Newbie Question

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Jimmy_101 »

Well today I have been feeling a bit down. Like many people with jaw asymmetry I imagine periodically feel. In fact Ive felt down enough to just say to myself "F@*! it, im tired of this, im gonna have surgery. I dont give a damn what anyone else thinks because they dont understand".

If I could be free of those niggling thoughts about my appearance from certain angles I would be much happier, that is a fact. Im sick and tired of being a strange mix of beauty and ugliness depending on what angle Im viewed from. Its all very well for people to say just learn to love yourself the way you are. THe fact is, I do love muself, very much so. I love myself enough to know and be honest with myself that having symmetrical jaws will make a big difference to my self image and self esteem. I dont want to end up being someone who is still toying with the idea of surgery at 50, Im going to do it now, I can afford it. There is nothing stopping me. When I first noticed this problem when i was 15, it wasnt something I had to look for, I noticed it straight away that something was wrong. I didnt know it was jaw assymetry but I could plainly see that my two profiles were different, and it totally bummed me out.

However I think the NHS should pay for it, it was NHS orthodontic care that put me in this place to begin with. My Ortho says that its not the orthodontist I had as a child who caused this problem. But how can it not be? they know enough now to correct asymmetry in growing childrrens jaws, when I look at pictures of myself as a kid, my face has completely changed. Thats not right, and my instinct tells me that it wouldnt have changed that much without orthodontic intervention, extractions etc.

I apologise for ranting, i dont usually wallow in self pity, but ive just had one of those periods where its entered my mind again and ive become a little obsessed with it. Im sure there are many people here who can relate. The fact is, its not in my head, this is genuine skeletal deformity and this time I want it fixed, once and for all. They can fix it, so im going to let them. If i can get it on the NHS then I'll wait a couple of years. If not, then I'll bloody pay for it and get it done right away, no more jekyll and hyde. I want to be jekyll and hot, and if thats vain, well then i dont care. This is an age of vanity and everyone is more vain these days

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#17 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi Jimmy,

I certainly think you should have your jaw fixed if it's bothering you. I know what it feels like to have those "niggling thoughts". However, I am not sure that your problem could have been caused by orthodontics. I had some extractions as a kid, and while I later learned that they weren't necessary, I know it had no impact on my bad bite - my jaw just grew that way. But whatever the case, are you able to get a consultation or two with a surgeon to get some more information?

I had surgery two months ago for jaw asymmetry (among other things). I always knew my chin was a bit off-centre, but it never bothered me. I could have lived happily with it. However, my teeth were a mess, and I was told that I need to have the proper jaw alignment if I wanted my teeth to be straight. So I went ahead and had the surgery. And, I also know what it's like to have people tell you that you're crazy and you don't need surgery etc. My father said the exact same thing. Eventually, though, he was okay with it. It just takes some people a while to get used to the idea.

Good luck with your treatment and let us know how it progresses. And feel free to rant if you need to!

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#18 Post by txmetal »

Hi Everyone - It's really interesting to read all your comments. I'm 44 years old and grew up in Africa where teeth were not an important part of ones life. I was clueless to the fact that I had a major overbite - I mean major - and have been in braces on the upper for 2 and 1/2 years and the lower for 2 years. Both my dentist and orthodontist have suggested I consult withe an oral surgeon about orthognathic surgery. Finally picked up the courage and made an appointment, which was yesterday, and I must say I was totally amazed as to what can be done these days.

I've still not made up my mind 100% about doing the surgery. One of the questions that I have, but forgot to ask about, is if bone growth in an older person such as myself is still as quick and solid as it would be in a younger person, say in their twenties. Anyone have an idea?

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#19 Post by HighandLo »

Hi TxMetal,

I think a lot depends on the individual person - how well you take care of yourself, diet, exercise, etc. I had a bone scan (for an unrelated reason) to determine my bone health and the density of certain bones. My bones rated as the bones of a much younger person (I'm 47). By the way, I hate milk! But, I do love ice cream :wink: .

Good luck! It will be worth it.


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#20 Post by HighandLo »


It sounds like you have your mind made up. Good for you! I wish I had done this years ago (I haven't actually had surgery yet). I think I know something of how you feel. This has been in the back of my mind for YEARS. I am a happy, optimistic person and people tell me I'm attractive, etc., but this asymmetry does bother me. Whenever I look at a picture of me, my eyes always go to my jaw and how it looks! And, I don't think I'm a vain person. I am very giving to others, but this is something I want for me.

I don't know if it's the result of having too many teeth pulled rather than fixed when I was younger and I don't know if anyone can say for sure. A few doctors have told me that no one knows why one side of the jaw grows faster (or keeps growing). But, I don't need to know - just need to fix it!

Don't get mad, get it fixed and over with, so you can go on to something else. The only person you have to live with all your life is YOU.

Take care,


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Location: San Antonio, TX, USA

#21 Post by txmetal »

Thanks for all your replies - appreciate it.

I've pretty much made up my mind now having investigated and chatted with others and everyone has said it is worth every single penny!

Good luck to others!

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