watching them all come, watching them all go, and never getting my turn :wink: So I hope you don't mind me taking comfort from you that I'm not the only plodder!

I'm still waiting for lower jaw advancement. My top teeth have been ready for ages, but my bottom teeth don't seem to want to co-operate. And my ortho, bless his little heart, is certainly not one for trying to rush things :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:43 am
by sauerkraut
P.S. Had to smile at your tickers. Certain sense of familiarity there!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:11 am
by badbite
I thought I was ready for upper jaw advancement in December, but when the ortho took the molds, he realized that my upper two back teeth on the top would cause a big problem in my bite, so I had to get them braced. One is cooperating, and one is being stubborn. Right now I am hoping to have surgery by May or June, but he didn't tell me that, I am just hoping.

Yes, I think of your often. I actually came on to see if you were ready for surgery yet. Maybe we'll go together.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:30 pm
by glenncoyle
hey all

been a while since ihave posted in this thread.

Sarpe went well and has now been 5.5 months sincei i finished expanding. still got the expander in and could so for up to 12 months.

my ortho prefers to keep it in as along as possible to stop relapse, ive read on some peoples replies that they only have it in for 3 months.

not that i care (got over the lisp thing a while ago), but how long did poeple have the expander in for.


ps you can see my photo updates in the below link. things are going awesome and i love the results so far!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:14 am
by chicago29
I had mine for 7.5 months, although you have to account that 3 to 4 weeks of that was "expanding". Most people seem to have them in for 4 to 6 months, with 6 seeming the most common.

12 months is a long time...perhaps you could ask your Ortho if he can take it out after 6 and replace it with one of those archbars to hold it. These archbars have a name but I can't think of them off the top of my head. I think they're mentioned in this thread (somewhere)...

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:25 pm
by glenncoyle
hey chicago

he likes to keep it in there longer than norm, he works on bring the teeth around and have them perfectly lined up, he has found in the past that there is less likely hood of relapse.

the way i see it is whats an extra couple of months, it could be out in 9 or 12, im not fussed.

one thing i will say it does make it hard chatting up the ladies :lol: need to make sure i hit a pub / club where its nice and loud HAHA

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:42 pm
by crazybeautiful
Glad your expansion has gone well, glenncoyle :)

After 6 months I had my expander replaced with a transpalatal arch. It acts to maintain the expansion, but it's less bulk to deal with!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:20 pm
by avy
I had mine in for a total of 7 1/2 months and I had approx 9.5mm expansion. I'm pretty sure 6 months is the minimum amout of time if you've had a fair amount of expansion, so I can understand your ortho wanting yours in for 9 - 12 months since you had a serious amount of expansion! What a difference it has made though, amazing :D
Yeah I agree, talking is the most annoying part of the expander. But honestly, no one even noticed until I told them I had that thing in there. I think because I had braces they just assumed my speech was slightly off because of them.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:19 pm
by KeepSmiling
Hello everyone! I've been reading this post almost non-stop since I have found out I need SARPE and Orthognathic Surgery. What a blast this should be!~

I thought I was pretty well prepared after reading so many of your posts, and needless to say I think I came out better than I thought. Thank you all for writing all your insightful experiences.

About a week ago I went under for SARPE, and I had swelling on my cheeks, bleeding from my nose and all the other fun stuff.

Since then, my swelling has gone significantly down, and pain has subsided for the most part. The only thing that bothers me is my top teeth. I feel the nerve ending attached to each teeth act up from time to time, and even more so when I try chew on something. Basically my teeth feel real sensitive. I was told not eat anything chewy and for the most part stick to a liquid diet. I know I'm getting way ahead of myself by trying to chew just the tiniest pieces of bread or anything in general but I feel my teeth acting up right away. I'm just paranoid in thinking I will have this feeling forever. Have any of you who have done the SARPE procedure felt this way? How long did it last?

Thanks in advanced for your response!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:21 pm
by BracketRacket
Hey guys...had a consult with the OS, learned a few interesting things.

First off, from what I gather, he wants to use a bone-borne expander -- anyone have experience with this?

Also, he'd like to remove my two top wisdom teeth at the same time (I don't have any on the bottom)...I just hope this won't make recovery worse, with more swelling or anything.

I'm waiting to hear about insurance now, hopefully soon I know more and be able to set a date (eeep!)

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:09 am
by BracketRacket
Bit of a bump!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:12 am
by DrBlur
Many thanks!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:17 am
by DrBlur
Gah, after reading this thread a bit, I see what I have to look forward to. Besides the pain, the thing I am most nervous about is the gap in my teeth...I've never had a gap, my teeth have always been close together, so I know I will freak out over it :lol: