Yes I'm going to cry about it

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I think some ortho's are just very conservative, and don't want to chance it, but for goodness sake. I'm going to be having a Lefort 1 in a couple of months where my whole maxilla is completely released and moved forward. Even now...before my surgery my doctor has told me about 2 weeks of liquid and by week 3 I can start doing some soft foods, and that is with completely releasing things. SARPE does not do that usually. What is usually done is a modified Lefort 1 where they down fracture the jaw bones on the sides and down the palatal suture so that you can be expanded. The bones are not completely separated, only fracture so that new bone will fill in as you expand. Like I said before it is not near as unstable. Shoot, like I said, I came home and ate chicken that very night. Things felt a little loose, but they were not uncomfortable.

The bone will be fully healed completely at roughly 3 months maybe even sooner if you are younger. There is absolutely no reason you can't eat soft foods. Look at all the blog buddies on my blog. Everyone of them was eating soft foods I have spoken with a ton of people online and I have not met one yet that was on liquid diet for 6 weeks. Even my friends who were in splints were eating soft stuff before then. All of my SARPE buddies were eating soft foods within about 1 week. And several have had upper, lower, and genio done and were eating soft foods at about 2 weeks. Jennnicole was eating soft stuff at about 10 days, and she had the works done Steph too and what they had done was way more extensive then a SARPE. I'm telling you! Make some pasta....or pancakes. Scrambled eggs....whatever you can think of that you basically don't have to bite down on or chew too much. You will be fine I tell you! Just EAT!

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#17 Post by chlorine23 »

6-8 weeks liquid diet??!!! Oh puke. I was only on one week. Mine wasn't jaw surgery, it was only exposure and bond of some impacted canines. They just didn't want me to have anything bump the roof of my mouth (and the lettuce leaf incident proved their point... although I was cleared by that time). The roof of my mouth was incredibly sensitive and bruised for two weeks. Now it's still a little sensitive but I can eat anything that doesn't hurt the roof of my mouth.

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#18 Post by pk_girl »

Right now, I would kill to have a simple piece of cheese


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#19 Post by pk_girl »

3 weeks :(


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