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#16 Post by nvcarissa »

Really fantastic result! I know what everyone means about that perfect bite. It's so wonderful not to destroy a sandwich or burger anymore or have to keep flipping it over to even out the bread!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#17 Post by freerideuk »

hey StevenAko

your results are awesome sorta look like paolo nutini (not sure if thats a compliment to you)

but it is intended as one =]

and wow that was a long operstion 7 hours :|


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#18 Post by Mart »

yeh i definately see the paolo nutini connection, anyway great results i bet your chuffed!

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#19 Post by iBorg »

Man you must be stroked! I'm very impressed with your results. I have to admit being uncertain about surgery but when I see a result like yours, the prospect becomes a lot less daunting.

Hope the recovery continues going well!

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#20 Post by StevenAko »

ha i had never heard of this paolo nutini, but yeah i'll settle for that likeness lol... cheers for all the compliments, im really happy with the results, especially now most of the swelling has gone (4 weeks) and i can eat a bit more. my friends are used to it now, but some of my patients at the dental school were a little confused!

iBorg, im glad the my results have given a few people some confidence, my movements were pretty major but its amazing what mm's can do to your profile!

i saw my surgeon again today, i had a good long chat with him because he is my tutour, so i suppose he could hardly fob me off! he is really happy with the results, except apparently my lower center line has shifted 2mm to the left since the op. nothing that cant be fixed with elastics while the bone is still healing. he put it down to muscle memory and the way my teeth try to inter-digitate as my occlusion is still a bit off, but i think the random spasms i experienced just after might have done it (anybody else have those?)

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Talking thru wires?

#21 Post by maryg73 »

I'm 34 and I have vertical maxillary excess and kind of a recessed chin. I never thought there could be anything done and I would live with the 'You look like a horse comments' but my friends who are dentists told me about the Le Fort I osteotomy. It scares the heck out of me but I'm going for a consult with an oral surgeon on January 7th 2008 to get all the details and I'm really excited. I never realized I had a malocclusions but my friends took a mold of my mouth and showed me - it is kind of bad and I'm wearing down my teeth - so it's not just for 'looks' but boy will it be great not to show all my gums! :)

My issue is that I can get two weeks of (I'm a senior vet student) but after that I'll need to be able to talk because I'm in clinics dealing with animals and their owners. Is your mouth wired shut so much that you can't really talk? I'm sorry if that is a stupid question but that is my major concern. I know every doctor is different but just crious about your experiences.


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#22 Post by simplywired »

Wow - what a wonderful result. The photos I've seen of you and others are such miracles - they seem to make everyone look like they were meant to look had things been perfect at birth. In other words, more "natural". We really are so fortunate to have the technology come as far as it has aren't we.

It's funny but I never thought about why I was such a messy eater until just now! lol. I had lower jaw advancement (7mm) 10 weeks ago and I'm still working on my ROM. I knew my bite was off and had to cut pizza in order to not burn my mouth. I actually bit into my palette. But it wasn't until I was reading the comments here that I realized I would mutilate any hand-held food! Also my plate was always messy around it when I would eat in a restaurant and they took the plates away. I'm a little obsessive/compulsive about neatness and I could never figure out what was going on.

Good grief, talk about self-denial.

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