Zip-N-Squeeze sux

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I don't know

#16 Post by dubnobass »

I honestly don't know.
I've been warned that post-surgery, I'll have very little feeling in my lower face for at least a couple of weeks, so eating is going to be a mess-fest whether it's squeezed into my mouth via a straw or squeezed into my mouth via the snipped-off corner of a bag. Sucking will also be a no-no, so I gather, which means the straw does become a squeezy-tube and cannot be used as a straw normally would be.

With teeth banded together, I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to get any liquid food into my mouth anyway. I'm having lower wisdom teeth dug out from under my gumline at the same time as my saggital split, so I don't imagine squirting food into the corners of my mouth is going to be do-able for at least a week or so anyway.

At this point I'm planning to spend a few weeks on fruit juice/slimfast/ensure/milkshakes etc and forgo liquidised food altogether :wink:

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#17 Post by nvcarissa »

Let me add my 2¢ to this debate. I bought the "hospital" set of ZNS and like Meryaten, having it in the hospital for water consumption was great. I was wired shut and the straw from the ZNS allowed me to direct my broth, water and milk to the back of my mouth (alongside my teeth). I too, could drink from a cup fairly early because my lip was not numb on the right side, but if I had been numb on both sides, I would not have been able to tell if the cup was properly placed on my lip to prevent spilling. AND, since my chin was numb, I could not feel when I dribbled down my chin. Lovely.

Cutting a hole in the bottom of a zip-lock bag doesn't sound like it would work for a mouth that is wired (or banded) together and is numb. You would be putting the liquid at the front of your mouth and, I suspect, getting more dribbling down you than actually into your stomach.

I used my ZNS at home too for water and juice. Worth every penny. And I still use the solid plastic straws that came with them.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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