I looked like a zombie but not anymore!! Braces off 11/12/07

This forum is for discussions relating to oral surgery for orthodontics.

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#16 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Hi all!

Well, I made it to the other side again! God did that hurt, I didn't feel too bad first time around but I certainly felt it the second time :yikes: It took more than half an hour for the morphine to kick in and I watched every drop drip down my line :-((

I swelled up more particularly on the right side but strangely bruised very little. Maybe all that arnica cream I've been applying worked! I didn't have any drains this time. Had two coming out of my neck like a vampire's feeding station last time, looked great with two large part filled bags in my lap :lol: I did however get the puncture wounds in my cheeks this time, just had the stitches removed today.

Had my first post-op consult today. Felt like the main attraction at a freak show :oops: First it was my surgeon Mr K and another guy not sure who, they were discussing what had gone wrong the first time. Something to do with wafers being misalleged being the reason my midline was off. They were shortly joined by my other surgeon Mr E and two other guys, five in all the whole gang all gathered round gaping at my still dysfunctional bite!!!!! :Questions: My midline is fine but only two teeth on my left side touch, none of the others do!!!! They stood around the computer studying my x-rays saying how they had set and reset my jaws three times during the second op (hence probably the extra pain and solid tender swellings in my jaws!)Again they met perfectly before they woke me up :!: There was some mention of possible wisdom removal but obviously that won't be any time soon. At the mo I have yet another elastics configuration and another appointment at the gang show next week, can't wait :banana:

I spend all that time in braces looking forward to the surgery, thinking once that's over a bit more tweaking and that's me done :dance: :jump:
Then I go and wake up wrong not just once but twice! You'd think after 34 years I'd know how to do that one thing right by now!!! :-Z :-+ :jokerlaugh:

"Que Sera Sera!" I guess! :roll:

Ps. Eeegsy I noticed my midline was off the first time I saw it, told the surgeon but it wasn't till I saw my ortho two weeks later that she confirmed what I knew. She got an ortho consultants opinion then they called the surgeon! I thought maybe they would splint and band me this time but they didn't :roll:


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#17 Post by iBorg »

Here's to this time being right!!!

Best of luck for the next few days and then a beautiful smile.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#18 Post by Clover »

You poor thing, that doesn't sound like it was a picnic :( . I have to say I really admire your attitude, you sound so upbeat. I really hope everything works out for you this time around, and that the cosmos decides that you get your braces off soon. I'm sure the final result will be worth it :) .

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#19 Post by HighandLo »

My goodness, White Lurcher! How do you stay sane? With 5 doctors not being able to figure this out? I've never heard of such a thing! :yikes:

Good for you, with your positive attitude! I'm sure it helps to have a sense of humor with your circumstances.

Here's to good news for you next Monday :-1


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#20 Post by anabel »

I just wanted to add my sympathies to the rest--I know we'll all be rooting for you to have some good news (for a change) at your next appointment.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#21 Post by anabel »

I just wanted to add my sympathies to the rest--I know we'll all be rooting for you to have some good news (for a change) at your next appointment.

So weird--have been trying to respond to this thread for days and it WON'T GO THROUGH.
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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#22 Post by anabel »

Woops, sorry about that. I figured if I had a tantrum something would go through, didn't know it would double post too!
Braces on July 2005
Upper/Lower/Genio July 2006
Braces off June 2007

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Location: Near Glasgow, Central Scotland

#23 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Thanks all for the good wishes!

I have all sorts of scenarios running through my head but I guess I'll just have to wait and see!! :-1

:dance: :banana: :jump: :dance: :banana: :banana:


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#24 Post by Eeegsy »

The 'Wafer' they talked about is the piece of plastic that sits between upper and lower teeth (the splint).

Hope all is well! :D

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#25 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Well, that's my second post second op appointment over with. I now have no elastics Yeah!! They've decided to let things settle naturally and see how they go. My bite on my left has improved some, the right is still open, I have more swelling on that side as well! I had all five guys gaping in my mouth again, different arrangement this time as one was the consultant ortho who I saw at the dental hospital.
I will see him along with my ortho on the 26th, he's going to try and bring my right side together, sounds like fun :yikes:
So I don't have to go back to Mr K's clinic until the 23rd of July now.
I plan to go back to work on the 28th as that will be exactly 4 weeks post 2nd chop. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow, ease my self in and build up some strength for work, I've lost about half a stone so far and get tired very easily. I know I'm not eating enough but I just don't have much of an appetite and sometimes feel sick when I do eat :roll: Has anyone else experienced a horrible kind off grinding, crunching, gristly feeling in their throat when they swallow? It only seems to happen when I swallow food that isn't smooth like I had fork mashed cauliflower and felt it with every bite but not with my drink or custard it's rather disturbing, in fact swallowing in general is a bit strange, probably the new arrangement in there. :Questions: Oh and Mr Uvula is still bugging the cr@@ out of me too. My throat hurt so much after my second op I kind of hoped maybe they had cut him off, alas no such luck :-(( He still likes to boogie on the back of my tongue, caught on a paracetamol this morning ugh!!!

Moan moan moan!!! :-*
Last edited by WhiteLurcher on Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:54 am, edited 2 times in total.


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#26 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Here is the latest in my quest for a perfect bite!

Alas it will never be :-((

Had my first post re-chop ortho appointment today. Saw my orth and the consultant. Both have agreed that all they can do is try to bring my right side together, using lovely elastics :banana: So I maybe able to chew somewhat but they cannot bring my front together and give me the bite they were aiming for :cry: The consultant Mr G (soon to be my new ortho!) said they will give it 3-4 months I'm not sure what will happen after that, give up I guess :roll:
On the plus side they also agreed the surgery has improved my face, just not my bite! I look better I just can't eat too great!!! :-*

Ah well back to work on Thursday 4wks to the day post re-chop, I'm both excited and a bit anxious, 5 hours of bending lifting and walking around, after 6 weeks of not-a-lot, a think a'll give the gym a miss that night :wink:

So here I am still in orthodontic limbo, my bite ain't going to be perfect, probably not even good but here's hoping it will eventually be functional and hopefully pain-free :Questions: :-1

I'm a bit dubious about writing this as I don't want to worry those going for surgery, I don't know why mines hasn't worked out, most people on here have had great results I just have sh!t luck thats all!! :oops:


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#27 Post by WhiteLurcher »

Sorry Double post!! :oops:


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#28 Post by loulou123 »


firstly so sorry to hear all the crap youve had to put up with over this :shock: but a big congratulations on how youve handled it, i only hope i can be a quarter as brave when its my time :lol:

i no what its like when things keep going wrong, i had a operation on my jaw bone a couple of years ago (nothing to do with the orthodontics) and after a few weeks it became apparent it hadnt worked right and i found myself having round 2. This operation was minor compared to what youve just been through, but it was bad enough.

Good luck on returning to work, and fingers crossed you still get a fantastic result at the end of all this. :D


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#29 Post by asd »

Ahh im having a bad day! Lol. Im 8 days post op and went back to my authodontist 2day only 2 realise my brace has become unstuck on one of my teeth, i hadnt really looked at my teeth after the op and my mouth was to sore but i had a look.. as i said on the tooth the brace has become unstuck and so my front tooth has wedges itself back up and gone into my gum! Theres now only half a tooth, and the whole left side looks terrible because the wirering is messed up the teeth have gone wonky with large gaps inbetween. Im told theres nothing they can do as its to early to go fiddely around my mouth changing wires so im stuck like this for weeks, meaning im going to have 2 have my braces on for even longer than expected to correct this. My swelling had almost disapeered aswell but within the last half an hour my lip and cheeks seem to have balloned i dont understand..? :(

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#30 Post by Eeegsy »


Don't worry this happened to me as well. 2 brackets of my lower teeth came off and when my elastice came off and I could open my mouth, the 2 teeth had sunk into the gum.

But as soon as new brackets were put on they were back to normal in afew days.

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